Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen

Legendary Creature — Elf Warrior

Reach (This creature can block creatures with flying.)

Other Elf creatures you control get +1/+1.

Whenever this attacks, you gain 1 life for each attacking Elf you control.

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Ivy Seer
Beast-Kin Ranger
Savaen Elves
Cryptid Inspector
Alpha Guard

NV_1980 on The Forest Has Eyes! *PRIMER*

1 week ago

Yeah she's good Kjacobson6800 and I hadn't fully considered her yet. Grants the possibility of a lot more mana, and brings some additional combo potential as well. Maybe the next time I play this deck I'll replace Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen for her and see how it goes. Thanks for the idea.

Belfore on Marwyn Elfs

11 months ago

Well you seem to be lacking in flying defense. You could also use some recursion since your token production is only 8 cards I would personally drop the Arboreal Alliance since you are not producing that many tokens. And I know it is a way to use all the mana you can produce but you need some more reusable uses for the mana.

I spent most of this weekend testing your deck against some of mine which are also go wide strategies. And what I kept running into was that your ability to get damage through was struggling. I think you need to get some more sources of trample or bypassing defenders. Another problem I was having was you would be top decking to quickly.I felt it just kept running out of steam.

I personally would drop Arbor Elf for Argothian Elder. It may cost more mana but it would let you untap Nykthos without Yavimaya in play, drop Quirion Ranger for Seeker of Skybreak just a bit less hassle for untapping a creature. even though she gets an interesting trick when you have Ashaya out. I would also drop Woodland Bellower for the Skyshroud Poacher just because it is easier to reuse. Elvish Guidance can have its uses but I think Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip is still a bit more useful, for your mana outlet I would absolutely keep Staff of Domination over Thousand-Year Elixir. I am surprised you dropped both Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen and Jagged-Scar Archers since those were your only real answers to flying maybe consider Raking Canopy or Gravity Well to help against flying heavy decks. Mobilize and Vitalize are a little too weak for the card slots I think. I think a couple of more useful options would actually be Taunting Elf, Nemesis Mask, and/or Tempting Licid of those 3 taunting elf is weakest. But what those would allow you to do is get your pumped up elves through with minimal losses and minimal investment for the finishing blow.

I do have more thoughts if you want but as always feedback on what you are aiming for always helps (EG: Going tall, going wide, elf ball, kill through combat, or focusing on I win effects (I don't like I win effects))

KBK7101 on Need help for a green …

2 years ago


I did a lot of research on precon decks while building my Urza/Mishra partner deck. This is definitely above that, which is fine, but one of the more interesting things I saw in said research was that it isn't always best to include tutors because new players don't even know the cards in the deck, much less what to search for. Land ones are fine, obviously, because they tell you what to find. Cards like Chord of Calling is great as an upgrade, but it may cause an unintentional feeling of being overwhelmed with options. Cutting it would also save $6-7.

Bala Ged Recovery  Flip is another card that I'd cut just because it may be slightly confusing for newer players. It's also $4? When did that happen?!

Triumph of the Hordes is another cut I'd make with the same reasoning as above. Trying to explain the difference between combat damage and commander damage is probably enough for now. Again, great upgradefor later. This would cut about $12.

Cutting these three would shave off another $20-25.


Growth Spiral is close enough to Bala Ged Recovery  Flip but without the added confusion of it also possibly being a land.

Speaking of lands, I think adding in two more would help smooth out any potential mana-screws, which are a horrible feeling as a seasoned player... and even worse than that as a newer player. Whether they be two more forests or something like Khalni Garden, Fertile Thicket or Tranquil Thicket, I think two more lands would help smooth things out.

I would also mention that while Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury is the deck's commander, Ezuri, Renegade Leader, Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen and Marwyn, the Nurturer could also be the deck's commander. She's not necessarily locked in to just Freyalise.

The last thing I'll mention is that none of us here know the person you're making the deck for. If you see any of this advice and think "eh, I think she'd get it" or "She'll understand this pretty easily", then go for it! Build whatever you think they'd like the best.

BossUltinuc on Golgari Elves (Commander/EDH)

2 years ago

Okay so I'm new to deckbuilding, especially for EDH so I'm just wondering if anyone has any useful/practical suggestions for this deck. I thought Abomination of Llanowar was a cool card, so I wanted to build around that concept of getting a lot of elves onto the field and my graveyard to really boost its power and toughness.

One thing I'll mention is that, with the exception of cards that are already present in the deck, I don't want to spend more then $3-5 on a single card. So keeping all of this in mind, any suggestions?

