Nullmage Advocate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nullmage Advocate

Creature — Insect Druid

Tap: Return two target cards in an opponent's graveyard to his or her hand. Destroy target artifact or enchantment.

DreadKhan on The Golem

2 years ago

In budget decks I always want a Transmogrifying Wand, removal tends to help budget decks a lot more than higher power decks because it's usually harder for a budget deck to just 'go over the top' and win via brute force. GW is really, really good at removing stuff, it's a specialty of both colours at this point.

A few things I use in my Selesnya deck, which is also interested in tokens, might fit in here. Gigantomancer is a lot of mana to get out, but all buffs stack with 7/7 base p/t. Harmonious Archon is an unbelievably good card in a deck that can go reasonably wide, it makes everyone equal, meaning anything that gets even +0/+1 is suddenly terrifying, same with First Strike. Keeper of Fables is a big dumb version of Toski, Bearer of Secrets, but Toski is very much not budget. Soltari Visionary is a weird old card that can remove an enchantment each time it gets in for damage, and most people don't run any Shadows. Hour of Reckoning might work if most people don't run many tokens in your area. Shamanic Revelation is better in decks that don't have very big creatures but tend to have lots, Return of the Wildspeaker and it's ilk are better if you have a very tall creature. Abundance is great in budget decks where you might struggle to find enough card draw, it gets you more consistent value for each draw. Felidar Retreat might be a bit pricey, but getting a free +1/+1 counter on each creature matters more in a deck with tokens. Similarly, Idol of Oblivion isn't super cheap but it's a strong effect with token generation.

If you like Myriad Landscape, Blighted Woodland also exists, ramp on a land is really sweet, even if it's not the most efficient ramp (it enters untapped). Devout Witness is repeatable removal vs artifacts and enchantments.

There is an old cycle in Selesnya that's really useful in some cases, most of them are budget but the odd one is pricier (though not very). They all work on the principle that you give an opponent back cards from their graveyard to get access to a really strong effect. I've had good results with Spurnmage Advocate, Pulsemage Advocate and Nullmage Advocate, but take a look if you've got a few minutes. They're all from the Judgement set iirc, but some got reprints. One fun thing you can do with these is target something someone else was planning to reanimate/dredge with, there are a decent number of Magic cards that people play in EDH that they want/need in their graveyard.

Hope some of this is relevant/these aren't outside your budget! Good luck and have fun!

Balaam__ on The Projects: Budget Urban Development

3 years ago

Thanks for posting Spisepinden. I’m grateful for the suggestions as well; I’m always interested in seeing potential ideas I may have overlooked. I think Evolution Charm is a good backup plan—it was actually part of the deck during design stages, but I cut it for some reason (I can’t recall why). I’ll Maybeboard it for a possible future update. Same with Nullmage Advocate.

I had considered some of the other suggestions like Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, but I think at this point if I wished to include them I’d have to do a major overhaul on the deck and lose a lot of its current form and focus. They’re perfectly viable ideas but I’d rather build a new deck with those as foundation stones than completely retool this one. I suppose I could un-budgetize this by swapping Wild Growth for Utopia Sprawl, making Sanctum Gargoyle doable, inner Scrooge McDuck would rather hoard the gold coins.

Spisepinden on The Projects: Budget Urban Development

3 years ago

It's a damn shame this deck can't run Liquimetal Coating :P I love the theme!

As others have stated, the plan hinges on a fragile creature. Having Vines of Vastwood or Apostle's Blessing can be helpful, but if your Myr gets killed, it might be useful to have something like Evolution Charm to bring it back from the graveyard. You're probably not going to use the flying mode often, but being able to search for a land in a pinch is a great secondary option to keep it from being a completely dead card. The instant speed is nice as well.

Beyond that, a card like Nullmage Advocate might be a useful way to keep the land destruction going without relying on draws all the time. The cards you return to your opponent's hand won't matter since they have no mana to cast them, meaning they'll likely end back in the graveyard at your opponent's end step. And even if you're returning lands, the Advocate will happily flatten them over and over again, at no card disadvantage to you.

Other sources of destruction could come in the shape of Mwonvuli Acid-Moss and Conclave Naturalists, though the former might be a bit too slow while I could see the latter competing a bit with the Siege Wurm and Tangle Golem. There's something to be said about card destruction on legs, though.

Card drawing options are a bit far fetched for green, but if you're really desperate, Bonder's Ornament and Arcane Spyglass are probably your best options in case the game goes long.

On a final, sort of side-tangent note, even though I know the deck is mono green and almost certainly benefits from being able to ramp with a single color, I still feel that it would be a shame to not at least mention a card like Sanctum Gargoyle.

Happy deck brewing!

Meachman on Spidey-Pool, Best Friends Forever!

5 years ago

I run Head Games in my Kenrith Politics deck as a way to give people answers to threats or set someone back. I also like Fertilid as early-game ramp that can also point at another player if needed.

Nullmage Advocate , Pulsemage Advocate , and Spurnmage Advocate are some useful abilities on a body. I don't play my hug deck to mill, but I'll usually activate my Folio of Fancies once just to get cards in graveyards so my advocates are online.

Happy hugging!

NV_1980 on Play It Again, Yisan! *PRIMER*

5 years ago

Hello eerie343,

We gave your request a lot of thought. Our main objective was to keep the spirit of the deck the same. So we decided to try and find replacements for the more expensive cards while keeping the original thought of the replaced cards alive. Naturally this would mean we would end up with cards that are either slightly less effective at what the expensive cards do, or they have a higher CMC, or both.

Almost all replacements we have chosen cost below 1 dollar. Some of the replaced cards are cards we do not own, so we decided not to post a new deck as we only do so when we own all the cards in it. So, here is a list of the replacements we would make in order to turn this into a less expensive deck:

We were not able to find suitable replacements (i.e.: cards that would do the same thing but be slightly less effective at it) for the following cards:

So if you have any suggestions for these, please let us know. For now, we hope we helped you a bit to make a cheaper version of our deck. Have fun brewing it!

Kind regards,

Mrs. and Mr. NV_1980

raefgall on Huggles

5 years ago

The two big things I notice here are: you don't have a lot of expensive cards to cheat out with Omniscience (unless I'm missing a combo somewhere), and Grip of Chaos can get really annoying in a four player game with lots of stuff on the board. (I also don't know if Arcane Flight does enough to really be impactful.)

Based on the style of deck this seems to be, I'm a big fan of tossing cards from the advocate cycle in. In particular: Nullmage Advocate and Spurnmage Advocate give you a way to blow problems up while also returning cards (of your choice) to another player's hand. Pulsemage Advocate lets you bring a creature back. It's a great way to 'gift' someone cards that are useful to you (like a counterspell when someone else is about to wipe the board).

Oh, and given the Spike Weaver , picking up a Spore Frog or Kami of False Hope might be fun.

Love the concept. Love seeing Assault Suit in decks. Love the addition of Play of the Game .

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