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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Return all green permanents to their owners' hands.

sonnet666 on engine out, painters servant in

5 years ago

Making all cards one color has a variety of niche combos that do busted things:

  1. Painter's Servant + Iona, Shield of Emeria was a spell lock. One of the reasons it was banned in the first place.
  2. Painter's Servant + Grindstone is effectively, ": Target player loses the game," and can go in any deck.
  3. Painter's Servant + Hibernation is basically Upheaval , another card banned in EDH. Since this version is so cheap and an instant you can cast Hibernation in response to your own spell, and then win the game with whatever problem creature you have on an empty field. It's also as easy to tutor as Dramatic Scepter.
  4. Painter's Servant + Deathgrip = Off color repeatable counterspells (there's a green version of this enchantment I can't remember).
  5. Painter's Servant + Compost = Makes you draw anytime any card touches your opponent's yard.
  6. Painter's Servant + Animar = Protection from everything.
  7. Painter's Servant + Teysa, Orzhov Scion = Extra Darkest Hour for sac loops.

Anyway, none of those were the reason Flash Hulk has become more powerful. It's just that Paradox Engine decks were one of the few things in the cEDH meta that could compete with Flash Hulk, so now that it's banned Flash Hulk decks are basically uncontested.

sonnet666 on philktoken8998

5 years ago

My Ensnaring Bridge is Stronghold. And is pretty close o NM as far as I can tell. Here's a picture: link

However, I'm not going to trade it down, so if you want to make a trade, I would only trade for your Doubling Season as a 1 to 1.

Either way, I'm still interested in the cards you listed, and I have some other wants from your binder:

Total Price: $40.82

I'd be interested in trading those for these cards out of what you listed:

Spellseeker , Gamble , Talisman of Hierarchy , Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion , Cruel Celebrant , Ugin, the Ineffable , Emmara, Soul of the Accord , Immolation Shaman , Bolas's Citadel , Flux Channeler , Evolution Sage , Finale of Revelation , Karn's Bastion , Inspiring Vantage , and Rugged Prairie . (Total: $39.79)

Also, I just like to say that I'm sorry for falling though on that trade we'd worked out like 6 months ago. I believe it was for my Leyline of the Void . I wasn't on this site for a while, and it kinda slipped my mind. Neither of us had sent anything at that point, so it's not a big deal, but I remembered it when I saw your username and thought I should mention it.

Let me know if this sounds good, and if you want to include Ensnaring Bridge for Doubling Season as well.

hejtmane on The crushing multiplayer aspect

5 years ago

Cards like this can help as while Predator Ooze or Temur Sabertooth these are cheap and Sabertooth saves it self and another creature this is assuming destroy and not exile or negative counters. You could save your green creatures with Hibernation or like people said cards like Counterspell or Swan Song as example but blue has tons that are cheaper in $$ that are commons.

JKRice on Merfolk for FNM

5 years ago

I have a couple of suggestions, having played against modern Merfolk. I like the deck in general, you have the right structure, there are just some card ratios and choices that I disagree with. I’m not sure how low your budget is so you might just want to ignore these.

1: Cursecatcher is played as a 4-of a lot in merfolk

2: Peek is not the best card in merfolk I would reccomend taking out all of them

3: Wanderwine Hub doesn’t do much. Choke isn’t played as much as it used to be. However, I would reccomend Faerie Conclave if you’re worried about choke

4: Dismember is useful in merfolk as a 1 mana destroy spell

5: Master of Waves is a good card. However, modern is a turn 3 - turn 4 format, meaning by the time you play master of waves, the game will be close to ending. I would reccomend only running two masters

6: I would reccomend adding 2 harbinger of tides and cutting 2 merfolk tricksters. Also, a good alternative to merfolk trickster is Merrow Reejerey

7: I definitely like Mirror Image as a budget choice for phantasmal

8: Mistcaller is a good sideboard Card, but in the vast majority of situations it doesn’t do anything. I would reccomend 2 Vapor Snag instead

9: as for the sideboard, Echoing Truth, Dispel, and Flashfreeze/Hibernation are all strong choices for the current meta

goodair on philktoken8998

6 years ago

these are nm:
Harbinger of the Tides
Kataki, War's Wage
Grip of Phyresis
2x Tidehollow Sculler

2x Cranial Plating MP, fifth dawn
Echoing Truth Damaged
Hibernation LP
Pearl Medallion HP, tempest
might have some other cards to fill in for these nm cards

Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip
Path to Exile
ended up getting a copter from a friend

speck2993 on Metamorphosis [[Primer in the Making]]

6 years ago

Neat deck.

For the mainboard, I'm a bit worried about your manabase. This deck desperately wants to play a cantrip T1 into a counterspell (probably Remand) T2, and your odds of drawing the mana to do that, accounting for mulligans, are only about 75%. You're pretty low to the ground, and if you can cast your cantrips you should be able to find what you need, but a land count of 22 or 23 seems more appropriate for this deck. It also seems like you might be a bit slow to combo; you need 5 of your 20 lands to even cast Polymorph, and it won't often be safe to tap out on Turn 5, so it seems like you'll be idle for 7-8 turns, which could be dangerous.

