Spectral Procession

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Spectral Procession


Put three 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying into play.

bobbynuggz on Miku and her Rabbits

2 weeks ago

zachz I think I will place Spectral Procession into my maybe board at the moment. Combined with the commander it would net me 9 flying which could be a fun token to have. After a few games with the deck I absolutely never have any issues with always having rabbits to play, I may swap one hare out for this card.

KongMing Pulling Divine Visitation would be sick and stack heavy very quickly.

zachz on Miku and her Rabbits

2 weeks ago

Maybe Spectral Procession for some quick flyers?

420MensRightsActivist on Counter Deck

2 years ago

i'm not sure how you can say ramp made the deck slower unless you were just using really bad ramp. 30 lands makes you drastically more likely to mana flood, and thats what will make the deck slower is when you're not casting spells because you're drawing lands. instead of relying on normal land drops for 5 turns, you should play ramp in the early turns so you can play your bigger spells on turn 3 or 4. good examples of ramp include things like Birds of Paradise, Arbor Elf, and Utopia Sprawl. in fact a turn 1 Arbor Elf followed by a turn 2 Utopia Sprawl will still leave you with 4 additional mana on turn 2. also, you NEED removal if you deck cannot win on or before turn 4, which yours can't.

Champion of Lambholt is a good example of a really slow card in this deck. it's meant to be played in decks that can drop multiple creatures in a single turn, or even better from a single spell such as Spectral Procession. tapping out for a 1/1 on turn 3 is not what you want to be doing in modern. modern is a format where Karn Liberated can hit the field turn 3. Primeval Titan could be attacking you with haste turn 3. they could cascade into Living End turn 3 and then wipe you out turn 4.

Winding Constrictor would be an upgrade over Corpsejack Menace in this deck. Hardened Scales would be even better still.

Icbrgr on

2 years ago

thank you abbatromebone! very much appreciate your suggestions and after I playtest/make changes id love for more feedback!

So far in my playtesting with sticher and mentor (in various ratios) I haven't really felt the pain of having prowess 1/1 tokens becoming vanilla 3/3 tokens... I typically don't cast more than a spell or maybe two on either my turn or my opponents turn for any prowess triggers; I love Luminarch Ascension and have a full playset of them that I could take out of what left of my old Turbo-Fog deck but I just dont that that playstyle fits with this decklist as it is now... but if i did get ascension online I would definitely be flipping Poppet Factory  Flip back into stitcher I think.

land/color ratios all that jazz when it comes to making a mana base has never been my strength in deck building and will give it a closer look by playing with some of your suggestions in the play tester... I don't have any man or fast lands but I am certain that I have some check lands and the jeskai triome laying around somewhere.

I agree about Spectral Procession too; for a minute I had Hordeling Outburst in here but decided to go for Hard Evidence instead; its cheaper giving a blocker or something to boost from Poppet Factory  Flip and has a mana sink/draw feature... but I can certainly see just running Serum Visions instead. I also really like the idea of Boros Charm that card is just so dang good ill make room for it somewhere.

abbatromebone on

2 years ago
  • Poppet Stitcher  Flip Is great when you have 1/1s but bad if they do anything more. Prowess is an ability so you tokens wouldn't be as strong. 3 mana is also fairly espensive. We would want to slow the game down more. I might suggest Luminarch Ascension being this is a value control deck. It helps keep card advantage and if you are holding mana you can sink it here at the end step.
  • Manamorphose also seems pretty good in the deck its a spell that gives you your mana back/fixes it into any of your needed colors and is card neutral.
  • Hard Evidence might be replaced with Slight of Hand or Serum Visions being you want to filter your deck better.
  • You are sitting a 8 fetchlands i wouldnt go past 6, 6 shock lands is also high Jeskai control is current running 7 fetch and 3 shock lands.
  • Consider Mystic Gate Castle Vantress Celestial Colonnade 1x Raugrin Triome Hall of Storm Giants 1x Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire The creature lands can help close games or stall games when needed.They also are more evasive which can help. Utility lands are worth it they really help. Fiery Islet and Sunbaked Canyon can also help draw cards and filter. I run 5 in my burn deck.
  • I also think 6 basics is a lot i would only do 2-3 personally. Espically when Seachrome Coast Inspiring Vantage and Spirebluff Canal exist.
  • Spectral Procession is a good value card to think about, Lingering Souls is also a card but i wouldnt go that route personally.
  • Boros Charm is also a great card that can protect against board wipes or give some burst with a mentor token or just give you the needed reach to close some games.
  • Let me know if you want me to look at the deck some more

wolfhead on Inspired to brew UWR tokens

2 years ago

i think to play it youd need to focus on how its different from mentor+pyro,

and focus on turning tokens into 3/3s.

so things like Hordeling Outburst and Dragon Fodder.

i dont have much knowledge of token generators,

id be a boomer and go the direction of Spectral Procession, outburst, and Intangible Virtue,

(Glare of Subdual would make the crappy fall-apart zombies kinda cool)

maybe do weird graveyard stuff with Haunted Dead, Hornet Queen and Persist?

i dunno, like i said im sure someone else will be more helpful in that area,

but i think focusing on mixing the prowess and token-generation aspect is what will work the best with him,

and the deck isnt gonna look like what youd expect and probably want,

but shoving a copy or two into a more traditional mentor shell probably would be fine too

K0rt on Angels ♡ That need some help

3 years ago

Get ready for a long post. I put way to much effort into this.

