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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Oldschool 93/94 | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Angus Mackenzie
Legendary Creature — Human Cleric
, : Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn.
Flarhoon13 on Hey Macleod, Get offa my ewe! (Angus Mackenzie)
1 day ago
I did it! Won with Blim, Comedic Genius yesterday and with Angus Mackenzie today. Wins with 53 decks since May 3rd!! And won this one as a kind of perfect game.
Three player pod. I have tweaked Angus recently, trying to see if we could get him over this hump, and the changes seem to have benefitted the deck. So, I played Machine God's Effigy as a copy of John's Eidolon of Blossoms. When I cast Machine God's Effigy, I was planning to copy Ryland's commander, Saruman, the White Hand. However, thinking twice, I figured card draw would serve me better than an expendable Orc Army. I drew a card each as I cast Sphere of Safety, Enigmatic Incarnation and Runed Halo, naming Fiery Inscription. I didn't sacrifice anything with Enigmatic Incarnation until I had a game winning plan. I gained a turn with Chronomantic Escape and then, on the next turn, cast Expel the Interlopers. Sacrificed Runed Halo with Enigmatic Incarnation and put out Moon-Blessed Cleric to seek out Enchanted Evening, since I had Calming Verse in hand. I untapped with 16 life and nine lands, just enough to tap out and cast Enchanted Evening and Calming Verse to effectively win the game, destroying all of my opponents' permanents, with them at 18 and 11 life. They would not have come back. I even looked and would've drawn an Aura Thief to stymie any comeback attempts.
Flarhoon13 on Hey Macleod, Get offa my ewe! (Angus Mackenzie)
1 month ago
Having completed my quest to play all 52 of my decks, I decided to try getting a win with all of my decks
Oct 5
Hey Macleod, Get offa my ewe! (Angus Mackenzie) lost again. Yarok, the Desecrated won despite Cam's misplay, when forced to sac, he chose Man-o'-War when that's the card that would have gone infinite. Still, Cam won pretty handily, dropping my losers' record to 8-18
NerdPounder on Which non-partner commanders would you …
2 years ago
I'm a dirty turbo fog player. Angus Mackenzie and Zedruu the Greathearted.
wereotter on Proxies, yay or nay?
3 years ago
My view of proxies has changed over time, and the longer I play, the more okay with them I am.
It dawned on me, especially with how the cost of cards has skyrocketed over this past year, that it's a very elitist mindset to not allow them. Example, I bought a copy of Angus Mackenzie back around the time the first Theros set came out for about $70. While still very expensive for most people, now it's far worst with him currently (according to mtggoldfish) commands a price of $550. And there are similar stories for may other old cards. Think Greater Auramancy not a reserved list card, and if you were playing 10 years ago, you could have picked it up for about $5, but if you're trying to get it for a deck today, you'd have to spend $75-80 to get that same piece of cardboard.
So that being said, why should a new/returning player have to pay more for a card to play in their deck just because they weren't playing X years ago? Or didn't have the foresight to buy it when it was cheap if they didn't have any reason to think it would skyrocket like it would, or didn't realize they'd need it years later? If I tell someone I can play with the card I bought when it was cheap, but they can't make their own cheap copy of, then that's me gating someone else out of playing the game at the same level as I am.
My feelings evolved initially with the concept that I'd keep a binder of staple cards for the format and proxy them into decks. Basically that idea of if you own one, you can run it in any deck you want. But then started looking at cards that aren't very strong but do have niche uses in certain deck, but also are expensive because reserved list. So I made up some pretty realistic proxies of those cards. I knew I'd never run those cards in any deck other than this one commander where it made sense to do so, and didn't feel like it made the deck too powerful, but also wasn't worth the cost of buying it. This in turn lead me to the mindset of not being willing to spend insane amounts of money on cards Wizards refuses to reprint to meet the player demand, even if I don't own the card. And now I just received back from a local printer an entire commander deck of 100% proxy cards, all professionally run off on the right weight cardstock for about $35 including shipping.
Obviously I do think this needs to be balanced by knowing who you're playing with and what level of power those people will want to proxy up. But that's the same thought of playing with those people even if they had all paper cards.... so it's not terribly likely that proxies are the problem here.
wereotter on What are the best defensive …
3 years ago
Stormtide Leviathan and Blazing Archon simply say "you may not"
Archangel of Tithes and Windborn Muse both have similar effects that make easier to attack someone else, while Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker and Phyrexian Obliterator drive that point home even further.
But if you want the carrot rather than the stick, there's Edric, Spymaster of Trest and Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant to offer up cards for attacking your opponents instead. And related to Karazikar's goading ability Grenzo, Havoc Raiser can help you keep your opponent open if you're going wide, and Marisi, Breaker of the Coil is that same ability but even stronger as you only need to connect with one creatre.
Platinum Angel and Platinum Emperion make attacking you pointless unless you can also deal with them.
Sevinne, the Chronoclasm make an excellent blocker, and both Angus Mackenzie and Lady Evangela offer fog and fog-light effects on your commmander.
Eight-and-a-Half-Tails works similarly to Mother of Runes if you have the mana to pour into it, and Giver of Runes will protect something else in a way similar to mom.
Pairing together first strike with deathtouch is always a good method too, Glissa, the Traitor has this on her own, but it doesn't take much work for Kathril, Aspect Warper to do the same.
RNR_Gaming on MTGO when did casual edh …
3 years ago
Just there are a lot of expensive do almost next to nothing. Cool cards like Angus Mackenzie are mega expensive - love this card but it's still a casuals wet dream. Fog on a body lol.
fatalzintomyum on Card creation challenge
3 years ago
Ok guys, my challenge was silly, both Tuknir Deathlock and Angus Mackenzie seem very powerful, not least because they have abilities really never before seen, 4 mana 2/2 with flying? Ok? With GGRR cost? Just a little weird. Bant fog? Sure? Wearing a ... I didn't see that hat at first, I'm getting outa here.
FauxFaux on Card creation challenge
3 years ago
fatalzintomyum, Angus Mackenzie isn't good enough for you? Just joking, lol.
Axelrodd Gunnarson
Legendary Creature - Giant
Trample, Double Strike
Whenever a Giant Creature you control deals combat damage to a creature an opponent controls, deal that much damage to that creature's controller.
A simple, straight forward beatstick. Good ol classy Magic lol