
What should I do to improve the fun levels of this deck?


This deck is still in development - I started with a budget Zur build, and have only tweaked it slightly. Definitely not sure about including some of the cards. I'm still pretty new to the EDH format, and while I'm loving it, I feel like I don't have a clear story on what this deck wants to be. Pretty control-y, but seems like I could take in a more control direction, focus more on enchantment protection and enchantment-based win conditions like Starfield of Nyx, try to get more cycling synergies like Vile Manifestation , or add more ETB synergies to work with Astral Slide.

I play with a group of friends who are not super competitive, so I'm tempted to avoid some of the awesome-but-frustrating combos like Solemnity + Decree of Silence. Although I might keep them at the ready and swap them in if ever I'm playing against more competitive decks/players.

This isn't aimed to be a super budget build, but I'm also trying not to break the bank. So at least for now I won't be adding Crucible of Worlds, and will probably try to avoid cards that run more than 5 or 10 dollars at most (but I'd love to hear which of the more expensive ones are worthwhile).


My game plan tends to follow the general pattern of:- Use ramp as appropriate, get Zur the Enchanter out- attack someone and get Astral Slide using Zur- follow this up with Drake Haven and Faith of the Devoted if I don't mind starting to look scary- cycle for the right cards, use zur to snag specific enchantments as needed, gain value from cycling and from bouncing my own creatures with astral slide. Hopefully get out Fluctuator and/or New Perspectives so cycling is free. - Win somehow. So far, this has involved some combination of cycling and hitting for a ton with Horror of the Broken Lands and/or generating drakes.

Refining processA lot of the cards are from the initial deck (, and I'm not sure how important they are to my playgroup. For example, I feel like having five runes in my deck is a waste of space, as are some of the less-useful cycling cards (a lot of cycling graveyard hate, which isn't all that useful with my playgroup). At the same time, cycling -- especially when its for free -- means I'm getting value out of these cards. So perhaps I shouldn't be so hard on niche cards that cycle.

I've also found that Astral slide + cycling cost reduction is pretty crazy. Easy for me to (a) draw tons of cards with cloudblazer and mulldrifter, and (b) avoid board wipes of my few creatures, let alone targetted spells. So it feels like some of the creature protection cards are unnecessary (and anything attached to a creature, or anything that gives a creature shroud, is going to make it harder for me to astral slide my way out of a board wipe). That said, I haven't had anyone destroy my astral slide yet, and I might appreciate some redundancy if that were the case.

I'm looking to have a bit of a better plan, and maybe take advantage of some less-thematic-but-excellent cards like Cyclonic Rift. Cut out anything unnecessary, and add in things that synergize with what I have or fill important weak points.

The maybeboard is a long list of cards that seem potentially useful that I've run across when watching mtgo or youtube videos of live games, as well as cards that seem to synergize well with the game plan.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

11 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

42 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.24
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Bird 1/1 W, Drake 2/2 U, Soldier 1/1 W
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