Fires of Invention

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fires of Invention


Necramus on Nicol Bolas and the Elderspell

2 months ago

ZacKrell valid and I totally get it! I ran Nicol Bolas Dragon God grixis in standard, as soon as WotS dropped. It totally turned into a mid-range super friends list where I used elderspell to sac all my own walkers to ult Dragon God. The only reason it was consistent is because it was standard and everything was 4 of. AS SOON as Fires of Invention came out, the deck turned into Grixis Fires.deck and dropped The Elderspell shenanigans.

Bolas is my favorite character in all of MTG. So, when I saw your list pop up on the front page, I got super excited and came to see if there was anything I could steal XD. I'm currently running Nekusar, the Mindrazer as my Grixis commander, but it came from the ashes of a Nicol Bolas, the Ravager  Flip deck. I leaned pretty hard into super friends and stax for that list. Feel free to check out my Nekusar build and see if you've got any suggestions for me :)

Brefin on MagicalHacker - List of All Optimum Ramp

11 months ago

Been tussling with a Boros list, and the curious conundrum of Fires of Invention. It's very much like a Red Sorcery version of Wilderness Reclamation. Cast Fires off four lands, immediately follow up with another 4-drop spell. As later turns go on and both spells in a turn use no mana, this also frees up mana for various activated abilities.

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on The Floor is Lava

1 year ago

Yeah, this is definitely a casual deck and I did mention it is a bit too slow for the format it is in, but unfortunately since the deck revolves around Manabarbs and Fires of Invention, there's not much wiggle room to lower the MV of the deck. I've considered replacing Burn Down the House and Hour of Devastation with cheaper removal (Flamebreak/Anger of the Gods), but I had a lot trouble with Tarmogorf and planeswalkers like Wrenn and Six. Do you have any suggestions?

SteelSentry on Bad gifts commanders

1 year ago

I've had a Zedruu deck for years, and there's 2 important deck building things I've learned about her specifically:

1) Like an ordinary control deck, staying alive is the primary game plan. Pack more removal than normal, especially synergistic cards like Grasp of Fate that you can give away later. Incidental life gain is also really good; sometimes her life gain is more powerful than her card draw.

2) I only pack gifts that won't shut me down if I'm stuck with them: no Aggressive Mining which will just end up killing me when Zedruu is killed in response. Fires of Invention is a great card, especially when you give it to the Storm or Counterspell player. Statecraft is a good wall that keeps alpha strikes in check when you can threaten to hand it off. My favorite wincon, Delaying Shield, often puts people in a position where any attacks coming at me suddenly allow me to delete a player if I feel like it, as well as some other niche upsides.

Of course, symmetrical effects and Auras are some of your best picks since it doesn't matter who controls them.

vishnarg on From the Future

2 years ago

Fires of Invention and its not even close. That card is so fucking fun and can do some really busted things if you have cards with expensive activated abilities so you can still use your lands every turn.

tonylomas on From the Future

2 years ago

Me again<3 Kenny, lands really matter edh, full of utility lands. Wich one would u choose to run, if u had to. Experimental Frenzy pros: cast all u want from the top, cons: forget about ur hand and what u draw, looks like ure gonna have to destroy it eventually) VS Fires of Invention pros: all your lands are pretty much gonna stay untapped and almost everything is gonna be fre or very cheap. Cons: no instants, if u wanna get rid of it on ur own its troublesome zz) am i missing something? tell me wich one would u run :D

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