Seraph of the Sword

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Seraph of the Sword

Creature — Angel


Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt to Seraph of the Sword.

Necrosis24 on What is your favorite tribe, …

2 years ago

From an aesthetic and mechanical perspective I love zombies and their grotesque rotting corpses. To me it is a cool type of grotesque not like a disturbing one that makes me feel grossed out. They have also gotten some cool secret lair versions which I love such as Gravecrawler and the honorary zombie Grave Titan. Mechanic wise I love playing with my graveyard so zombies are the perfect match.

I also like goblins. I love how they are portrayed in MTG as creative idiots. They are inventors with a lack of brain cells which makes for some fun art and flavor text. Also its great fun pumping out hordes of goblins with Krenko, Mob Boss as it reminds me of LOTR when they are being chased in the Mines of Moria by goblins and you see them crawling out of the ceiling and down the columns like spiders. A truly terrifying position to picture yourself in which is a great contrast to the goblins in MTG.

Lastly I'd say angels as they were some of my favorite cards when I first started playing MTG. I was given a set of Serra Angel and traded my way to a set of Seraph of the Sword granted not the best cards at the time but for tabletop magic with my brother who also just got into the game they were my best cards. I was very big on boros aggro and lifelink, which ironically I've yet to build a commander deck around.

griffstick on What are the best defensive …

3 years ago

Everdawn Champion and Seraph of the Sword seem like perfect blockers. Other cards like Hundred-Handed One and Watcher in the Web . Also theres cards like High Ground and Brave the Sands help out big time as well. Someone mentioned Stuffy Doll I think that's a great one. Someone mentioned Guardian of the Gateless that card and all the cards that allow you to block multiple creatures go great with Godsend . Theres so many great blockers. Someone mentioned Ophiomancer , that's a fantastic suggestion.

StopShot on What are the best defensive …

3 years ago

Recently I've been interested in putting creatures in my EDH decks that are solely dedicated to playing defense, blocking big creatures in combat. On gatherer its easy to type up "Defender" to find a large selection of creatures that do just that, but not every highly defensive creature has that keyword and I wanted to make a post sharing creature cards with great defensive capabilities in any color. (Preferably with cheap CMC's.)

Some great defensive creatures I've found are:

Beloved Chaplain , Commander Eesha , Crypt Sliver , Darksteel Myr , Dawn Elemental , Deepwood Ghoul , Degavolver , Dragon's Eye Savants , Dream Fighter , Everdawn Champion , Giant Ox , Mischievous Poltergeist , Mistmeadow Skulk , Mother of Runes , Phantom Nantuko , Predator Ooze , Seraph of the Sword , Serendib Sorcerer , Serene Master , Sorceress Queen .

Does anyone know some others I could add to this list?

multimedia on

4 years ago

Hey, nice start, mono white can be tricky to build and play in Commander. You have Avacyn, Angel of Hope, make her the Commander? This is Angel tribal, but using Elesh Norn as Commander is strange...

No matter the Commander with Angel tribal Angels take up most, if not all, the high CMC spots in the deck because the best Angels have high CMCs. My advice is cut the majority of the other nonAngel high CMC (5 CMC or higher) cards. Ramp and Angels should be priority.

Cards to consider cutting right away because they're not as good as other cards or are redundancy you don't need:

This is 20 cards that doing a quick look over are subpar compared to the rest. The next 10 cards are cut to streamline by choosing the most important cards at different CMCs and cutting the others. Cards to consider cutting:

The last four cards is where it gets difficult to make cuts, but continue to streamline:

Hopefully this info helps and I offer more advice especially if you change to Avacyn, Angel of Hope as Commander since there's several good interactions to take advantage of.

Good luck with your deck.

ClockworkSwordfish on Mono-White Keyword Banding

4 years ago

If you're having issues with mana, then I definitely wouldn't extend the deck to three colours! Instead consider making room for the likes of Marble Diamond, Pearl Medallion, Worn Powerstone and Temple of the False God as well as the various white cards that can piggyback off your opponent's ramp, like Tithe, Gift of Estates, Knight of the White Orchid and Oreskos Explorer.

Also, I'm surprised you aren't running Errand of Duty! Having access to banding at instant speed is pretty handy. I'd also recommend Return to Dust over Ray of Distortion - it gets two targets for four mana rather than ten mana, and exiles them to boot - and something like Brave the Sands since banding pairs well with vigilance.

