Hero of Bladehold

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hero of Bladehold

Creature — Human Knight

Battle cry (Whenever this creature attacks, each other attacking creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn.)

Whenever Hero of Bladehold attacks, put two 1/1 white soldier creature tokens onto the battlefield tapped and attacking.

Last_Laugh on Question Regarding Stacking Triggers

1 month ago

So I have Isshin, Two Heavens as One, Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher (w/ 2x +1+1 counters), and Hero of Bladehold equipped with Anduril, Narsil Reforged (w/ cities blessing) in play and Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation  Flip in my grave.

I attacked w/ Carmen and Hero of Bladehold. Am I able to stack my triggers so that Carmen gets 2 counters (from Anduril) making her 6 power so I can return Ojer Taq, then 12 tokens enter from 2x Hero triggers, then 2nd Anduril trigger, and then the 2 battle cry triggers?

Crow_Umbra on two wind assault

5 months ago

Nice! Isshin is a lot of fun, and can quickly become arch-enemy, as I'm sure you've probably experienced. I think if you're going to move on from the Samurai, I'd suggest also trimming back on the equipment subtheme, as they can be pretty mana-intensive without additional equipment support.

I've personally had more experience with playing a more tokens go-wide take on Isshin, which I think can be pretty fun and dynamic. A few general suggestions if you do cut back on Samurai & Equipment, and decide to focus more on going wide:

Just some quick ideas for how you could make use of those Samurai and Equipment slots if you decide to change them up. Hopefully these suggestions were helpful

Crow_Umbra on Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]

9 months ago

I see Anduril as similar because it costs 5 total mana to cast and equip, and Cathar's Crusade is also 5 cmc. Most of the common token producers that most Isshin strats tend to run like Myriad creatures, Hanweir Garrison  Meld, Hero of Bladehold, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, and Adeline, Resplendent Cathar each pump out 4+ tokens, depending if Isshin is out. Either way, creatures need to attack with Anduril equipped, or to make their tokens if Cathar's Crusade is on board. I think they have similarities in terms of their pacing, but aren't 1:1. If anything, to me, Anduril is like a pseudo-Cathar's Crusade for strats that don't have access to White.

I had Thundering Raiju on my Maybeboard for a bit. I think I ultimately ended up picking Tectonic Giant, as I liked the option to impulse draw, and have liked the consistency of 3-6 damage each time I've played it. Aside from Breena, the Demagogue, I haven't really felt the need to dedicate any other slots to +1/+1 counter antheming effects.

Brickhouse on Kyler, Sigardian Emissary

10 months ago

Hero of Bladehold might have a spot here. The tokens are not humans but still.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin Homebrew

1 year ago

Congrats on those early Ws! Those must have felt encouraging.

Another great card for Isshin is Hero of Bladehold. It was recently reprinted in a precon, so that version is fairly accessible. Accorder Paladin & Signal Pest are also helpful antheming creatures to round out a Battle Cry package.

Blightfang is cool for sure; the suggestions for Death touch anthems were to really get more value out of it. Also death touch anthems are super helpful for aggro in general.

The awesome part about Isshin is that there's tons of attack triggers available to him. He can be built in a variety of different manners, & can adjust to various playgroups pretty well.

Best of luck with your continued adjustments & future games. Happy to spit-ball suggestions if you're ever looking for them.

tkjanacek on Isshin Trigger Warning

1 year ago

Bitterthorn, Nissa's Animus is basically second Animist's Blade. Hero of Bladehold and battle cry cards in general seem strong with Isshin. You could make this deck more equipment focused with Syr Gwyn, Armored Skyhunter, Glimmer Lens, Hexplate Wallbreaker, Forging the Tyrite Sword, Nahiri, Forged in Fury, Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden, Seraphic Greatsword and Akiri, Fearless Voyager. Talisman of Conviction, Talisman of Indulgence and Talisman of Dominance are good ramp options. The Mirran swords are really good with multiple combat steps, particularly Sword of Feast and Famine.

Mattio38 on Forza Orzhova

1 year ago

Hi Crow-Umbra & carpecanum, I finally had time to update the deck. Thank you guys so much for your feedback. It is very much appreciated! I'll start from the top of your recommendations.

Luminarch Ascension Used to be the number 1 game winner back in the days when our playgroup started playing commander. My friend had one, I have never played one myself. This deck is THE opportunity for me to bring that nostalgia back to our commandertable. Pet card. Can't cut. You're probably right that the oppos will prevent it from getting counters, but I'm going to pop Angels out of it or die trying xD


Plumb the Forbidden for Phyrexian Arena is a great swap! In most games I find myself mainly active in my turns and quite passive during other players' turns. So next to the Black Market Connections comparison as you pointed out, Plumb has another benefit of being an instant!


Kaya, Geist Hunter got swapped for Relic Vial. Way cooler! Court of Grace is cut for Adeline, Resplendent Cathar. I find the Monarch a very cool inclusion in a game of commander but the card is just not good enough. I think I was forcing adding a Monarch card too much. Hero of Bladehold is another great tip as a token creator. I've swapped the Hero for Vraan, Executioner Thane. Brimaz, King of Oreskos, and Leonin Warleader are both excellent options aswell, but I simply run out of cuts.

That brings me to my final part. Cathars' Crusade is awesome in this deck and I'd also like to add a Necropotence but I simply have no idea what to cut for those anymore. I think I'm already quite short on lands and I'd preferably add 1 draw spell and 2 ramp spells..

Again, thank you both for your feedback. You rock!

Crow_Umbra on Forza Orzhova

1 year ago

I think for the most part your deck categories look fairly balanced. Something I noticed is that some of your token generation is a little slow or conditional. I think you could probably swap out Luminarch Ascension. It's incredibly telegraphed, and if you play in a more aggro meta, your playgroup may do what they can to prevent your Ascension from getting the counters it needs.

I think you could probably swap out Phyrexian Arena for Plumb the Forbidden, especially since you already have Black Market Connections. I love Plumb the Forbidden in my Isshin deck, which also has a creature token creation theme. Excellent response to removal, especially boardwipes, and refill your grip more than anyone else.

I think you could probably swap out Court of Grace for Kaya, Geist Hunter. She has some cool utility as another token doubler, and as a Deathtouch anthem. Additionally, I think you could swap out a basic land for Vault of the Archangel as another means to anthem up your token swarms.

If you are looking for more token producers: Hero of Bladehold, Adeline, Resplendent Cathar, Brimaz, King of Oreskos, and Leonin Warleader are all excellent options that can also give your deck a bit more of an aggro edge.

If you're open to infinite combos, I'd recommend adding Leonin Relic-Warder and any combination of the following: Animate Dead, Dance of the Dead, and/or Necromancy. All 3 Auras can go infinite with Relic-Warder, and create an infinite loop of death triggers & ETB triggers. Here is an explanation of the combo. I think all 4 pieces could fit seamlessly into your deck.

Lastly, I think you could cut Vraan, Executioner Thane and Relic Vial, as they are the weakest of your Aristocrats effects, and you already have a decent volume of them; especially with consistent access to one in the command zone. Both are conditional/limited as to how they can trigger.

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