

Group hug has long been my archetype. I like politics, building up allies, and defeating common foes together. Favorite formats "Hoard" "Archenemy" and "two headed giant"

As a person I'm white aligned, but centered against black. Red chaos isn't as bad as black selfishness, and honestly I appreciate the creativity red brings. I'll play any color save black.

So when Kynaios and Tiro came out as a precon commander deck, I had to get it. This is what it's become.


The main idea is to make my opponents fight each other, with me as a possible ally to whoever is on the losing side. I build up resources so that by the time I'm one on one I'm more powerful than my opponents.

With any hope I also look less threatening than my opponents, but even if I do look scary, the downfalls of attacking me vs. my opponents should keep me safe. Propaganda and company are probably the most helpful here, as are Edric, Spymaster of Trest and Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa


At its core this is a land based deck. With my commander out I always get two land drops. The deck is about 50/50 land and nonland and that leaves a lot of room for utility lands.

To get them we have Realm Seekers - which is arguably the best card in the deck - Sylvan Scrying and Tempt with Discovery

To find we have

For massive damage. Kessig Wolf Run , Rogue's Passage

For the highest mana to land ratio Urza's Mine , Urza's Power Plant , Urza's Tower

For slower value to get your second land trigger Maze's End

Izzet Boilerworks and company

Blighted Woodland

and utility to be gotten as needed Blighted Cataract , Homeward Path , Reliquary Tower , and Skyline Cascade

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The deck has a lot of ways to win. I actually win through commander damage unusually often for a 2/8 due to Kessig Wolf Run

There's one infinite combo Walking Atlas + a bounce land (aka Azorius Chancery returning itself. Ghost Town makes infinite colorless mana on an opponent's turn) + Retreat to Coralhelm . An additional landfall trigger makes it actually do something. Retreat to Emeria is especially nice here for infinite Kor or infinitely strong creatures.

Keening Stone is also a good wincon if our opponents have as solid a pillow fort as we do.

I'm harmless he's scary!

One of the things I'm most afraid of is a good combo deck, because while I can stop creatures easy I'm making the combo player draw more cards and ramp faster. Hugging them is like hugging a porcupine.

I have a couple possibilities. I can kill the combo player first, focusing all my power in that direction. This leaves me open and vulnerable to everybody else.

The hope is that the additional card draw is helping your opponent's draw removal as fast as the combo player is playing pieces. With some politics I can point out pieces and deal with them that way. Soldevi Sentry and Humble Defector are especially helpful here as a way of making sure non combo opponents are faster.

Lastly I do have some targeted removal of my own.

What fun

So earlier I mentioned infinite colorless mana on my opponent's turn. What could I possibly use that for? Turns out that Kessig Wolf Run doesn't specify your creatures. So an opponent swings at another one with a 1/1 - you can turn it into an infinite/1 trampler.

The same thing applies in general. Hunted Phantasm and Hunted Dragon give opponents creatures. Bident of Thassa can force attacks. and Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa can prevent blocks.

Peaceful lovers

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Date added 7 years
Last updated 10 months

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

22 - 0 Commons

Cards 85
Avg. CMC 3.57
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Elemental 4/4 W, Goblin 1/1 R, Knight 2/2 W w/ First Strike, Kor Ally 1/1 W, Soldier 1/1 W, Squid 1/1 U
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