Heronblade Elite

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Heronblade Elite

Creature — Human Warrior


Whenever another Human enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on this.

: Add X mana of any one colour, where X is this creature's power.

Acidarc on RaggedyAssDragga

2 years ago

Heronblade Elite

You want this. Ragga makes it tap for 3 mana already and then when you use Ragga's second effect it taps for 10 mana. As long as you can keep drawing cards you'll be able to pretty much play out your hand.

multimedia on trelassara, the stomper

2 years ago

Hey, impressive version on a budget, you've put a lot of thought into your deck.

An excellent compact infinite combo for life is Staff of Domination + Accomplished Alchemist by gaining five or more life on a turn. What makes this combo compact is it's two cards and Staff can draw which is helpful when you make infinite mana to draw your wincon in this case Aetherflux Reservoir. Staff can be a mana sink for any other infinite mana combos you play. Heronblade Elite is an overlooked mana dork who can get out of hand quick when playing counters as well as other Humans. With 5 or more power it also infinite combos with Staff of Domination.

To improve gameplay use cards that are part of combos, but are good without combos? Cards that do other things such as ramp or gain life and can be used in more than one combo. Try to limit the combos to two cards to make it easier to assemble.

Staff of Domination, Accomplished Alchemist, Ivy Lane Denizen, Spike Feeder, Cleric Class, Heronblade Elite, Scurry Oak are combo cards that are also good outside of combos. In contrast Sorcerer's Wand, Lurking Roper, Famished Paladin, Krosan Restorer, Presence of Gond are subpar cards that are only here because of combos or are only part of one combo. I'm not suggesting to cut all these cards, just to think about what other uses do they have here besides a combo and are they really needed because of that?

For example, Illusionist's Bracers is an expensive price card here that's only in one combo with one card, Krosan Restorer. Consider cutting Bracers and Restorer? Doing this change would also let you cut some of the lesser Bounce lands, Karoo and Jungle Basin because only playing them for Restorer combo. For a budget manabase Canopy Vista and Fortified Village could replace those lands. By adding Canopy Vista then you have a Selesnya dual land that Three Visits can get.

Many of the combos here require an equipment or an aura, Open the Armory can tutor for either one.

Some changes to consider:

Good luck with your deck.

AstroAA on need to speed things up …

2 years ago

To start, your average converted mana cost is 3.44, which is kind of high. I would definitely work on lowering that. In addition, while you are running things like Somberwald Sage, Heronblade Elite, and Gyre Sage - things that can tap for lots of mana - they are all three CMC, which is a lot for ramp that you cannot even use that turn. You'd want to look at things like Elvish Mystic, Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves and Birds of Paradise.

You're also running a lot of lands, but no way to ramp via lands besides Cultivate. Things like Exploration, Kodama's Reach, Burgeoning, etc can help with this.

Also, general suggestion - if you want to do things with counters, run Doubling Season and/or Anointed Procession; they're too good in counter-based decks. You also need a Cathars' Crusade, as it can easily distribute multiple counters in a single turn to every single creature you control.