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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Veteran Swordsmith
Creature — Human Soldier
Other Soldier creatures you control get +1/+0.
H-E-N-R-Y on The Government
1 year ago
I didn't look super close at the list but here's a few that I saw that you might get a kick out of:
Entrapment Maneuver, Unbreakable Formation, Call the Coppercoats, Veteran Armorsmith, Darien, King of Kjeldor, Veteran Swordsmith, Prava of the Steel Legion, Mobilization, Ballyrush Banneret, Daru Warchief, Defiler of Faith, Horn of Valhalla, Valiant Veteran
Sorry if this has some things that are already there, I'm a little rushed atm
taylorfisdboss on mono white swarm
2 years ago
really considering adding Stormscape Familiar and Ballyrush Banneret in place of the enchantment package. this might allow for some Veteran Armorsmith's or Veteran Swordsmith's to replace Parapet and Warded Battlements, or even for the more expensive Daru Cavalier to be added to our squad hawk effects (although it is already weaker). wouldn't even mind adding in black for some Unearth's or something
Icbrgr on What are your Favorite Commanders?
3 years ago
Brimaz, King of Oreskos ... Bro-maz Soldier token swarms!!!
Mobilization , Elspeth, Sun's Champion , Elspeth, Knight-Errant , Elspeth Tirel ..... Rhox Pikemaster , Field Marshal and Captain of the Watch and Veteran Armorsmith / Veteran Swordsmith and Crusade / Honor of the Pure .
There is a ton of fun and cheap support.
jakeyuki12 on Boros Soldier Tribal: Tajic
3 years ago
Some possible soldier tribal payoffs that I found by browsing EDHREC's Soldier Tribal Boros page for a bit:
Preeminent Captain , Daru Warchief , Field Marshal , Veteran Swordsmith , Veteran Armorsmith , Rhox Pikemaster , Veteran's Armaments , Stoneforge Masterwork .
If you run enough actual soldier creatures and not just tokens then these could work (25-30 soldier creatures would probably be enough to make these work). Icon of Ancestry , Herald's Horn , Vanquisher's Banner .
DarkKnightCuron on White Soldier Deck for Commander, …
3 years ago
Good Afternoon, Hope everyone is doing well.
I've amassed the following cards for specifically a soldier-themed deck, but I'm having trouble narrowing down the list for an appropriate deck, so I'd like to request advice and assistance. The general idea was to summon a bunch of soldier tokens, buff them, defeat opponents, but I keep stumbling into cards that would be 'cool' or 'awesome' with the theme. Here are the cards I am looking at:
Legendary Cards (Potential Commanders) Akroma, Vision of Ixidor (Synergy with Odric) Baird, Steward of Argive (Good delay) Brimaz, King of Oreskos (Cheap commander that produces soldiers) Darien, King of Kjeldor (decent way of making soldiers, expensive) Keleth, Sunmane Familiar (only for partner) Lena, Selfless Champion Mikaeus, the Lunarch Nahiri, the Lithomancer Odric, Lunarch Marshal Odric, Master Tactician Prava of the Steel Legion Thalia, Heretic Cathar Trynn, Champion of Freedom
Normal Cards Abzan Falconer (synergy with Mikaeus) Adaptive Automaton (buffs soldiers) Ainok Bond-Kin (synergy with Mikaeus) Ancestral Blade (2 for a 2/2 creature seems good, especially if I can re-assign it to Auriok Steelshaper) Angel's Feather (Life gain) Angel's Grace (emergency + synergy with Darien)(Isochron Scepter) Anointed Procession (Double tokens, yes) Anointer Priest (life gain for tokens, seems good) Auriok Steelshaper (seems like good synergy with the equipment in the deck, if they're included. Otherwise, might toss this out) Aven Brigadier (Might toss this) Aysen Crusader (P/T based on soldiers? Yes please) Ballyrush Banneret (cheaper soldier spells) Basri Ket (Synergy with Abzan Falconer and Ainok Bond-Kin)(Produces Soldier Tokens) Benalish Commander (Roundabout way of producing soldiers) Bounty Agent (Neat way of dealing with certain cards) Call the Coppercoats (Produces soldiers) Captain of the Watch (Produces soldiers, buffs soldiers) Captain's Call (Produces soldiers) Catapult Master (Neat way of exiling enemy creatures) Cenn's Enlistment (produces soldiers, retrace) Commanding Presence (roundabout way of producing soldiers) Conclave Phalanx (can easily be a free creature + free life gain) Congregate (good life gain) Conqueror's Pledge (produces soldiers) Coordinated Barrage (meshes with soldiers well. Isochron Scepter) Crusader of Odric (can get really tough and powerful, might be worth cutting though) Daru Stinger (Could be really potent) Daru Warchief (cheaper spells, buffs soldiers, seems good) Dawn of Hope (good synergy with life gains, produces soldiers with lifelink) Daysquad Marshal (produces 1 soldier token, only really good with other buffs/cost reductions) Decree of Justice (mostly just to cycle it) Deploy to the Front (Great way of expanding ranks of soldiers) Devout Invocation (This is basically a win condition) Door of Destinies (buffs soldiers) Elspeth Tirel (makes soldiers, gain life, emergency nuke) Elspeth, Knight-Errant (makes soldiers, indestructable emblem) Elspeth, Sun's Champion (produces soldiers, cool emblem) Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis (makes soldiers or gain life, neat concept) Enlistment Officer (Good way of thinning the deck) Entrapment Maneuver (produces soldiers while protecting yourself, smidge situational) Erase (cheap removal. Isochron