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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Destroy all creatures with flying.

123456789101112131415161718 on Ezuri's Exuberant Elfball Extravaganza

2 years ago

Hey Profet93, thanks for the upvote!

Flying isn't super prevalent in my meta, and I can usually outpace the decks that do have fliers. While earlier iterations of this deck ran a fair bit more of flying interaction, having Whirlwind and the few removal spells in this deck tend to be enough.

Reap is definitely a meta call, most of my playgroup plays black and being able to return my entire graveyard to my hand most of the time is super good.

I ran Skullclamp for a bit and its a bit too slow in this deck. Due to the numerous lords I run as well, my little 1/1's generally aren't little 1/1's, which doesn't let me equip, draw repeat. If I find games start to go on for a bit longer I might put it back in.

Heart Warden is a pretty cool card, but I don't know what I'd take out. It might be a tad bit too slow as well, as I usually can only cast it turn 2, which only gives me an extra 1 mana turn three, whereas I'm usually aiming for a bit more. Might test it out though as the added draw ability can be helpful.

Glimpse of Nature is busted 100%, I just have no idea what to slot out for it. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Fierce Empath is something always in the back of my mind, but I've found there's enough tutors/card draw en masse to grab craterhoof or regal force pretty reliably.

Thanks for all your suggestions!

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

Green does actually have wraths, but they typically lean toward the eradication of artifacts / enchantments, or creatures with flying (for some dumb reason). Back to Nature, Calming Verse, Creeping Corrosion, Essence Filter, Glyph of Reincarnation if you can set it up properly, Hush, Multani's Decree, Primeval Light, Rampage of the Clans, Reverent Silence (Honestly an overpowered card in certain groups), Seeds of Innocence, Serene Heart, Tranquil Domain, Tranquil Grove (WHAT?!), ... there's more but you get the idea.

As for creature wraths, only Whirlwind.

Also Green has MLD with Tsunami. It becomes true MLD with Stormtide Leviathan in play. And with Archetype of Imagination, you've just told the entire table to go fuck themselves.

:) Because Simic gonna Simic.

But by far, my favorite wrath is Wave of Vitriol.

Predatory Dominance


This spell costs less to cast for each creature you control of the chosen type.

Choose a creature type. Destroy all creatures except for the those who share the chosen type. If this spell cost or more less to cast, end the turn.

How's that?

Make another wrath that doesn't hit creatures. Any other permanent type is fine. Just leave the creatures alone.

DarkRequiem on Eladamri LoL Elf Forestwalk

4 years ago

There are a few cards making very little sense to me:

  1. Primal Amulet - Right now you're running 4 instants & sorceries.

  2. Library of Leng - Are you drawing that much? Is your meta that full of discard? Reliquary Tower would be a better fit unless your meta is really heavy on discard.

  3. Grinding Station - You're playing few artifacts. I think I counted 13. Might be wrong though. Still, most of those artifacts are stuff you don't want to sac.

  4. Tower Above + Bequeathal - Your commander gives shroud to most of your creatures. You don't want to target them 99.9% of the time. Considering your commander and the fact that people will try to get rid of it asap I might go with Myth Unbound.

  5. Most of the lands coming into play tapped. Most of them are subpar.

  6. Adaptive Automaton - Elves have more than enough lords. No need for a non-green creature.

  7. Allosaurus Rider - Although I'm not against this card per se, I think you'll need to play more stuff to make it work. Blighted Woodland and Myriad Landscape + Kodama's Reach and whichever other mana ramp you can add to the deck.

  8. Beast of Burden - There are elves that do this. Heedless One, Jagged-Scar Archers and Drove of Elves (which you're playing) are elves and they get shroud from the commander. The 1st has trample, the 2nd kills fliers and the 3rd has hexproof which is good when your commander is out.

  9. Bloom Tender - This card belongs in multicolored decks. Preferably 3 or more colors. You have several elves that tap for G, costing 1 cmc. At 2 cmc you'll prefer Priest of Titania.

  10. Fangren Marauder - High CMC, triggers on artifacts destroyed only and does something that comes natural to elves: lifegain. Wellwisher is way better.

  11. Llanowar Mentor - You're not playing madness, I don't see anything to abuse cards from your grave... Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury is way better.

  12. Mishra's Self-Replicator - Feeds Grinding Station, I know. Still, not that good, I believe.

  13. Scattershot Archer - Unless you're seeing lots of x/1 fliers on your meta, this is pointless. Hurricane, Tornado Elemental, Whirlwind and so many other cards are better.

  14. Shaman of Spring - Masked Admirers does the same, has the same cmc and is repeatable.

  15. Silhana Wayfinder - I'd prefer Wood Elves.

  16. Spire Tracer - Meh.

  17. Weatherseed Elf - Might work if you find a way of turning your non-green opponents lands into forests. My fav way is Deepwood Elder.

