Prava of the Steel Legion
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Prava of the Steel Legion

Legendary Creature — Cat Soldier

As long as it's your turn, creature tokens you control get +1/+4.

: Create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token.

Partner (You can have two commanders if both have partner.)

Recommendations View more recommendations

Paliano Vanguard
Welkin Hawk
Folk of the Pines
Seraph of New Capenna
Pilgrim of Virtue
Pilgrim of Justice
EDH 0 / 0
Nykthos Paragon feature for Ikra/Prava

Terrashock on Rin and Seri

11 months ago

Hello, fellow cat and dog enjoyer. I noticed that you pretty much stuffed every cat or dog in naya colors in that you could find but not a single changeling. While changelings might not be satisfying since they don't look like a cat or a dog, they provide great value because they actually trigger Rin & Seris ability twice generating two tokens instead of just one. They also benefit from both lord effects. Notable examples of changelings are:

Additionally, you seem to have missed (or purposfully no included?) some rather powerful cats and dogs:

Just a few for you to consider. I have a list of all good (in my opinion) cats and dogs in my Rin & Seri list: Rin and Seri

Now, let's be real: Its not the best tribal. So I wouldn't force cat and dogs as hard as you do and also supplement with normal creatures like Mondrak, Glory Dominus or Bloom Tender .

You also do not seem to have a lot of draw options in your deck. Depending on the pod you are playing in, board wipes might be present and can absolutely wreck your game plan. Draw effects help you recover from this. Sadly, Naya is not the best color combination for drawing cards and most of the good draw effects are really expensive. You can see some suggestions for draw effects in my deck list: Rin and Seri

I would highly recommend proxying if your pod allows it. Be careful with draw effect like Camaraderie or Shamanic Revelation. They look good on paper in a token theme but they are "win more" cards in my opinion. If your board got wiped and you draw into those cards, they will not do a thing to help you recover. A wheel effect like Wheel of Misfortune however, will draw you 7 fresh cards to start again.

Lastly, I would recommend getting some tutors in there. Eladamri's Call, Green Sun's Zenith, Natural Order and the like. The best card in your deck by far is Jetmir, Nexus of Revels. He is basically your secret commander. If you can resolve him with 9 creatures on the board, you can devastate your opponents out of the blue. All the more important to be able to find him if you need him.

That's all for now. Have fun!

FatFreddiesCat on ETB effect

1 year ago

Sorry, I'm sure this is an obvious question, but I can't figure it out from the rules. I have Prava of the Steel Legion and Symmetry Matrix in play. If I create (say) a 1/1 Thopter, does it enter as 1/1, allowing me to draw a card via Symmetry Matrix, or does it enter as a 2/5, NOT allowing me to draw a card? What are the general timing rules on something like this? Thanks.

H-E-N-R-Y on The Government

1 year ago

I didn't look super close at the list but here's a few that I saw that you might get a kick out of:

Entrapment Maneuver, Unbreakable Formation, Call the Coppercoats, Veteran Armorsmith, Darien, King of Kjeldor, Veteran Swordsmith, Prava of the Steel Legion, Mobilization, Ballyrush Banneret, Daru Warchief, Defiler of Faith, Horn of Valhalla, Valiant Veteran

Sorry if this has some things that are already there, I'm a little rushed atm

Triton on Tweaking Naya Tokens

1 year ago

Recently put together a Naya token deck with Tana, the Bloodsower and Prava of the Steel Legion, and needed suggestions on what to cut for Angelic Exaltation and Chord of Calling. If there are any better suggestions than the former of the two, I'd love to hear them! The deck as-is struggles with starting up token generation I've noticed, is there anything I'm missing potentially to get a large army out?

Here's the deck in question:

Saprolings of the Steel Legion

Commander / EDH Triton


Hexapod on Pisces' aquarium depot

1 year ago


In order to have a Background as your secondary Commander, your main commander needs to have the phrase "Choose a Background" printed on it. Unfortunately, these are all mono-colored, and there would not be a suitable combination for your deck.

I would suggest that you use Thrasios, Triton Hero, which would be on theme, with a white Partner. Maybe Prava of the Steel Legion could be the hungry cat circling the fish tank?

Whether you use Patners or a Background, you can add the tag CMDR on two cards to list them both as your Commander.

thefiresoflurve on Boros Legion Of Mil

1 year ago

Are your wincons meant to be infinite combos?

I was confused at Altar of the Brood being tied to "burn", since it doesn't actually deal damage itself.

Reveillark + Karmic Guide + any sacrifice outlet, such as Altar of Dementia (although there are plenty cheaper ones) will give you infinite ETB, and thus let Purphoros / Altar of the Brood instantly win.

On tokens: Brave the Sands gives Vigilance and blocking power.

Intangible Virtue is another option.

Harmonious Archon buffs all your tokens.

Inspiring Leader

Martial Coup - serves double duty as board wipe and token maker.

Prava of the Steel Legion - now your tokens can attack with reckless abandon.

Rabble Rousing - even if your 1/1s die when they attack, they replace themselves now! Combos great with Purphoros / other ETB effects.

Twilight Drover - basically awesome for tokens.

Also, make sure to pick up Boros Signet and Arcane Signet to help with ramp.

KBK7101 on Need a home for my …

2 years ago

Thalisse, Reverent Medium could make stupid amounts of tokens thanks to her own effect with the possibility of Anointed Procession and Kaya, Geist Hunter.

Chatterfang, Squirrel General could do the same thing but in different colors. Would have access to Parallel Lives and self-mill effects to load up your graveyard.

Sarulf, Realm Eater could be some sort of voltron thing as he gets counters whenever opponents permanents get put in the graveyard (which tokens do). The partner commander Sengir, the Dark Baron does something similar and could be paired with something like Prava of the Steel Legion to double down on the token theme.

Kardur, Doomscourge, Thantis, the Warweaver and the partner pairing of Kamber, the Plunderer/Laurine, the Diversion are all about giving creatures to opponents and benefitting from them dying or attacking someone else. Akroan Horse and Genesis Chamber are more examples of giving other players ammunition. Syr Konrad, the Grim also loves seeing opponents creatures dying.

Tombstone Stairwell is such a cool card. I wish I picked one up before it spiked. :(

MULRAH on Cockatrice Commander Cube

2 years ago

Commander Updates Since July 2021

I added new commanders to the roster of options under the Player Profiles. They include:

Several new commanders work with tokens:

As a theme, tokens have felt well supported in the cube so far, even though I did not do so intentionally. As a result, I don't anticipate making changes, but it could be that I work to support this theme more fully or concentrate it in BGU, in case the new +1/+1 counters theme does not work out.

Some commanders moved out of the "high power" tier. Most dropped to "mid power," but a couple are now deemed "fringe competitive."

Unfortunately, most of the partner commanders I'd included were moved, so you're stuck with one of the handful of 4- or 5-color commanders if you're looking to maximize the flexibility of your deck's color identity.

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