Another thing to consider is that banding is at its best when you have a scapegoat to soak up all the damage. That could be anything from Cho-Manno, Revolutionary to Seraph of the Sword to Darksteel Myr.

LunchBox1211 on Gisela, Blade of Goldnight Boros Angel Tribal EDH

4 years ago

It looks beautiful. A few ideas. Guardian of the Gateless and Seraph of the Sword are both decent blockers, Seraph Sanctuary gains you life, Baneslayer Angel is a 5 mana 5/5 w/ lifelink + first strike (and protection from demons and dragons), and Archangel of Tithes can help slow down attackers.

Tylord2894 on W/B Teysa Commander

5 years ago

Okay, so after looking at this deck for a while, considering its sideboard, and adding some cards that I use often for similar strategies, I've come up with a list of edits (well, actually three lists).

Before I get to those, I would like to explain what I found. Firstly, I like the idea behind the deck. Token strategies are always a great way to make a casual deck that can scale to be for optimized. I love the afterlife keyword as it lends itself to this optimization really well. But there were several less-than-savory card choices in here. The two biggest issues that I saw are ones that I see a lot (and full into too). The first of these is that many cards have a very high cost-to-value ratio. That is, there were several cards that cost too much (mana) and do too little for it. Elgaud Inquisitor is a fantastic example. While Elgaud Inquisitor is on-theme with their on-death triggered ability, that is all they have going for them. The lifelink isn't super useful, and the CMC is WAY too high. They are only a 2/2 too boot. Second off, theme isn't the same as function. I understand that there is a vorthos element to this deck, but since this deck isn't a full tribal deck, I think it's better to focus on ways to make the good parts of the theme work great.

I saw lots of cards that were life gaining cards ( Pontiff of Blight , Impassioned Orator , Riot Control , etc). This deck can make a lot of tokens which Tesya gives lifelink. You need not worry about life gain card. The strength of your creatures that make tokens when they die is that you can easily recur them in W/B. In the lists below, there are many cards that give added value to dying creature or make killing your creatures more ways to die. Lastly and most importantly, you had ZERO ramp and ALMOST NO card draw. THESE ARE THE TWO MOST FUNDAMENTAL ASSPECTS IN EDH!!! You NEED to have them!!! You can not rely solely on the one land drop and card draw. I've listed several cards that assist the main strategy and draw you cards (things like Dredge and Altar's Reap ). As for ramp, there is almost no good ramp outside of green. That only means that you have to look harder. Mana rocks are a must. I only have three in the lists, but they are absolute must-haves. Next, I put in several cards that give you mana in other ways. Most of them align themselves with the main strategy ( Ashnod's Altar , Soldevi Adnate , and Pawn of Ulamog to name a few). Similarly, I added cards that draw you cards from creatures dying. There is one card that I would like to point out in particular, Erebos . The important part of Erebos is his last ability. You pay and 2 life to draw a card. Life is a resource, and you'll be making plenty of it. Be sure to spend it. There are lots of cards that help you turn life into various things, like Bolas's Citadel (which I almost put in and still think has a place here). I would encourage you to look into them. Lastly, I would remove 6 lands. You have other ramp now and don't want to be flooded all of the time.

Here is the list of cards that I would remove:

I understand that there is a budget to this deck, so I've split my suggestions into two lists. The first is all cards that are cheap and should keep you under budget. The second list of cards is for later edits. If you want to spend more money on this deck, those are the cards that I would recommend buying.

As you're read through these, you might notice that a lot of these came from your sideboard. There are lots of good cards in there.

I hope you enjoy these changes. Just remember that casual decks don't have to be un-optimized.

Kogarashi on Weathered Bodyguards, Seraph of the …

5 years ago

Both Weathered Bodyguards and Pariah use replacement effects to redirect damage. Since you control both permanents, and both replacement effects modify the same thing (roughly; Weathered Bodyguards only affects unblocked damage, while Pariah will be able to affect trample damage too), you would be the affected player and choose which replacement effect to apply. Any leftover replacement effects that can't apply have no effect.

So you can choose to send that 10 unblocked damage to either Weathered Bodyguards or Seraph of the Sword , as you see fit.

If your opponent attacks with something with trample, though, and you do block it but some damage still gets through, you wouldn't be able to send that to Weathered Bodyguards and would have to send it at your Seraph of the Sword .

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