Scepter) Evangel of Heliod (produces soldiers, potential for lots of soldiers) Even the Odds (Nice way of getting emergency troops) Fairgrounds Warden (cool removal) Field Marshal (buffs soldiers) Fiend Binder (cool removal) Finale of Glory (basically a win condition) First Response (Nice way of benefitting from small attackers, I think) Garrison Cat (produces 1 soldier token, effectively replacing itself, might be worth cutting) Gideon, Ally of Zendikar (only really here for the emblem and possibly getting buffed on attacks) Gift of Estates (Land is always a problem for me, good deck thinning) Glorious Anthem (buff) God-Favored General (produces soldiers, albeit a bit expensive) Haazda Marshal (neat soldier producer, makes lifelink soldiers) Hero of Bladehold (battlecry + soldier producer, great with Haazda Marshal) Holy Day (defensive spell, Isochron Scepter) Honor of the Pure (buff) Hunted Witness (replaces itself with a soldier, cheap, might cut though) Intangible Virtue (buffs tokens) Intrepid Hero (Great removal, lots of great memories, nostalgic for me, etc) Isochron Scepter (Keep using certain Instants as needed) Join the Ranks (a bit expensive but makes soldiers) Journey to Nowhere (removal) Keeper of the Accord (really cool card, definitely helps with soldiers and lands) Knight-Captain of Eos (basically a holy day by sacrificing a soldier, seems really good) Land Tax (Land is always a problem) Launch the Fleet (produces soldiers, great with Odric, Haazda Marshal, Hero of Bladehold, Brimaz, etc) Leyline of the Meek (Neat little buff) Lieutenants of the Guard (neat mechanic, might cut) Loxodon Partisan (battlecry, might cut) Loyal Sentry (neat concept, cheap) Makeshift Battalion (diet battlecry) Marble Diamond (might be good) Marshal's Anthem (neat card, might be beneficial in a pinch) Martial Coup (great removal + producing soldiers) Mentor of the Meek (card draw from soldiers) Militia Bugler (decent deck-thinning, might cut since its only top four) Militia's Pride (produces soldiers, lots of good synergy) Mobilization (decent buff, built-in soldier producer, tad expensive) Mother of Runes (utility, might cut) Murder Investigation (neat little way of producing soldiers, depends) Ninth Bridge Patrol (neat way of benefitting from tokens getting destroyed) Nomads' Assembly (huge potential) Oath of Lieges (Land is always a problem) Oathsworn Giant (expensive, but decent buff) Oblivion Ring (Removal) Omen of the Sun (produces soldiers, little life gain, scry later, flash, generally good) Palace Guard (cool card) Paragon of New Dawns (buffs soldiers) Path to Exile (Removal) Patrol Signaler (roundabout way of producing soldiers, might cut) Pay No Heed (cheap defense, Isochron Scepter) Pearl Medallion (cheaper spells is always better) Pennon Blade (make something huge, kinda expensive though, might cut) Phantom General (buffs tokens) Precinct Captain (cheap, produces soldiers for attacking, decent synergy) Preeminent Captain (free cast, depending upon circumstances, decent synergy) Proper Burial (decent life gain) Raise the Alarm (cheap soldiers, Isochron Scepter) Ranger of Eos (only useful if I have a lot of cheap creatures) Reborn Hero (neat concept, can bring it back) Rebuff the Wicked (neat counter) Recruit the Worthy (cheap soldiers, Isochron Scepter) Recruiter of the Guard (decent search) Remember the Fallen (might cut, decent card) Resurrection (decent way of bringing back an expensive creature) Return to the Ranks (potentially free method of bringing cards back) Reverent Hoplite (potentially lots of soldiers) Rhox Pikemaster (Decent buff) Righteous Cause (Decent buff, tad expensive) Riot Control (neat life gain, defense) Rootborn Defenses (defense, makes a soldier, neat) Safe Passage (defense) Selfless Squire (interesting utility, might cut) Sergeant-at-Arms (can create soldiers, seems expensive though) Shielded Passage (neat little defense, Isochron Scepter) Sol Ring (obvious reasons) Soul Parry (decent defense, Isochron Scepter) Soul Snare (neat way to keep up devotion + have something on hand to deal with a creature) Soulmender (cheap creature, life gain, might cut) Standing Troops (decent card, might cut) Stormfront Riders (expensive way of producing soldiers, flying, might cut) Strata Scythe (make something huge, might cut) Strength of Arms (decent way of making soldiers, Isochron Scepter) Sword of the Meek (decent way of bringing it back from graveyard, might cut though) Sworn Companions (lifelink soldiers) Terminus (nice clutch card) Thraben Standard Bearer (cheap soldier, can be good for creating defenders in a pinch) Timely Reinforcements (neat for emergencies) True Conviction (huge buff) Unified Strike (exile based on number of soldiers, isochron scepter) Unruly Mob (might cut) Valor (easy way to get first strike) Veteran Armorer (buff, might cut) Veteran Armorsmith (buff, might cut) Veteran Swordsmith (buff, might cut) Veteran's Armaments (decent synergy, might cut) War Report (good life gain) Wing Shards (neat card, might cut) Worship (synergizes with Darien)
Lands Drifting Meadow (cycling) Emeria, The Sky Ruin (awesome card if I can get 7 plains) Karoo (neat little card, not sure if worth it) 28x Plains New Benalia (neat card, not sure if worth it) Nykthos, Shrine of Nyx (white deck, probably a good call) Secluded Steppe (cycling)
Thank you for your time and attention.
