Krenko, Mob Boss
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Krenko, Mob Boss

Legendary Creature — Goblin Warrior

: Create X 1/1 red Goblin creatures, where X is the number of Goblins you control.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Skoa, Embermage
Goblin Mime
Reckless Ringleader
Enslaved Scout
Grotag Siege-Runner
Nosy Goblin

Belfore on Hail Caesar - Token Generator

1 month ago

Hey sorry for the short first post did it right before sleep. And thanks Crow_Umbra for getting that Isshin info to Merk-A-Do. I have a few other suggestions that I think will help the deck. Personally I would consider dropping both Public Thoroughfare and Exotic Orchard for something like Vault of the Archangel or maybe Westvale Abbey  Flip for one of those 2 and Myriad Landscape for the other. The reason being that even though you are 3 colors the Orchard could potentially only tap for a green or blue which is little to no use to you. As for the Thoroughfare it both enters the battlefield tapped and you have to pay something to it which will slow you down just a bit more, and that could cost you a precious turn.

I am also confused as to why you have Krenko, Mob Boss in there. Don't get me wrong great commander for goblins but not too sure he would stay in play long enough for you to utilize him very well. You might consider Myrel, Shield of Argive or Teysa, Orzhov Scion

meltedeyes on Gobs n Bugs n Squirrels

1 month ago

My original goal was to do a Krenko, Mob Boss and Chatterfang, Squirrel General deck with massive amounts of squirrel and goblin tokens. But... there's that pesky black symbol in Chatterfang's description. So I added some insects, and decided on Kresh the Bloodraided as my commander since lots of disposable cannon fodder to pump him up.

vic on Can I regenerate a creature …

2 months ago

I control a Krenko, Mob Boss and my opponent has put an Ice Cage on it, which I want to remove. I control a Goblin Chirurgeon and another goblin. Can I sacrifice that goblin just to target Krenko and remove the Ice Cage? Krenko has taken no damage.

Pheardemons on Mishra's Relentless Horde

4 months ago


Phyrexian Reclamation was there as a way to get the token generatros back like Krenko, Mob Boss. I do understand the potential of taking it out.

War Cadence has not been tested as it is the newest addition. I liked the idea of politicing. Plus, it was a win condition giving my creatures essentially unblockable. I'll think about it.

Vedalken Orrery is one of those cards I include in almost all of my decks. It is always a good choice. However, I do understand the fact that this deck usually wins on my turn in combat, so it may not be NEEDED here.

Because I have Wound Reflection and Archfiend of Despair I was debating on City on Fire. It rarely wins the turn it comes down and it tells the whole table what I'm about to do on my next turn. Granted, blocking creatures still triple damage.

Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin was another one that has been kind of subpar. If I can get it down turn two or three it is a powerhouse. Late game it's pretty bas as it has small attack and is required to attack.

Crayfish on The Federal Reserve (of Goblins)

4 months ago

In my experience playing Krenko, Mob Boss, I've found Cryptic Gateway to be not actually too valuable. It's towards the top of your curve, and a lot of time isn't going to have much impact outside of maybe cheating out one or two goblins. For 5 mana, I'd rather play a Vanquisher's Banner or Eldrazi Monument.

legendofa on Card creation challenge

9 months ago

Bane Angel

Creature - Angel

Flying, prowess

Whenever you cast a creature spell, put a -1/-1 counter on each other creature.


Create a card that creates at least four Goblin tokens. It must be a defined number, not a Krenko, Mob Boss ability.

ActualSnorlax on They're Ugly and They're Proud

10 months ago

I like the decklist, I recommend Staff of Domination and Umbral Mantle. These two cards and a couple other cards with similar effects allow Krenko, Mob Boss to go infinite with Skirk Prospector on the field, making infinite goblins, mana, etbs, and sacrifice triggers.

DreadKhan on Goblin Deck Wins

11 months ago

You See a Pair of Goblins, and/or Krenko's Command/Dragon Fodder could do some work in here, giving your creatures +2 power is pretty big if you've got a wide board, and making more than 1 creature from 1 card is really helpful in Goblins, especially since a lot of your cards actively care about the number of goblins you have and don't care how big they are.

I know he's not cheap, but I feel like if you want a big 4 or 5 mana goblin in here Krenko, Mob Boss would fit like a glove. There is also Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, he's only 3 mana and is relatively cheap, I think he'd make a very good x1.

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