Soratami Mirror-Mage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Soratami Mirror-Mage

Creature — Moonfolk Wizard


(3), Return three lands you control to their owner's hand: Return target creature to its owner's hand.

DreadKhan on Fear of The Deep

1 year ago

Here are a few ideas, maybe something will work for you?

One of my favorite cards in Tatyova is Oboro Breezecaller, this can easily be made mana positive, which makes it very easy to go infinite with Retreat to Coralhelm, or to just make mana for you (it helps if you can untap a land that taps for 2, be it Temple of the False God, Guildless Commons, Simic Growth Chamber, or Jungle Basin there are better lands but these untap fine. Another old favorite of mine is Soratami Mirror-Mage, this is also mana neutral at worst (1 mana per land to bounce), and you get to bounce a creature via it. For a bit more money (but you require Islands), you could try Flooded Shoreline, this card is bonkers if you can replay lands/count on hitting 2 Islands. Finally, Tatyova probably shouldn't leave home without Gush, even without Mystic Sanctuary shenanigans it's still a very strong draw spell.

I could be wrong, but I feel like Gretchen Titchwillow is a better card than Zimone? Both are decent fits, but it's very hard to combo off with Zimone in my experience as the lands enter tapped, Gretchen lets you use spare mana to ramp/draw cards at the same time. I think you could easily justify both if you wanted.

At the moment Crop Rotation is pretty cheap, it's a very good card in Tatyova, if you replace a land with a 2 mana land like Temple of the False God you actually ramp yourself (right away with Temple).

Stone-Seeder Hierophant is a really good version of Lotus Cobra if you have lands that tap for more than 1, but it's also another budget Lotus Cobra either way. This card is much better on a higher budget (with stuff like Ashaya, Soul of the Wild especially, or Lotus Field/Lotus Vale), but it should do work here too.

A few more budget fetchlands you could run include Bant Panorama, Terminal Moraine, and Warped Landscape, any of these enters untapped and can find whatever land you want if you have nothing better to do with your resources.

If you've got a lot of lands (and tend to put out some tokens, but not an infinite number), The Great Aurora offers a weird-but-useful board wipe option. As long as you've got a decent board (and run more lands), you'll get enough lands that you aren't hurt very much, spikier decks that are thin on lands get hurt badly, while decks with too many tokens just draw themselves to death.

As Tatyova decks tend to have a fair bit of mana, you might look at Curse of the Swine, and/or Mass Manipulation. Another bigger mana card that can do a huge amount of stuff (almost anything you need really) is Primal Command, I use that and Elixir of Immortality to recycle my graveyard, but I tend to end up in infinite loops pretty easily, so YMMV without strong discard outlets like Mind Over Matter.

If you want a high budget card that has ridiculous synergy, you might take a look at the aforementioned Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, this makes all your creatures into lands, meaning any non-token creature that ETBs will draw you a card, but it also forms various combos. It's hard to find a card that Tatyova wants more in my experience.

It was mentioned already, but 40 lands isn't exactly a ton in Tatyova, you've also got a lot of creatures that benefit from having extra lands in hand. At 40 lands you are at a real risk of missing your 5th land drop, let alone your 6th to draw a card. I run 45, and I often feel like I should run more (keep in mind, at 45 lands you still only 'expect' to have 3.2 lands, so if you have even 1 less than normal you almost certainly have to mulligan, 40 means even more mulligans). In my experience, many ramp spells that normally are worthwhile just aren't in Tatyova when you could just run a land instead (and not have to pay mana for your land drop).

DreadKhan on [EDH] Tatyova 25$ budget

2 years ago

Have you thought about tossing Harrow in? It's usually better Roiling Regrowth, as long as nobody counters your ramp spells. Stone-Seeder Hierophant has to tap to ramp you, but if you can hit multiple landfall per turn it can be a lot of mana.

This is pretty out there, but Simic Growth Chamber and Guildless Commons are interesting cards, they offer access to an extra land drop as a floor, but technically you can bounce the land itself and replay it if you've got ways to do it, like Skyshroud Ranger for example (there are others, not all low budget, but several are), it can let you hit potentially infinite land drops using a card like Retreat to Coralhelm, which is pretty powerful in Tatyova. Retreat also interacts positively with Tatyova and Dreamscape Artist, which is pretty budget and is a source of tons of landfall over time even without Retreat. Oboro Breezecaller is a nifty way to keep hitting land drops, even if you're not really gaining ground you still draw cards. She can ramp you nicely if you have lands that tap for more than 1 mana, which can be via the Growth Chamber, Commons, or via an aura like Wild Growth or Overgrowth or Fertile Ground, and they are some of the more efficient ramp as long as people don't run enchantment hate/wipes, you can enchant an untapped land often and gain that ramp the same turn, which is usually better/safer than a ramp rock. I also like Soratami Mirror-Mage and Meloku the Clouded Mirror, all three can readily go infinite with Retreat to Coralhelm and a creature that taps to put a land into play, and all 3 make it very easy to hit your potential land drops. Not really sure why, but while everyone agrees Thrasios is amazing, very few people seem to care about Parcelbeast, but it's a good card in Tatyova. If you have Retreat out obviously you can untap when you hit a land, and if you have extra landfall available, you can use a separate landfall to untap the Parcelbeast so you can keep trying for another land, but it's not like 1 mana and tapping your Parcelbeast is a big ask. Also, if you can manage to put a Parcelbeast (or any other Mutate creature, including something like Sea-Dasher Octopus could be decent, there are some huge bodies) onto a Scute Swarm, you'll clone the mutated creature, which can be a 7/7 potentially. Most Mutate creatures seem to just give you a buff when they mutate, but some offer useful abilities that you'd like cloned. This will weird people out, but it's a nice play in budget I suspect.

