Malakir Cullblade

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Malakir Cullblade

Creature — Vampire Warrior

Whenever a creature an opponent controls dies (is put into the graveyard from the battlefield), put a +1/+1 counter on Malakir Cullblade.

icabero0225 on Grixis Aggro

3 years ago

Thank you wallisface for your comment. I definitely think that your killspells are much stronger and will probably end up upgrading to those.

As for the Malakir Cullblade, Savage Gorger, and Eternal Thirst I quite like those cards and I am hoping that the blue cards will be able to counter any removals though I definitely agree that they are risky. I think Unlikely Aid also helps as it can make them indestructible.

I'll try playing without Typhoid Rats or Sanitarium Skeleton usually those are just stall cards anyways but they might not be very good as you said.

Appreciate the comment!

wallisface on Grixis Aggro

3 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • 24 lands seems a little high given your mana curve. I think you can get away with 21-22.

  • Typhoid Rats does nothing for you as your deck is playing to be on the offensive. Sanitarium Skeleton is just generally a bad card, and probably shouldn’t be in any deck, let-alone an aggro one.

  • both of Malakir Cullblade and Savage Gorger are very risky cards, in that a single killspell removes the entire threat. Consider swapping them for the likes of Young Pyromancer and Sedgemoor Witch that will each offer the same overall power, while being much harder to nullify (because they get their power from making additional creatures)

  • your current selection of killspells are pretty lacking in power, especially Murder. I’d recommend considering the likes of Fatal Push, Infernal Grasp, and Flame Slash.

  • i’d suggest ditching Eternal Thirst. Auras in general are bad as they tend to put you behind in card advantage.

TheVectornaut on Black and White - please help!

3 years ago

To stay more in black, I would consider some sort of vampire sacrifice, counters, and/or lifedrain strategy. Your black cards that could work well in such a deck would be Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim , Embodiment of Agonies , Kambal, Consul of Allocation , Knight of the Ebon Legion , Mortician Beetle , Souls of the Faultless , Castigate , Disentomb , Gerrard's Verdict , Revival / Revenge , Despark , and Grim Return . Most of the other black cards are at least playable as well. The only two I'd cut in most circumstances are Underworld Dreams and In Garruk's Wake . The former needs more build-around while the latter just costs too much to be a consistent boardwipe.

Cards I'd look at adding for such a build might be Gatekeeper of Malakir , Anowon, the Ruin Sage , Sangromancer , Dictate of Erebos , Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet , Victim of Night , Indulgent Aristocrat , Pawn of Ulamog , Grim Haruspex , Silversmote Ghoul , Yahenni, Undying Partisan , Vampire Nighthawk , Vampire of the Dire Moon , Malakir Cullblade , Blood Artist , Urge to Feed , Feast of Blood , Heliod, Sun-Crowned , Archangel of Thune , Cruel Celebrant , Drana's Emissary , Indulging Patrician , Malakir Bloodwitch , Marauding Blight-Priest , Sanctum Seeker , Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose , and Pious Evangel  Flip.

As a side note, to go infinite with Sanguine Bond , Vizkopa Guildmage , or Vito, the card you need is actually Exquisite Blood which is unfortunately quite expensive.

multimedia on Fear the Swarm

3 years ago

Hey, nice budget version of Edgar.

You have the right idea with wanting to cast Vamps quick to take advantage of eminence, but the manabase also needs to match this strategy. There's too many lands that will always ETB tapped which reduces the consistency of casting Vamps quick. More dual lands that can ETB untapped would speed up game play.

Some budget land upgrades to consider:

Some other budget cards to consider adding:

Higher CMC Vamps as less needed because you have Edgar who's the six drop you want to cast more than the others, but Necropolis Regent is a budget second. Like Edgar, Regent is also good with a Vamp swam as well as with Edgar and other flying Vamps.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

Strangelove on WARriors

4 years ago

Hi Shayda!!!

Dude those dragons are doing so well (when no one wipes them)!

Did you want a similar deck? 'Cuz that's what you've got here... but I think you should lean into go-wide-aggro > midrange and play more 1-2 cmc creatures and move all your ramp to 2 (Rampant Growth, signets, etc).

I'd also recommend Golgari Charm, Boros Charm, and Heroic Intervention.

Tribal decks have so much flavor! Hope this helps, maybe we'll see it next weekend? :o

Lame_Duck on Vampire Deatheaters

5 years ago

Cordial Vampire would be pretty much a strict upgrade over Malakir Cullblade .

bushido_man96 on The "M" Deck

5 years ago

Magmasaur might be a decent keep. It at least works well with Marchesa. Malakir Cullblade , Maulfist Squad come into play with counters on them. Mer-Ek Nightblade offers some good support.

ZendikariWol on The Vengeful Golem

6 years ago

My suggestions for cuts are plentiful. However, Kresh the Bloodbraided comes to mind immediately. Reyhan, Last of the Abzan would be good, Ob Nixilis, the Fallen is great, Rockslide Elemental is similar to Kresh, Taurean Mauler is another Managorger, and Yahenni, Undying Partisan and Malakir Cullblade, with even more similarities to Kresh, may fit well with your flavor. Curse of Stalked Prey could help, alongside Curse of Predation, some mana rocks would do you good, Apocalypse Hydra, and many other hydras would be decent finishers, Kalonian Hydra takes the cake though. Armorcraft Judge is nice, along with Inspiring Call, Pelt Collector and Experiment One, Champion of Lambholt, maybe Heroes' Bane, Ravenous Slime, Rubblebelt Raiders, Deus of Calamity, Scute Mob, Sporeback Troll, Tuskguard Captain, Vinelasher Kudzu, Soul's Majesty, Falkenrath Exterminator, and Stromkirk Noble?

So that's a few suggestions. Want me to propose cuts as well?

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