Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel

Legendary Creature — Elf Warrior

Whenever a token you control leaves the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on this.

When Nadier leaves the battlefield, create a number of 1/1 green Elf Warrior creature tokens equal to its power.

Partner (You can have two commanders if both have partner.)

Recommendations View more recommendations

Arnjlot's Ascent
Unscrupulous Agent
Graceful Takedown
Briarblade Adept
Tajuru Snarecaster

ACapo18 on The Lord of the Tokens

1 year ago

The deck looks good!

If you’re open to suggestions, some fun cards you might enjoy are Divine Visitation, Ghalta and Mavren, Cathars' Crusade, Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel, and Nadier's Nightblade. I also think a bit more draw with cards like Toski, Bearer of Secrets and Ohran Frostfang would add consistency and a power boost to the deck.

Personally I enjoy running a bit more ramp in my decks, but your curve seems low enough that it’s probably not an issue. If it does become an issue, Cultivate & Kodama's Reach are staples, and Three Visits & Nature's Lore are some slightly more efficient includes.

TypicalTimmy on Random New Deck

3 years ago

I got Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel, so I'm going to continue to cycle until I find his partner <3


Soo, what would this be? Like Zombie aristocrats or something?

SOTC on Chatterfang´s Karre

3 years ago

Hey Fridulina, what a cool deck! I love the theme; token shenanigans are a particular favorite of mine. As it stands, this deck has 105 cards - let's shave it down to a legal 100, and see if we can't make it a bit more focused to boot :)

Cards to Add
- Additional recursion and protection cards keep Chatterfang and your other combo pieces in the game. I have to say I love the addition of Gyome, Master Chef - he interacts excellently with all your deck's pillars, and keeps both you and your important creatures alive. Economical ways to keep your general around are Kaya's Ghostform and Aspect of Mongoose. The former recurs him no matter what; the latter keeps him from being targeted, and should he get board-wiped, you still get the Aura back! In a general sense, picking up a Regrowth is just an all-round good idea: you can go fish for anything you lose.
- Consider using Mycoloth, as it synergizes fantastically with this deck. As a mass sacrifice outlet, a big stompy creature, and a prolific token generator all in one, this Fungus has it all.
- Though expensive at , Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel can get huge real fast in this deck, and removing him only worsens your opponents' problem.
- For reliable card-draw, an Idol of Oblivion and a Species Specialist will do tons of work here. They also have supplemental uses in providing creature bodies to swing and block with.

Cards to add: 7

Cards to Cut
- I'd say Squirrel Sanctuary & Squirrel Nest don't really work fast enough to warrant their mana costs. Additionally, this deck doesn't exclusively lean on Squirrels but has a general token-value theme, diminishing the synergy they may have had in a pure tribal deck.
- Mitotic Slime is somewhat over-costed for its effect. If there would be a reliable way to keep sacrificing and recurring it, it would be quite a bit better.
- Avenger of Zendikar works better in a landfall or Plant deck; here it's a token maker that only occasionally buffs those tokens, provided it and they even stick around. For , that's not very spectacular.
- Sifter of Skulls and Golgari Germination both suffer from the 'nontoken' element in their rules text. While this deck is all about tokens kicking the bucket, you don't really want to lose any of your 23 creature cards - most of them only provide value while they are alive, and you want to save recursion for your commander.

On single-use spells in EDH
This deck runs into a problem many Commander players encounter: that of smaller, value-providing instants and sorceries underperforming in EDH. Cards like Read the Bones, Sign in Blood, Chatter of the Squirrel, Skeletal Scrying, Village Rites and Scatter the Seeds can be played only once or twice, unless your deck runs permanent-based recursion effects to keep bringing them back. As a rule of thumb for EDH, if you want to include an instant or sorcery, its effect should be at least one of these:

  1. Dramatic: powerful game-changing effects, as on Kindred Dominance;
  2. Permanent: ramp spells such as Three Visits are a good example;
  3. Reactive: capable of selectively enhancing or protecting one of your cards, negating an opponent's (more expensive) spell - i.e. a Professor's Warning to stop a removal effect.

These criteria are born from necessity - in EDH, you don't have a single opponent to defeat, but three. In a two-player game, a Village Rites gives you a one-card advantage over your opponent - you spend one, and gain two. In a four-player game, with each of your opponents drawing a card for turn, you have accrued a one-card deficit.

With that in mind, I'd recommend culling the aforementioned instants and sorceries. This deck already has powerful card-drawing (Toski, Bearer of Secrets) and token-making (Chatterfang) effects available to it. Trust that they will do the job well.

