Raise the Draugr

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Raise the Draugr


Choose one —

  • Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.
  • Return two target creature cards that share a creature type from your graveyard to your hand.

Balaam__ on Zubera Zubera ずべら

8 months ago

I love this. Question, would Echoing Return be worthy to replace either Raise the Draugr or Return from Extinction? You’d need at least 2 identical creatures in the graveyard to justify it, but if it hits under the right conditions you get 4 cards back.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Balls Lightning

9 months ago

I've obviously upvoted this before. Good to know ;D Have you ever considered Raise the Draugr as a way to recurr two Awakeners at once?

LynxGoddess on Fairish Faeries (Alela Budget EDH)

1 year ago


Sweet! Kindred Discovery looks a little on the expensive side, both in regards of imaginary money budget and looking at the mana value. This deck grinds very well in though due to goading large threats, and such a stable card engine might be worth the five mana to play it. So maybe it will find a spot in the future!

I did take a look at your deck too, and realized Alexi's Cloak, Raise the Draugr and Mari, the Killing Quill all look super good for the deck, so I added them here too! I also added Blessing of Leeches as an Alexi's Cloak at home, since protective auras with flash seem like such a good idea.

Saccox on Crocs

2 years ago

Hi rekkim,Raise the Draugr? It's istant,istead of Return from Extinction

Stardragon on An Actual Ninja Phoenix Deck

2 years ago

Since you choose Desecrated Tomb and Tormod, the Desecrator why not Anax, Hardened in the Forge so you get a 1/1 bat, a 2/2 zombie and a 2/2 satyr when a creature dies or returns form the graveyard?

Some extra on death mileage particularly with your altar (I would consider Ashnod's Altar as well)- Pitiless Plunderer for more mana, Species Specialist or Dark Prophecy for card draw, Zulaport Cutthroat, Blood Artist or Bastion of Remembrance for some life gain/drain action or Butcher of Malakir and Dictate of Erebos so when you lose a creature they do too

I saw you have some recursion why not consider Return from Extinction and it's upgraded form Raise the Draugr? I would cut Exhume for one of these they cost the same and can bring back two phoenixes or ninjas and doesn't have the downside of letting your opponent bring a card back. and they cost less though they don't put on to battlefield so that may not be to your liking

Extra board wipes that won't hit your phoenixes (though will hit your ninjas) are Magmaquake, Earthquake, Faultline and Subterranean Tremors

More damage- Berserkers' Onslaught, Wound Reflection, Gratuitous Violence

Harder to block Phoenixes so you can ninjutsu even easier- Goblin War Drums, Intimidate, Cover of Darkness

Maybe Heartless Summoning-to make your commander cheaper to cast in the graveyard (the only time you should cast this from your command zone is the first time, and anytime is get's exiled as this way you can ignore the commander tax as much as possible)

And don't forget Fervor so all your birds are hasty and can attack as so as they on the field so you ninjutsu even faster

RadicalCrawdadx on The Elven Swarm Drain

2 years ago

The first play-test with Glowspore Shaman was ehh. Tossed one of my win-cons Haunting Voyage in the graveyard in addition to 2xElvish Warmaster but that one isn't so bad since I can always bring 'em back with Raise the Draugr

ClockworkSwordfish on Pauper Sliver Commander

2 years ago

This is a cool idea for a build! Flat-out permanent destruction is exceedingly rare in Pauper, so having a commander that can blow up your opponent's lands is a real treat.

I see you are running basically all of the slivers and changelings available to you, but I'm surprised that Changeling Outcast isn't represented. I'd definitely find room for him, as having cheap critters you can feed to Necrotic Sliver ASAP seems worthwhile. He could probably go in over one of the most bland creatures like Sliver Construct. Grave Scrabbler is an interesting choice for recursion, since card advantage is always nice, but seeing as you have... a few ways to discard cards, I doubt he'd be completely reliable. A card like Cadaver Imp will probably do the job more reliably.

Speaking of recursion - I feel like there are plenty of great options you're missing out on! The classic Morgue Theft gets you one creature for two mana and then another for five, but Raise the Draugr and Return from Extinction just get you two creatures for two mana! Aphetto Dredging might also be worthwhile to bring back three Vindicates at once. Of course, if you're interested in saving mana, you can skip out the middleman of replaying a creature by finding room for Unearth, seeing as about 80% of your creatures seem to be three mana or less.

One last area you might want to put a little more thought is your land base. Basic lands do the job, but I think you have room for a few nonbasics that could provide some added utility. Haunted Fengraf is another backup form of recursion. Bojuka Bog is a free swing against decks that rely on their graveyard. Silverquill Campus makes both colours and provides something to do with your mana if you've got literally nothing else going on. Finding space for some of these could make the difference in terms of having enough options late game!

adm on Invincible

3 years ago

seshiro_of_the_orochi , I really like these suggestions. I’m going to apply them. I really like the idea of the Rise of the Dread Marn coming out of nowhere, and Raise the Draugr also helps with my humans, Grim Haruspex and Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia. I’ll try to find a place for the Smothering Abomination since that has worked well in past decks. Thank you for the suggestions!

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