A bit random, but Tatyova decks should usually be running the card Gush, you might not even mind bouncing the lands, the card draw is a nice perk, with the cost being the main upside of the card. It interacts nicely with Mystic Sanctuary and the aforementioned land-into-play dorks and Retreat to Coralhelm to draw as much as you want, and have other landfall benefits. Even if all you do is draw 2 cards and hit 2 more land drops you would have missed, that's a huge payoff for literally no mana IMHO.

I like having Primal Command in budget Green decks, it's a lot of mana but it can do a lot of stuff technically. If you throw in anything that can recur it, you can keep reshuffling your graveyard back in, which can be useful. Curse of the Swine is a nice juicy removal spell for Simic, it not only exiles, it can hit tons of targets, allowing you to compete with recursive decks more readily.

Cool deck, hope some of this is interesting/helpful!

DreadKhan on Maria Tatyova (Tatyova Landfall)

2 years ago

Since you've got a decent number of ways to play extra lands, Soratami Mirror-Mage might be a nice dual purpose card, bouncing lands and removing problem creatures of your opponent. Like Meloku, it's a 1:1 ratio (lands bounced to activation cost), so it's fairly easy to repeat without using extra resources, and can generate them with Stone-Seeder Hierophant type cards. Not sure how you feel about tutors, but Time of Need can find a relevant creature for you, Shared Summons can find two, and Primal Command is perhaps the most versatile tutor ever printed, and worth a look in a deck trying to save card space. Field of Ruin is a nice land destruction effect that triggers Tatyova when it replaces itself.

Just an outside opinion, but have you thought about running more lands? Tatyova benefits from drawing lands and hitting drops, with 37 I fear you'll run out early. I run 45 in my Tatyova deck, and I often suspect it should go a tad higher still, nothing is quite as bad for Tatyova as not hitting your land drops consistently, and you've got multiple 'extra land into play' effects. All that said, your deck looks like it should be interesting to play, nice work!

erikthor13 on Slogurk, Lands Don't Matter

3 years ago

i think you could get some use out of some of the better Moonfolk that return a land to your hand, combined with things that you have like Ayula's Influence. Meloku the Clouded Mirror and Uyo, Silent Prophet are probably the best but a couple other cool ones are Soratami Mirror-Mage and Soratami Savant. some other useful tricks to return lands to your hands are Vapor Snare, Deprive and Tragic Lesson. Trench Behemoth could also be an alternate win condition along the same vein. a few other land discard cards are Trade Routes and Compulsive Research. Greenseeker would also be very useful here. sweet deck overall and probably not room to add all of this but a few more tweaks could really make this shine.

DreadKhan on Tatyova's Playground (Simic Landfall/Draw EDH)

3 years ago

Now that I think of it, if you've got anything that can fetch one, and you're already running Field of the Dead, it might not be a bad idea to run a single Wastes as another differently named basic land you can tutor up/fetch.

If you want some budget ramp options that can do some work, Dreamscape Artist is criminally underrated in non-infinite Tatyova, where it's a blue Harrow on a stick, which is insanely good in Tatyova landfall. Similarly, Silverglade Pathfinder is quite reasonable, as is Parcelbeast. None of these require a high land count to be useful cards, and with your untap effects they get even better. Dreamscape is nearly free to use, as long as you've still got lands in deck (and can discard a card).

I would consider more Moonfolk, maybe Soratami Mirror-Mage. It is a shock to opponents when they see you use it, it is pretty janky looking. The effect is pretty strong, and if you can cheat lands into play, it can be a free bounce effect (super strong with Retreat to Coralhelm based combo). Even if you can't cheat lands in, instant speed bounce is really strong. Also strong and an honourary Moonfolk is Trade Routes, which can nab landfalls or dig if you're desperate. The dig ability is a huge pay off when you need it, and if you've got a Ramunap Excavator type card out you are in good shape indeed.

Very cool deck, fun to play around with!

KayneMarco on

5 years ago

A few Moonfolk critters are amazing in a Tatyova deck. These are the ones I’ld use but any of them would work:

Any and or all of these would give you lots of lands to play every turn. Roil Elemental and Hedron Crab to take advantage of all the lands being played and maybe Patron of the Moonfolk to help you play all these lands. And with the infinite mana combos you have in here you could get infinite landfall triggers by using any of the Moonfolk and the Patron.

zniwalla on ☔ Lands Keep Tumbling Down ☔

5 years ago

Thanks KayneMarco!

I'll add Wayward Swordtooth, Rites of Flourishing, Ramunap Excavator and Sylvan Safekeeper to the Maybeboard for now - I am having some problems with what to take out, though. And this is true for my other cards in the Maybeboard aswell (Life from the Loam, Perilous Forays, Amulet of Vigor).

As for another moonfolk.. I'm considering Oboro Breezecaller, Soratami Cloudskater, Soratami Mirror-Mage, Soratami Savant or Uyo, Silent Prophet. Which one do you like the most? I like the abilities of Uyo, Silent Prophet and Soratami Savant the most, but their abilities are quite expensive, why I might be in favor of Oboro Breezecaller which might add some flexibility. Any thoughts?

And thanks again!

Jote on Tatyova’s lands

6 years ago

Any of the Moonfolk that have mana costs equal to the amount of lands they bounce work well with your combos (and the cards are cheap budget-wise). Meloku the Clouded Mirror allows for infinite tokens and Soratami Mirror-Mage provides an infinite Capsize-like effect.

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