Sengir, the Dark Baron
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sengir, the Dark Baron

Legendary Creature — Vampire Noble


Whenever another creature dies (is put into the graveyard from the battlefield), put two +1/+1 counters on Sengir, the Dark Baron.

Whenever another player loses the game, you gain life equal to that player's life total as the turn began.

Partner (You can have two commanders if both have partner.)

Recommendations View more recommendations

Dark Offering
Dark Remedy
Adarkar Sentinel
Exiled Boggart
Raiding Nightstalker
Parasitic Bond

Breepup81 on Queens of the damned (Vampire Tribal)

6 months ago

While I'm working on upgrading my own orzhov vampire deck, which drew me to your deck in particular, I do recommend Astarion, the Decadent and perhaps Sengir, the Dark Baron. In particular, Astarion, the Decadent can just outright kill someone if combined with Revival / Revenge, opponent loses half their rounded life, Astarion's endstep triggers and the opponent can lose the other half. Sengir, the Dark Baron also nets you your opponent's life when they die.

Since this is also a lifesteal deck, I reccomend Aetherflux Reservoir.

NV_1980 on No Life Pain, No Life Gain (Elas-Il-Kor)

9 months ago

As 36 of your deck's non-land permanents have a CMC of 3 or less and it thrives on ETB's, maybe Sun Titan makes sense (probably a nice replacement for Sengir, the Dark Baron).

x12721 on Budget Death Doubling

2 years ago

You mentioned having issues with your mana - is that not having enough lands, or not having the right color lands? With the curve as high as it is, I would recommend adding more ramp in the form of either mana rocks or cards like Land Tax or Archaeomancer's Map. I would also focus on some more high impact and efficient cards to put you in a better position. While Krav and Regna are both powerful cards, you would be in a better position with something like Viscera Seer and Liliana, Dreadhorde General/Lolth, Spider Queen. Skullclamp is one of the most powerful cards you can play in a deck like this. I would also look at removing some cards like Sengir, the Dark Baron in favor of more versatile cards. While Sengir can quickly become big, it doesn't really do much else for your deck in conjunction with your commander.

KBK7101 on Rare commander build?

2 years ago

I have decks for each of the Amonkhet gods (Bontu is the only one that's public), which all have pitiful EDHREC ranks. Like griffstick, I have a Multani, Maro-Sorcerer deck that's one of my favorites.

The commanders themselves may not be rare but the partner combinations of Tormod, the Desecrator/Esior, Wardwing Familiar and Sengir, the Dark Baron/Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar are also pretty low on the EDHREC rankings.

I've kind of been debating building a Jolrael, Empress of Beasts deck. Ramp like a madman, animate like 30 forests at once and swing away!

I love seeing decklists for almost any "rare" commander, though. I've seen more than enough Atraxa, Kenrith and Korvold lists to last me a while.

multimedia on Olivia's Wedding Ceremony

2 years ago

Hey, nice version with Vamp flavor and good overall gameplay plan.

Seize the Spoils and Unexpected Windfall are nice loot effects because they also make treasure ramp for Olivia. Viscera Seer and Falkenrath Aristocrat can be helpful Vamps as a sac outlets that can protect your Vamps from being exiled when you longer control a legendary Vamp. Falkenrath with flying is Vamp to reanimate with Olivia. In response to your last legendary Vamp being removed sac all your Vamps putting them into your graveyard to avoid being exiled to then be reanimated by Olivia. A Vamp sac outlet also combos with Olivia + Port Razer for infinite attacks.

A sac outlet with Butcher of Malakir can wreck your opponents creatures since she triggers whenever she dies or any other creature you control dies. To keep reanimating her with Olivia and Butcher is an excellent Vamp to want to reanimate having flying and 5/4 p/t.

Chaos Warp and Feed the Swarm are important removal spells in Rakdos because they can removal an enchantment especially Ghostly Prison/Propaganda effects that will bring your game plan to a halt. I know you're going for Vamp flavor, but you might want some support creatures for repeatable effects since Olivia can reanimate them. Meteor Golem can destroy any nonland permanent. Vile Entomber can be a repeatable Entomb since Olivia can reanimate it.

If interested in any of these suggestions then here's some cards to consider cutting: Pillar of Origins, Profane Command, Sengir, the Dark Baron, Vein Drinker, Arterial Alchemy, Henrika Domnathi  Flip, Markov Enforcer, Sinister Waltz.

Good luck with your deck.

DixietheGod on Witcher EDH

2 years ago

Hey there!

Love the idea and what you've done with this! All of the thoughts I've seen have been either Chevill, Bane of Monsters as Geralt thus Golgari which limits you in terms of colors, or 5-color something as a catch-all. This is very interesting and as I said, I love what you've done with it.

I am not in love with your Dijkstra pick but understand that he is probably ideally Dimir which is not possible. That being said, I do definitely think of him more from the books as someone who somehow knows everything and is involved, more like a spy than a stereotypical government official, though all of his work is for Redania and not exactly personal gain.

I also don't love your Regis pick, I think he has a lot more to him than the thoughtful partier, Yahenni. Especially since Yahenni is really doing what he is doing to extend his life, though he has and had some conflicting thoughts about what he does and must do. I am not sure if there is a reluctant vampire card, it kind of goes against the whole idea of being a vampire, but that is Regis to a certain extent. Something I found that is not legendary is Oathsworn Vampire, which works well with Mathas in terms of gaining life. It also works well in terms of flavor as Regis does not drink blood because of the oath he swore to himself, and he was believed to be dead for a while. Another option is Arvad the Cursed due to how his lack of blood-drinking is a pseudo-curse as it makes him weaker and suffer.

Orianna could definitely be one of the Olivias: Olivia Voldaren or Olivia, Mobilized for War (not so much Olivia, Crimson Bride). The red hair and being a vampire is very fitting, especially that they both party and run those parties.

Detlaff could be Sengir, the Dark Baron; he likes and benefits when things die and when people fail. Transformed Detlaff does look a bit more like The Haunt of Hightower but I know you are already thinking of that.

All in all, thank you for this!! Sorry for the long and late message, just got into Witcher in the past year-ish :).

KBK7101 on Need a home for my …

2 years ago

Thalisse, Reverent Medium could make stupid amounts of tokens thanks to her own effect with the possibility of Anointed Procession and Kaya, Geist Hunter.

Chatterfang, Squirrel General could do the same thing but in different colors. Would have access to Parallel Lives and self-mill effects to load up your graveyard.

Sarulf, Realm Eater could be some sort of voltron thing as he gets counters whenever opponents permanents get put in the graveyard (which tokens do). The partner commander Sengir, the Dark Baron does something similar and could be paired with something like Prava of the Steel Legion to double down on the token theme.

Kardur, Doomscourge, Thantis, the Warweaver and the partner pairing of Kamber, the Plunderer/Laurine, the Diversion are all about giving creatures to opponents and benefitting from them dying or attacking someone else. Akroan Horse and Genesis Chamber are more examples of giving other players ammunition. Syr Konrad, the Grim also loves seeing opponents creatures dying.

Tombstone Stairwell is such a cool card. I wish I picked one up before it spiked. :(

adboyer on

2 years ago

Thank you for the suggestions DixietheGod, and glad to hear you got some new ideas. I immediately made a cut for Reassembling Skeleton and Sengir, the Dark Baron seems like a great finisher as well. Also I would totally build an Elenda deck if she weren't so pricey. Maybe a good stretch goal if I like how the deck plays on a budget or if I make another Orzhov deck.

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