Some cards you might consider:

  1. Caller of the Claw and Fresh Meat- Anti-mass removal!

  2. Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen, Elvish Champion, Imperious Perfect, Joraga Warcaller, Elvish Clancaller, Canopy Tactician and Elvish Warmaster - Elf lords for all kind of tastes.

  3. Glissa Sunseeker and Nullmage Shepherd - Artifact and enchantment removal.

  4. Lys Alana Huntmaster - Token generation. Self explanatory, I believe.

  5. Marwyn, the Nurturer - Mana acceleration.

  6. Wolf-Skull Shaman - Card advantage. Works quite well with Sylvan Library.

Jack-Frost on Omnath Locus of Nava

4 years ago

Sorry, missed one.

Nylea's Intervention- While a decent card that has multiple functions, since your deck already has a lot of land fetches, and this requires a decent amount of mana to be pumped into it for any real value (not to mention it only puts it into your hand rather than the battlefield), it functions more of a win-more card rather than something you could/would use regularly. This means it's not as useful during a normal turn. As for the flying damage, while you do not have a lot of ways to deal with flying creatures, there are better ways to deal with either opponents board states and/or single target removing the problematic creature. If flying creatures are a regular problem, I would recommend Whirlwind. It's cheaper than Nylea's Intervention with regards to removing the flying problem, and more likely to solve the issue. However, if they are not a pressing issue and it was more just a card there in the event they might become a problem, I recommend sideboarding Whirlwind and still removing the intervention

Also, I would highly recommend increasing the basic Mountains and Islands you have to increase fetching and consistency

Lanzo493 on Ezuri's Elven Warfare

4 years ago

Avoid Fate —> Heroic Intervention It’s just better in general.

Whirlwind This is a situational bordwipe that will usually be a dead card in your hand. Depends on your meta though. If flyers are a big problem from one player, then the best removal is player removal I say.

Sylvan Awakening You’ll generally want to use your mana for Ezuri, not for lands.

Naturalize You’ve got quite a bit of this kind of destruction anyway. You can cut the worst one.

I’d also suggest running more basics to make better use of Extraplanar Lens. I’m not a fan of Zhalfirin Void, and since you can just regenerate your blockers, Maze of Ith and Labyrinth of Skophos seem unnecessary. I do like Labyrinth, though, since you can remove blockers and let damage trample over, but with that much mana you could also just activate Ezuri again. Probably get more damage in that way, too. If you need them to deal with voltron commanders, they are pretty useful, then. Just try to keep track of how many times the pesky creatures have hexproof to see if it’s worth it to run the lands.

ZooManiac on Rin and Seri

4 years ago

Could try Gleam of Battle, Anointed Procession, Purphoros, God of the Forge, or Intangible Virtue for other enchantments for your tokens.

For flying protection, might want Gruul Charm and/or Whirlwind

A strong defensive spell might be Cleansing Nova, Boros Charm, and Return to Dust. Possibly even Ghostly Prison.

Tzefick on How would you give white …

4 years ago

I've been absent from the topic for a while, I find it best to let the thoughts at the time of writing settle down and then revisit with a fresh mind.

Gidgetimer First of all I don't agree about white's lack of card draw in the Commander format is a content creator conjured issue. Content creators are just a very broad place I can refer to as a common platform where people share their beliefs. And I wanted to not only resort to the anecdotal experiences of me and my play group. Although for reference, most players in my play group agrees that white is the weakest singular color in Commander and one of those reasons is lack of card draw.

It may be a slight miscommunication but the thread could easily be about card advantage and not specifically card draw. I've made several of the suggestions in the OP not be direct card draw but rather an ability to access more card resources (like through the graveyard). So feel free to post ideas about mechanics that enables card advantage but not strictly through card draw.

This got rather lengthy Show

This kinda sums up my point:

Overall I don't see white always coming out of a board wipe having equalized the card access/advantage. And even if that was true it reads like white is always behind up until the point that they equalize. That doesn't seem like a good position to be in.

Futuremonk on The Circus of Value, Yarok Landfall EDH

4 years ago

This looks great. The one thing that sticks out to me is that I don't see very many board wipes -- just AEtherize unless I'm missing one.

To go with Yarok's ETB theme, I'd recommend Massacre Girl. She is also great for being able to be flickered and recurred.

It doesn't look like you have too many flyers, so Whiptongue Hydra could be good as well. Doubling its trigger doesn't really do anything, but it is still a solid creature and board wipe. Whirlwind would be a more budget-friendly alternative.

You might also want to add a few multicolor lands, but maybe that won't be a problem with all the land ramp. I'd suggest the bounce lands at least because the would both fix your colors and let you replay lands for extra landfall triggers.

You might want to consider cheaper cmc ramp as well. Cards like Veteran Explorer, Font of Fertility, and Sakura-Tribe Elder would all bring the curve down. Also, it's a great card, but I'm not sure this deck really needs or wants Sol Ring.

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