I really like the inclusion of Cloudform and Runechanter's Pike; the kill out of nowhere with Inkmoth Nexus seems pretty plausible if you get a chance to pike it. Disrupting Shoal also seems like a brilliant way to protect your combo if you get into a counter war, since you'll probably have left over cantrips, so it can hit a Spell Pierce for free.

With that in mind, here are the changes I might make:

First, I would cut 2 Blinkmoth Nexus for 2 Faerie Conclave, just to make sure we can hit our consistently. I think there might also be reason to cut a Thirst for Knowledge; most of the time, I think this deck can't afford to tap out on Turn 3, which means we're looking for an EoT Thirst; I also don't think you want to be discarding Pike, especially if you're in dig mode. The extra slot makes room for a third Faerie Conclave, so the deck is on 21 lands and 9 manlands. I think this deck could also benefit from the Training Grounds + Umbral Mantle combo, considering that it's playing so many manlands; if you combo of G1, they'll board in a bunch of hate, and they probably won't see a different combo coming. I'm not sure exactly what could be cut here. You'd be adding a redundancy combo, so losing Emmy to Cloudform wouldn't be as much of a risk; that might allow you to cut an Emrakul; you might also be able to cut some Cloudforms, and then see if it's possible to shave combo protection.

All of this is sort of half-baked, though; I'm sure you've thought about at least some of these things, and that there are good reasons for omitting them. The only think I really think will be a problem is the low land count.

Also, although I'm not sure how this would go exactly, this deck could probably make a splash. The three main contenders are white (for incredible sideboard options, Path to Exile, and Myth Realized, which I think would be great in a Polymorph deck), green (for Khalni Garden, which was a major piece in the original Extended Polymorph deck, along with Beast Within and some ramp), or black (for Fatal Push, discard to protect your combo, and maybe Bitterblossom).

As for the sideboard, I have a few ideas. First, I've had a lot of success with Gigadrowse in mono-blue sideboards; if you topdeck it, it pretty much buys you a turn, and bringing it in against other combo decks could work here. I would also play some Swan Songs (maybe even in the mainboard); they protect your combo, stop your opponents from shredding your hand, and can give you Polymorph targets in a pinch. Pongify and Rapid Hybridization are good creature removal, and Hibernation actually wins a lot of games when your opponent doesn't expect it. Beyond that, it's hard to say; if your LGS has a decent number of Affinity players, you'll need the full set of Hurkyl's Recall to stay competitive, but otherwise you probably can't afford the slots. For now, I would suggest that you get 20 or so generic blue sideboard cards, then look into more specialized cards if there are specific decks you need to beat.

(I'm not sure if checking or unchecking suggests on this site, so you may get a ton of extraneous suggestions from this comment. Sorry about that.)

sylvannos on Intruder Alarm

6 years ago

@Minihorror227: Yeah if you stay straight U/W, I'd go with a list something like:

4x Thraben Doomsayer
4x Steward of Solidarity
4x Drift of Phantasms
2x Snapcaster Mage
2x Sun Titan
18 Creatures

4x Intruder Alarm
4x Serum Visions/Opt
4x Path to Exile
2x Remand
2x Cryptic Command
2x Spell Snare
1x Dispel
3x Altar of the Brood
1x Sphinx's Revelation
21 Other Spells

4x Flooded Strand
4x Hallowed Fountain
1x Glacial Fortress
2x Celestial Colonnade
2x Plains
3x Island
1x Westvale Abbey  Flip
4x Seachrome Coast
21 Lands

3x Spellskite
2x Rest in Peace
2x Stony Silence
2x Disenchant
1x AEtherize
1x Condemn
1x Blessed Alliance
1x Hibernation
1x Wrath of God
1x Blind Obedience
15 Sideboard Cards

You'd play it like a regular U/W Control deck, except you'd have a combo finish. You could even put an Emeria, The Sky Ruin package somewhere in the deck, so you can switch into a more Sun Titan control shell if your opponent boards in too much hate or they have a deck that really likes to tap and untap its creatures.

Rzepkanut on Kess Me Kess Me Kess Me

6 years ago

I like Kess a lot. Been thinking about building one myself. Got some ideas looking at yours. If you liked Deranged assistant, you'll like Millikin. Mental Note, Strategic Planning, Thought Scour, Forbidden Alchemy seem like more synergistic cards than some of the other cantrips and self mill...especially Traumatize which doesn't even draw a card. Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir and Pendrell Mists are probably good vs those commanders you mentioned playing against a lot. If you can handle it Arcane Laboratory will really slow down things for everyone and basically shuts down Rashmi. Carpet of Flowers and Hibernation seems petty good vs them too lol. Metallurgic Summonings is like an auto include in any spellslinger build. Mystic Retrieval is an upgrade on call to mind. Rite of Replication is a great card for decks like this. Mind's Dilation, Melek, Izzet Paragon & Future Sight can help you keep up with your opponents getting free stuff all the time.

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