Commander: - Abomination of Llanowar

Planeswalkers: - Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury - Tyvar Kell

Creatures: - Elvish Eulogist - Elvish Archdruid - Imperious Perfect - Lys Alana Huntmaster - Immaculate Magistrate - Marwyn, the Nurturer - Elvish Visionary - Shaman of the Pack - Lathril, Blade of the Elves - Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen - Beast Whisperer - Timberwatch Elf - Elvish Mystic - Canopy Tactician - Poison-Tip Archer - Skemfar Avenger - Skemfar Shadowsage - Wolverine Riders - Ruthless Winnower - Wellwisher - Golgari Findbroker - Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord - Rhys the Exiled - Nightshade Harvester - Gilt-Leaf Winnower - Elvish Doomsayer - Storrev, Devkarin Lich - Nadier's Nightblade - Fyndhorn Elves - Llanowar Elves

Instants: - Putrefy - Golgari Charm - Murder - Village Rites - Grisly Salvage - Wrap in Vigor - Cast Down - Malakir Rebirth  Flip - Ghastly Demise - Infuse with Vitality

Sorcery: - Cultivate - Rampant Growth - Eyeblight Massacre - Shamanic Revelation - Casualties of War - Dig Up - Victimize - Sign in Blood - Spark Harvest - Diabolic Tutor - Deadly Brew - Bone Shards - Elvish Promenade

Artifacts: - Sol Ring - Arcane Signet - Commander's Sphere

Enchantments: - Elderfang Venom - Moldervine Reclamation - Prowess of the Fair

Lands: - Evolving Wilds - Command Tower - Path of Ancestry - Llanowar Wastes - Jungle Hollow - Skemfar Elderhall - Golgari Guildgate - Tainted Wood - Necroblossom Snarl - Myriad Landscape - Foul Orchard - Darkmoss Bridge - Forest x13 - Swamp x13

Guerric on Marwyn Elf Stampede

3 years ago

Hi ShredderTTN86! Welcome to the world of EDH elves! When I first began playing what is now my Ezuri, Renegade Leader build six years ago, I made a lot of mistakes, learned from that process, and made what is now a pretty strong list. As such, it think I can offer some help!

To begin with, you said your goal is to offer and Elf synergy list. That was also my goal years ago, and I ran Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury as the commander, but what I found was that it was a weird hybrid between and elf deck and a stompy deck, and its not really possible to do both well. You can definitely make a stompy deck that uses elf dorks and such for mana ramp, but most of your other elven synergies (lords and such) would need to be jettisoned for stompy cards. With Marwyn, the Nurturer you can really do either. If you wanted to go this route you would have just enough elf dorks and token spells to build counters, would protect her with Heroic Intervention and Wrap in Vigor effects, and would use her to dump as many big, dumb green creatures onto the battlefield as possible.

If you want to run true elves synergy, however, you want to cut any stompy creature that doesn't enable your elves (ex. Craterhoof Behemoth makes it but Ghalta, Primal Hunger does not, lower your curve, replace as many lands with dorks as possible, and play lots of elf lords. Keep in mind, elf lords also help Marwyn tap for more mana! I notice that you have tons of artifacts here that do nothing for most of your elves excepting Marwyn. I would probably cut a lot of these and add more elf creatures for a strong synergy build. Super powerful ones like The Ozolith and the infinite mana combo enabling Umbral Mantle should remain (you should also add Sword of the Paruns, which can also enable infinite mana with Marwyn), but even other good cards like Gauntlet of Power should be cut because you can do it better with elves. I think what surprises me most here is the lack of dorks. Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic, and Fyndhorn Elves are the backbone of any elf build and core to most stompy ones too. You also don't want to neglect Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf, and Springbloom Druid, which can up your elf count while finding and ramping out lands for you. As far as big mana tappers go, Circle of Dreams Druid, Wirewood Channeler, and Elvish Guidance are better than Gauntlet of Power and Karametra's Acolyte (which isn't an elf). Running synergy means you also want to run a lot of lords, such as Elvish Champion, Elvish Clancaller, Imperious Perfect, Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen, Canopy Tactician, Joraga Warcaller, and Cultivator of Blades will buff both Marwyn and all of your elves, while also putting counters on Marwyn (for a double buff in effect) and moving you towards running your opponents over.

If you are interested, the link to my Ezuri Elf deck is here- Elfpocalypse Now! (Under Construction). The primer isn't finished yet, but even the sections that are there on the commander and on breaking down the tribe might help with the synergy piece. If you decide after all you'd rather just do stompy, there are other great experts on tappedout like Kamerot that can help with that! I hope this helps a bit, and please let me know if you want any additional help or have any further questions!

laurensvannijvel on

3 years ago

Decent budget version of the deck. I would suggest adding more good Elves to it though. For that reason I recommend Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen , Yeva, Nature's Herald (especially nice with an untapper like Seedborn Muse or Mobilize ) and basic things mana dorks like Llanowar Elves , Elvish Mystic etc. To make room for them I'd take out some of the higher CMC common and uncommon elves that don't have a huge impact, such as Lys Alana Bowmaster and Eyeblight Cullers, maybe Revenant too.

Consider Ezuri, Renegade Leader as well. Elves don't like board wipes!

DarkRequiem on Eladamri LoL Elf Forestwalk

4 years ago

There are a few cards making very little sense to me:

  1. Primal Amulet - Right now you're running 4 instants & sorceries.

  2. Library of Leng - Are you drawing that much? Is your meta that full of discard? Reliquary Tower would be a better fit unless your meta is really heavy on discard.

  3. Grinding Station - You're playing few artifacts. I think I counted 13. Might be wrong though. Still, most of those artifacts are stuff you don't want to sac.