Cards to cut: 12

Wrapping Up
And with that, we're down to 100! I hope this helps you streamline the deck, so you may overrun your foes with a horde of vengeful rodents. Good luck!

lessidor on elves of the shadows

3 years ago

king-saproling my mistake, Cauldron of Souls DO sinergize well with Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel and Metallic Mimic ...just realize :')

lessidor on elves of the shadows

3 years ago

king-saproling thanks for the comment! i didnt see that Metallic Mimic sinergized well with Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel so it's indeed a nice add! On the same idea, i dont think that the persist of Cauldron of Souls would work well with either Metallic Mimic nor Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel .I'm considering all the cards you cite but i still have too much cards to cut, any outside point of view on which cards seem not worth the cut?

jamochawoke on

3 years ago

I like how the guy above this comment just casually strolls in and tells you to put in a bunch of moxen...

That said, warriors is one of my favorite tribes and I've made a ton of decks with them! Plus Najeela is such a badass commander! These are my suggestions that you haven't included and could serve as some better synergy with your deck than your non-warriors:

  • God-Eternal Oketra make huge 4/4 zombie warrior tokens on every warrior cast.

  • Oketra the True make warrior tokens and acts as a big beater itself.
  • Oketra's Monument tons and tons of warrior tokens.
  • Rush of Battle warrior themed overrun that gains you tons of life.
  • Herald of Anafenza gets bigger and makes warrior tokens at the same time.
  • Raiders' Spoils probably the best card draw you'll see for warrior tribal.
  • Gilt-Leaf Ambush elf warrior tokens with sometimes deathtouch.
  • Hunting Triad elf warrior tokens or modal +1/+1 counters.
  • Presence of Gond give a creature a tap for elf warrior token ability.
  • Lovisa Coldeyes more warrior lord buffs!
  • Obsidian Battle-Axe haste and auto-attach to warriors equipment!
  • Regna, the Redeemer and Krav, the Unredeemed act as a sac outlet and warrior token generation combo.
  • Lord Windgrace deck filtering, color fixing, and generation of a ton of cat warrior tokens
  • Great Hall of Starnheim gets you a 4/4 angel warrior token in a pinch
  • Base Camp cheap 5 color land for warriors
  • Starnheim Unleashed make a ton of 4/4 angel warrior tokens!
  • Emeria's Call  Flip make angel warrior tokens and give your non-angel warriors indestructible or make it a land
  • Ascent of the Worthy pretty fun tricks on this.
  • Firja's Retribution make a 4/4 angel warrior token and give angels destroy and double strike.
  • Battle for Bretagard make warrior tokens, then make copies.
  • Housegheist on Lathril Blade of the Elves

    3 years ago

    I like your list, i'm builing a Lathril deck too. Here are some of my suggestions:

    A mana-cheap protection option could be delivered by Heroic Intervention . Malakir Rebirth  Flip and Bala Ged Recovery  Flip could be helpful too as they are pretty versatile cards.

    If you want some recursion Phyrexian Reclamation could help you to rebuild booardstate after a boardwipe or t-removal.

    What about Skemfar Avenger ? He's pretty cheap (in both ways) and would grant you pretty good card-advantage. An absolutely "must have" with that many 1/1's should be Skullclamp which could draw like your entire library. Realmwalker could grant you the top card of your library as a hand card as you can cast elf-spells from top of it.

    Maybe you should think about Skyshroud Poacher too, which can tutor all of your elves repeatably for just 3 mana. Only Elvish Piper would be a mana-cheper option.

    Gnarlroot Trapper is a perfect Manadork which can grant a creature deathtouch for protection as well. If your gameplan is winning by combat-dmg Beastmaster Ascension would be an absolutely blast.

    I personally am not a bit fan of Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel and Eyeblight Cullers as their cmc is too high for what they cosst. Belbe, Corrupted Observer and especcialy Glissa, the Traitor don't push your gameplan any further, too.

    Hope you don't mind my wall of text :D

    Polaris on Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel …

    4 years ago

    All creatures will be destroyed simultaneously. All of Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel 's abilities will trigger at the same time when this happens (its own leaves the battlefield trigger and 10 token leaving triggers), so you can put them on the stack in whatever order you like (triggers put on last will resolve first). However, the triggers to put counters on Nadier won't find Nadier because it's already in the graveyard, so it won't get any counters. When its own death trigger resolves, it will create three tokens.

    For this reason, decks running these kinds of cards want free instant speed sac outlets (like Viscera Seer or Altar of Dementia ) so when a board wipe comes to town you can make sure the tokens are dead and Nadier gets its counters before the board wipe resolves.

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