Chandra585 on Card creation challenge
3 years ago
I'm gonna go a different route for the mardu charm: Angrath. We know that a big part of his B/R identity is to do with his imprisonment on Ixalan. We know that he was a blacksmith on his home plane. Historically, blacksmithing has been red/white (see Fires of Invention and Veteran Swordsmith). Therefore, we can reasonably slot our favorite angy cow boi into W/B/R colors.
Angrath's Charm
continue these charms, or wildcard.
Choose 1 or more:
Destroy target artifact.
Sacrifice an artifact. When you do, ~ deals damage equal to the sacrificed permanent's converted mana cost to any target.
Creatures you control gain menace and first strike until end of turn.
aogoli on Human Soldier Tribal (Budget) (Advice Appreciated)
4 years ago
These are the cards I dont know if follows the aggro strategy (or quick growth) on your deck: Veteran Swordsmith , Veteran Armorsmith , Topan Freeblade , Soldier of the Pantheon , Precinct Captain (sometimes you wont be able to attack for two turns. He is better when you "haste" him), Loyal Cathar Flip (his other form escapes "human tribal", so he doesnt triggers lot of abbilities on the deck), Elite Vanguard , Archetype of Courage (cost 3 is too much, it may leave you without mana for Brave the Elements ).
Some options of cost 1: Hunted Witness , Akrasan Squire , Thraben Inspector and Ardent Recruit which would call for more artifacts and equipments. I think of him because I would use Ratchet Bomb . It is good against midrange enchantments, tokens, cretures and artifacts. And there are God-Pharaoh's Faithful and Novice Knight , they are perfect to be powered with aura and all sort of things (against red decks).
Things may help: Shelter , Danitha Capashen, Paragon , Cartouche of Solidarity , Mentor of the Meek and Felidar Umbra .
If you would escape a bit from tribal: Vryn Wingmare and Moonsilver Spear .
And there are plenty of lands that can help you draw, gives extra mana, enhance your creatures and are way under 3$. I hate to depend on luck, and I hate extra lands in hand, so I would use 20x lands, basic and non basic, plus 4x Secluded Steppe .
Skullblade248 on The Boros 21st Infantry Division
5 years ago
Huge essay-comment incoming
I try not to spend over $50 dollars on my decks unless it's for a specific reason or if I already own the cards, then I don't have to spend money getting those. (I know, it's super budget compared to some of your decks)
Aerial Responder is really good, but I decided that it worked better with more copies of Odric, and he made the deck easy to stop, as one removal spell ends it all. I traded it in for Veteran Swordsmith because, 1. The tokens need some way to further impact the board, and Field Marshal was a little too expensive (among other things).
With Preeminent Captain , I felt that it didn't do enough for me to warrant slots in the deck. It's really good, but with bigger Soldiers, and that isn't this deck's strategy.
Tajic, Blade of the Legion would be an all-star in this deck. If I could make the curve work, it would be a great addition. Except for one thing. I'm holding out for a Frontier-like format (w/ a banlist this time) that I can play all of my decks in more competitively. I dislike Standard's Rotation, but the speed of play is really fun. On the flipside, I like the lack of Rotation in Modern, but it plays too fast and only the good netdecks survive. (I really, really hate netdeckers. I need to upload a video about that...) I am willing to bet that the Frontier-like format would only include new-bordered cards, so unless Tajic is reprinted... :(
All things considered, you had wonderful advice, but my budget currently won't handle decks that price. However, you piqued my interest with the Mentor of the Meek . It looks like a good fit, but I don't want to mess up the curve too much, so I would have to ditch Tajic or the Swordsmith. If Wizards printed a two mana lord in Throne of Eldraine, Theros 2, or Lorwyn 2, then I would rework the deck to accommodate the lord and the Mentor. (preferably similar to Chief of the Edge , Legion Lieutenant , or Merfolk Mistbinder )
Thanks for the help.
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