Elspeth, Knight-Errant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Elspeth, Knight-Errant

Planeswalker — Elspeth

+1: Create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token.

+1 Target creature gets +3/+3 and gains flying until end of turn.

-8: You get an emblem with "Artifacts, creatures, enchantments, and lands you control are indestructible."

Tic12 on Bant Exalted Alara

1 month ago

nuperokaso Thanks for your comment. 1. I'll cut the borderposts and include Druid of the Anima and Arcane Sanctum soon.

  1. Elspeth, Knight-Errant always seemed to be too slow. But maybe i'll give it a try and cut 1 Rafiq of the Many and 1 Battlegrace Angel.

  2. I oftend use Call to Heel to protect one of my dudes from mass removal, but maybe a direct Cancel is a better option.

  3. Year, the lack of draw is one of the biggest problems of the deck. Sages of the Anima or Soul's Majesty are two slow. Maybe Vedalken Heretic can solve it?

I also think about Wall of Reverence or Jhessian Infiltrator.

nuperokaso on Bant Exalted Alara

1 month ago
  1. Don't play Borderposts. They offer no benefit for you, but opponent may destroy them with artifact hate. You also risk having an opening hand without basic lands, making them unplayable. Play Arcane Sanctum and Jungle Shrine instead.
  2. Add 2 Elspeth, Knight-Errant. It gives you an evasion against repeated blockers such as Sprouting Thrinax and also can itself provide repeated blockers. The +3+/+3 bonus doubles with Rafiq and Finest Hour.
  3. Your sideboard is bad. There is no reason to play Call to Heel when you can play Hindering Light. You don't have any enters-the-battlefield effects, so you never want to return your own creatures to hand when you can leave them on the battlefield. You have no answer to the Martial Coup.
  4. Check Cascade - Shards of Alara Block - an actual constructed deck from that era. It would destroy you hard with all the card advantage. Your deck also has problems with instant removal, since you always attack with only one creature.

SufferFromEDHD on

1 year ago

This is a really neat concept and a solid build.

Elspeth, Knight-Errant triggers Teshar and helps you win.

Eiganjo Castle protects Kataki.

Inventors' Fair seems good.

Serenity seems really good.

Land Tax is the peanut butter and Scroll Rack is the jelly.

I always suggest Orim's Chant in mono White decks.

lhetrick13 on Elspeth's Knights - Competitive Modern Knight Deck

1 year ago

Fushiii - I appreciate the description as that gives me some context as to what direction the deck is heading. I also agree with you the best thing you could do would be to shave this deck down to 60 cards and add a proper sideboard rather than just kinda mashing the two together and added a couple extra lands. if you do manage to shave it down to 60 cards, this likely also means adjusting your land count depending on the average CMC of the deck so you do not just need to cut the good stuff. 25 lands is likely not enough as it currently is at 71 cards and a ~2.5 CMC but drop it down to 60 cards and a similar CMC and you could likely get away with running like 23 lands...

In terms of what I would suggest to cut from the deck to shave things down, you can go a couple ways with this...You are running Collected Company, which I do love, but at only 23 creatures and with 20 of those 23 being CMC 3 or less, your Collected Company likely often only hits a single creature I bet. Thus, you could pull the two copies you are running as they do not really mesh well or you could alter the deck to improve the efficiency of Collected Company. In For Honor and Glory!!!, this is why I am running 30 creatures all with CMC less than 4, to ensure that Collected Company hits home every time it is played. Without knowing what direction you would like the deck to go, it would be tough to make other suggestions as they may be completely irrelevant.

Personally, I do not like Elspeth, Knight-Errant or Gideon, Ally of Zendikar for a knight deck as Elspeth is more for soldiers and Gideon is to underwhelming for a 4 CMC and slow. I think you could easily cut these two.

Another easy drop would be the single copy Danitha Capashen, Paragon. You are only running a single equipment and only two auras so the chances of her reducing the cost of those is unlikely so she is just a 2/2 with Lifelink and Vigilance for 3 CMC, which is easily outclassed by something like Knight of Meadowgrain in terms of efficiency.

Anyways, I love the knight tribe and it is always fun to see others take on it. Hopefully something I said was helpful in the continued evolution of this deck!

Happy Brewing!

SufferFromEDHD on The Lion of Jamuraa

1 year ago

Always wanted to build one of the spellshapers but never got around to it. They were all kind of lackluster but you made the most out of it. You have built an awesome list.

I can't help but think flash would add insult to injury after Mageta.

Deep Gnome Terramancer ramp is crucial and you already have a mini landfall going on.

Archivist of Oghma and Alms Collector high quality card draw.

Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant colorless mass recursion with anti extra turns as the cherry on top.

Flawless Maneuver one sided Wrath.

Cosmic Intervention neat tech.

Soul of New Phyrexia great on theme discard fodder.

Gideon Blackblade seems really strong in this strategy.

Elspeth, Knight-Errant Planeswalker version of Avacyn, Angel of Hope

Pearl Medallion continuous mana rock.

Field of Ruin or Ghost Quarter could be upgraded to Dust Bowl. 21 plains to utilize in the late game.

jjmac112 on unBillieveable

1 year ago

Brion Stoutarm deck:

The Stoutarm

Commander / EDH jjmac112


So this is the deck as it was pre changes. First of all, I think you'll notice that I swapped 17 cards, not 15 lol. Secondly, you'll see that Osgir, the Reconstructor has taken Brion's job. After all the changes the deck has been through I found myself rarely casting Brion and the few time I've played with Osgir have been valuable experiences ;)

Cards out: Brion Stoutarm, Felidar Sovereign, Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Serra Avatar, Iroas, God of Victory, Descend upon the Sinful, Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Magma Phoenix, Prison Term, Figure of Destiny, Student of Warfare, Prophetic Flamespeaker, Land Tax, Dawn of Hope, Lone Rider  Flip, Needle Spires

So with Brion out so too are the cards that combo with him the most like Serra Avatar and Magma Phoenix. With everything else I just needed to make space for stuff that I can squeeze a little (or a lot) more value out of. The one thing I am thinking should find its way back is Gisela, Blade of Goldnight. It's a powerful finisher and I'm now short on things that can take my board state and put an end to the game.

Cards in: Nahiri, the Lithomancer, Zirda, the Dawnwaker, Venerable Warsinger, Feldon of the Third Path, Battle Angels of Tyr, Dockside Extortionist, Deep Gnome Terramancer, Archivist of Oghma, Akiri, Line-Slinger, Wheel of Fortune, Faithless Looting, Teferi's Protection, Anointed Procession, Smuggler's Share, Expedition Map, Swiftfoot Boots, Darksteel Citadel

Also, I just realize I should add Rustvale Bridge and Treasure Vault

GofyTomcat1 on Modern Benevolence

2 years ago

An alternative to playing this as a control deck is to run it as a slightly more aggressive midrange build. Add something like Geist of Saint Traft as an additional hard-to-kill threat, along with Snapcaster Mages to recur all your burn and removal. Maybe replace Serra with something like The Wandering Emperor or Elspeth, Knight-Errant.

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