Increasing Ambition

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Increasing Ambition


Search your library for a card and put that card into your hand. If Increasing Ambition was cast from a graveyard, instead search your library for two cards and put those cards into your hand. Then shuffle your library.

Flashback {{7}}{{B}} (You may cast this spell from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)

SufferFromEDHD on Vohar - Reanimator

3 months ago

Nice deck. A bit heavy on creatures? You need a few more Dimir tricks.

Ideas Unbound, Windfall and/or Dark Deal big card draw

Deep Analysis little card draw

Increasing Ambition big tutor

Mystical Teachings little tutor

Dark Withering great removal

Circular Logic great counterspell

Forbid and/or Demonic Collusion forever

Null Brooch > Negate

TheForsakenOne on K'rrik, Blatant Cheater

3 months ago


The Budget for this deck is really weird. It's basically "Whatever I can get my hands on". I used to have Razaketh's Rite in here but I got seduced by the Timmy prospect of the double tutor with Increasing Ambition, I need to replace that soon.

I could see Stinging Study being put in for a flatter power curve. If I get a chance I'll probably replace either Sanguimancy or one of the big demons with it.

TijuanaBachelorParty on Date Night with Phage

6 months ago

Thanks for the suggestions capwner. Tutors are always helpful and of the two, Increasing Ambition could be a good fit since the 5 drop slot is slim and could be a great outlet for mana.

As for the omission of Gauntlet of Power, the idea is keeping mana doubling to my side of the battlefield and since going wide is not a part of the strategy, it is often more harmful than helpful. Extraplanar Lens on the other hand is closer to an include, though with as many non-swamp lands as the deck I have not given it a try yet.

capwner on Date Night with Phage

6 months ago

Very sweet and well put together list. Absolutely love it. Only thing I could think of is maybe running more tutors, such as Grim Tutor, and I personally am a fan of Increasing Ambition especially when on swamp synergy. Speaking of which I'm guessing you're aware of Extraplanar Lens and Gauntlet of Power and have specific reasons for avoiding these... Very cool deck +1

capwner on Pharaoh's Tomb

6 months ago

$13k... now this is a REAL mono black deck :D

Seems like a goodstuff+toolbox+denial pile as opposed to the combo oriented Sidisi I am more familiar with. The egyptian theme is rad too. I don't know where to start with recs for this. I guess I am ALWAYS a fan of doublers in mono black, like Crypt Ghast (kinda on flavor) or Extraplanar Lens. Stromgald Cabal is one of my pet cards for Mono B as well. Usually I'm more on reanimator strats so, a lot of my go-to cards probably aren't great here. Increasing Ambition is one of my favorite tutors. Bottomless Vault is some cool ramp and also kind of on flavor!

treeforcorvus on Mardu Vehicles Commander

10 months ago

This deck looks really cool! I really love how incredibly affordable your deck is. For a few more dollars you can add amazing improvements that will significantly improve your deck's power. There's two cards, however, that are a must:

First, Sunforger will cast ANY instant you run, allowing answers straight from your deck AND enables Vial Smasher the Fierce if used outside your turn. Path of Mettle  Flip is a decent repellant, but only if you flip it. More likely it will be an inconsistent killer or chip damage, which will only antagonize your foes, and worse it doesn't synergize with either Partner. Sunforger also makes Akiri and Jor kadeen happy, and its versatility will serve you more accurately.

Second, Mistveil Plains (searchable by Oreskos Explorer btw) pairs spectacularly with Sunforger, allowing you to recycle spent instants. Spectacular.

I recommend these replacements, which give big improvements:

*First of all, Sun Titan and Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle will almost always better targets to reanimate. Second, compare Pyre Zombie to Torment of Hailfire: For 7BB (the cost of return/cast/sac), you'd get 7 instances of "Each opponent loses 3 life unless that player sacrifices a nonland permanent or discards a card". While Hailfire is a prohibitively expensive card, it still highlights how inefficient Pyre Zombie is without your reanimators. Considering the # of vehicles you run, Greasefang is much better.

Azoth2099 on Green/Black toxic/proliferate need recommendations

1 year ago

Balvron Thanks, man! Happy to help, really.

So the core of the / presence in the deck should be devoted to Dorks, Ramp and Tutors so that you can quickly get the deck engine up and running. Getting your commander on the field and geared up as quickly as possible is everything in this new context. Some cheaper options for Tutors are Diabolic Tutor, Profane Tutor, Mastermind's Acquisition and Increasing Ambition. I'd really recommend just biting the bullet and slotting in the more efficient ones like Demonic Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, Diabolic Intent & Wishclaw Talisman though. Cheaper card draw options like Phyrexian Arena & Dark Tutelage are also pretty solid. Necropotence, Black Market Connections & Dark Confidant are up there, but worth it.

The only thing you need for is for card draw and interaction, with a few key Proliferate pieces that you'll be able to Tutor for when the time is right. Spells like Brainstorm, Ponder, Tolarian Winds, Impulse, Preordain & Serum Visions provide decent gas for cheap. Classics like Counterspell, Delay, Negate, & Dispel protect your game plan. Flux Channeler & Tekuthal, Inquiry Dominus are probably the only Proliferate pieces you'll need, but I'd Throw a Serum Snare in there too. Mystical Tutor, Rhystic Study & Mystic Remora are always nice to have as well.

The few things you'll need for here is to Tutor up gear for your Commander with cards like Enlightened Tutor, Idyllic Tutor, Steelshaper's Gift & Open the Armory, and occasionally control the board with Swords to Plowshares or Path to Exile. I'd also recommend some Stax pieces like Silence, Grand Abolisher, Smothering Tithe, Esper Sentinel, Archivist of Oghma & Drannith Magistrate for good measure, & some more Commander protection with Mother of Runes & Giver of Runes.

Some good pieces of gear to retrieve slap on could be Swiftfoot Boots, Mask of Memory, Conqueror's Flail, Bone Sabres & Mask of the Schemer, for example.

The_Warleader on Brewing gross poisons

1 year ago

The Battlebond lands (such as Training Center ) are usually an auto-include for me and aren't too expensive (around 6-12 dollars each) and basically function as regular dual lands in EDH. You could use those instead of the fetch lands.

You aren't running a Command Tower.

Reflecting Pool is another powerful option (especially in 3-4 color decks) that isn't too expensive since it's been reprinted several times.

I wouldn't run Prismatic Vista at all even if you had the budget for it - there's just no reason to be fetching basics unless you're trying to fill your graveyard/or have important landfall triggers, etc. The same logic applies to the panoramas and Evolving Wilds, however if you are on a budget then it makes sense to include those as they're dirt cheap.

Another auto-include for me are buddy lands (e.g. Woodland Cemetery. They should work very well since you already have triomes and honestly they usually work fine even if you're running a lot of basics.

Temples are good but enter tapped ( Temple of Malice )

Exotic Orchard is quite cheap and is a staple in 4-5 color decks because you're almost guarenteed to get 2+ colors out of it.

If you're still looking for a lower budget, I would include the Battle Lands (e.g. Smoldering Marsh ) and just keep lots of basics and basic-fetches.

As for tutoring options - there are no good budget options really. Tutor's are often quite expensive because of their extensive use and the fact that most were printed early on in Magic's history. But you could go for the worse tutors like Diabolic Tutor and Increasing Ambition. Or Solve the Equation to look for spells that will target your Venerated Rotpriest.

Hope this helps!

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