Depends on what direction you want to go and how competitive you want to be. Currently, Ephemerate doesn't really give you much value for flicking your angels, meaning that it isn't worth the card it is taking up over just another angel. I see two different ways to take this deck, either leaning into Angel synergies with life gain or a Ephemerate deck.

Ephemerate decks are great, and if your looking for a budget deck for a kitchen table or low powered modern games then you can build something pretty cheaply by just looking around for cool cards on Scryfall. The issue is that if you want more than that and want a more powerful deck the creatures that work well with Ephemerate are generally really really good and become very expensive by being played loads. In competitive modern these are often 80 cards Yorion, Sky Nomad decks that run Stoneforge Mystic and Solitude as there main cards, which are very expensive. You can try something with Wall of Omens, Thraben Inspector and Charming Prince to generate value but it won't be very powerful with Stoneforge. I think if you want bang for your buck you probably want to try and build the deck around Angel's synergies, although if you want to upgrade into competitive Modern deck at some variable point in the future it is less good.

In the angel's direction, the main payoffs in Modern are being able to play Aether Vial, Resplendent Angel and Archangel of Thune which are all, presumably, out of your price range. To make a budget version you probably want to make out on Youthful Valkyrie, Speaker of the Heavens, Seraph Sanctuary and Bishop of Wings for additional synergies with Angels. You probably want to play some Serra Avenger as a cheap beater and source of Angel related triggers. Some other cards are Sephara, Sky's Blade, although with would be best with a source of tokens such as Lingering Souls and Spectral Procession and cheat it in more consistently if you want to build around it. Archangel of Tithes is greater in creature matchups if you play against them regularly and can easily win races combined with your lifegain. Angel of Invention is a 'Lord' effect that also can create chump blockers and have value if your creates all die. Honor of the Pure is a pump effect that is difficult to interact with. Starnheim Unleashed is one of the most powerful cards in standard Angels and can win games by itself.

As much as it pains me to say it as a big fan of Meld Gisela, the Broken Blade and Bruna, the Fading Light  Flip aren't really that good, either dying to the most played removal in the format like (Lightning Bolt) for no value or costing 7 mana for too little upside. The same is true for Angel of Destiny which seems like a massive win more card 90% of the time. Starnheim Aspirant seems good but considering the number of white symbols in your costs I doubt this will be legitimately save on mana enough to warrant an inclusion. With your current mana base, you only going to draw double black to cast Sign in Blood 53% of the time by turn 6 and I doubt increasing the number of tapped lands is worth the card draw. Speaking of which making out on Scoured Barrens is probably worth it alongside a couple of other dual lands of your choice, maybe Silverquill Campus if your going to be running the Firja's Retribution which I recommend as that card is very very good.

TLDR: Add good cards cut bad cards.

TriusMalarky on What Makes Phyrexian Mana More …

3 years ago

Two-brid mana is inherently balanced. It takes work and building around it to be able to pay instead of , but it also takes work to be able to pay . The two-brid cards available are pretty bad outside of mono color(and even then, it tends to be Spectral Procession in Modern and Beseech the Queen in EDH that are the only ones that see play) for that reason. However, if new cards were printed, there would be no real problem outside of some annoying people complaining about color pie breaks online.

For example, Lightning Bolt but twobrid. Giving ALL colors access to Lightning Strike isn't broken at all. Does it help decks like Tron or Monoblue who typically have problems removing creatures? Yep. But will it break any format? Most definitely not. Well, it will make Modern Burn and Pioneer Red Aggro lists a lot better in this specific case.

Compare this to . You are almost always paying life instead of the mana cost. You will only ever not pay life in very specific situations. In fact, if you pay mana for it when you have enough life, people question you. They wonder what the hell you are doing in your deck. Phyrexian mana is like having a multicolored Simian Spirit Guide in your hand at all times, except it costs 2 life. It's raw, unfettered mana advantage, which quickly and easily turns into advantage in the action economy.

Also, take a look at the banned Phyrexian mana cards. And the playable ones. Gitaxian Probe is Peek , which is basically unplayable. Mental Misstep would be unplayable if it cost instead of . Gut Shot , Postmortem Lunge , Mutagenic Growth , Dismember are all horrible if they didn't have the Phyrexian mana attached. It's the fact that they cost the generic cost only that makes them good. Dismember is a 1-mana spell, that costs a bit more later on if you have mana to spare but not the life. All the 1 mana Phyrexian Mana cards are actually zero mana.

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