  4. Tower Above + Bequeathal - Your commander gives shroud to most of your creatures. You don't want to target them 99.9% of the time. Considering your commander and the fact that people will try to get rid of it asap I might go with Myth Unbound.

  5. Most of the lands coming into play tapped. Most of them are subpar.

  6. Adaptive Automaton - Elves have more than enough lords. No need for a non-green creature.

  7. Allosaurus Rider - Although I'm not against this card per se, I think you'll need to play more stuff to make it work. Blighted Woodland and Myriad Landscape + Kodama's Reach and whichever other mana ramp you can add to the deck.

  8. Beast of Burden - There are elves that do this. Heedless One, Jagged-Scar Archers and Drove of Elves (which you're playing) are elves and they get shroud from the commander. The 1st has trample, the 2nd kills fliers and the 3rd has hexproof which is good when your commander is out.

  9. Bloom Tender - This card belongs in multicolored decks. Preferably 3 or more colors. You have several elves that tap for G, costing 1 cmc. At 2 cmc you'll prefer Priest of Titania.

  10. Fangren Marauder - High CMC, triggers on artifacts destroyed only and does something that comes natural to elves: lifegain. Wellwisher is way better.

  11. Llanowar Mentor - You're not playing madness, I don't see anything to abuse cards from your grave... Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury is way better.

  12. Mishra's Self-Replicator - Feeds Grinding Station, I know. Still, not that good, I believe.

  13. Scattershot Archer - Unless you're seeing lots of x/1 fliers on your meta, this is pointless. Hurricane, Tornado Elemental, Whirlwind and so many other cards are better.

  14. Shaman of Spring - Masked Admirers does the same, has the same cmc and is repeatable.

  15. Silhana Wayfinder - I'd prefer Wood Elves.

  16. Spire Tracer - Meh.

  17. Weatherseed Elf - Might work if you find a way of turning your non-green opponents lands into forests. My fav way is Deepwood Elder.

Some cards you might consider:

  1. Caller of the Claw and Fresh Meat- Anti-mass removal!

  2. Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen, Elvish Champion, Imperious Perfect, Joraga Warcaller, Elvish Clancaller, Canopy Tactician and Elvish Warmaster - Elf lords for all kind of tastes.

  3. Glissa Sunseeker and Nullmage Shepherd - Artifact and enchantment removal.

  4. Lys Alana Huntmaster - Token generation. Self explanatory, I believe.

  5. Marwyn, the Nurturer - Mana acceleration.

  6. Wolf-Skull Shaman - Card advantage. Works quite well with Sylvan Library.

DemMeowsephs on Vampiric Elves

4 years ago

Hey there! Elves are indeed a super fun creature type, I've whipped up a few decks for them in the past, thus I may have some suggestions that may be of use for you! First off, Twilight Mire would make a great addition to this deck, and I can say from experience that they help you quite a bit. There is also Blooming Marsh, which may not be your thing, but works very well for me in some of my decks. Strip Mine/Wasteland can definitely up the power-level of your deck, as almost nothing works better than destroying your opponent's lands, especially since the ability is hard to stop. Ancient Tomb is also an amazing card, and based on the card costs in your deck, I think you could use this quite a lot to your advantage in the deck, especially because you're gaining life. Last but not least, I would possibly recommend Mana Confluence, City of Brass, and Reflecting Pool, if you think your mana base needs it, though I think it looks pretty fine without it. You may also want to replace all your basics with Snow-Covered Swamps and Snow-Covered Forest, as they are cheap, and function the exact same as basics, meaning they are still considered basic lands, etc, except they can be very good if you are facing a snow deck. While this isn't likely, it is always something to consider. Speaking of the mana base, there are some notable cards missing here, and I would consider the following for ramp: Birds of Paradise, Sylvan Caryatid, Nature's Lore/Three Visits, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, Exploration, Burgeoning, Explore, Emerald Medallion, Sol Ring, and of course Arcane Signet. I understand a couple of your elves can ramp, but its good to at least have 7-10 ramp spells in the deck, and some of the above might be very helpful in that regard. Now enough about the manabase, how about we look into your elves! Here are a list of a bunch of elves you way want to consider: Abomination of Llanowar, Ezuri, Renegade Leader, Marwyn, the Nurturer, Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen, Fauna Shaman, Allosaurus Shepherd, Shaman of the Pack, Elvish Champion, Heritage Druid, Yeva, Nature's Herald, Joraga Treespeaker, Wirewood Symbiote, and many more! You also may want to consider some tribal cards, like Coat of Arms, Vanquisher's Banner, Door of Destinies, Herald's Horn, Urza's Incubator, etc. Last but not least, you may want to include Umbral Mantle, Sword of the Paruns, and Staff of Domination, because if you have Elvish Archdruid, Priest of Titania, or something that gives 3+ mana, you can get INFINITE mana with these cards, making them quite good! Anyways, these card suggestions may not be your sort of thing, or they may give you something to think about, but either way feel free to check out some of my decks, like Double Trouble EDH ⫸PRIMER⫷, and give them some support if this helped! Now I hope this helps, good luck on your deck, and have a wonderful day! Happy tapping!

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