Shrine of Burning Rage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Shrine of Burning Rage


At the beginning of your upkeep or whenever you cast a red spell, put a charge counter on Shrine of Burning Rage.

, , Sacrifice Shrine of Burning Rage: Shrine of Burning Rage deals damage equal to the number of charge counters on it to target creature, player or planeswalker.

ThisIsMyAccount on Mono Red Prowess

2 years ago

Just my opinion but I think the sideboard could be tuned a bit better. So, Leyline of the Void is a good card and everything, but because you don't have any looting/discard effects you just can't afford to draw it. I would run 3 Surgical Extraction or Tormod's Crypt instead because it isn't a dead draw and will activate prowess effects on your creatures. Then, Magus of the Moon can be 3 Blood Moon instead because playing the noncreature will activate prowess. With 2 extra cards in the sideboard now I would say cut a Kozilek's Return for 3 Dragon's Claw. Finally, Chandra, Dressed to Kill is good in those more grindy matchups but I feel like Shrine of Burning Rage would be better in that situation but also Roiling Vortex is something to be highly considered just because of the current modern META.

For the flex slots, all I can say is that 2-3 Bedlam Reveler seems to be fairly standard for prowess, but its up to you if you want to get experimental with it :)

The_Acid_Drip on

3 years ago

some mid game plays would be ok maybe Shrine of Burning Rage

add maybe 1 Sacred Foundry for 2 Wear / Tear in the SB since you have so many fetches. Also maybe run 3 Skullcrack

Some other budget-ish options include Grim Lavamancer since you have soooo many fetches and Monastery Swiftspear to proc off of the spells your casting. Cut the Elementals for the lavamancer and Swiftspears. Maybe some Goblin Guide if you can afford them.

And I'm assuming b/c you have fetches you could maybe run a few other things maybe Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer?

Some non-budget hits include Leyline of Punishment and Blood Moon.

Control_Train on Feather Redeems Boros in EDH [Primer]

3 years ago

KayneMarco - at first I wasn't keen on Breakthrough because I'm not really a pump deck and when it came out I sort of dismissed it; looking at it now, however, I'm more inclined to potentially find a spot for it, because treasures can be saved up. Breakthrough is almost like a ramp spell, but I'm also hesitant because I can't really see myself casting this over a cantrip if I've got free mana, unless I'm trying to save up for a big turn. I'm going to test it though and see how it feels. You are absolutely right though, they just keep printing broken stuff for Feather, and I'm all about it :)

Nic44 - Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you like the deck idea. Shrine of Loyal Legions and Shrine of Burning Rage are both actually very good in this deck, because the red one can hit any target. I never thought about the white one though, and for my build at least it would be very good. I don't even think these cards need testing to know they're good, but I am going to try and find a slot for them now that you've brought them back to my memory. Thanks for the suggestion and the comment!

moonfletcher1983 - Thanks for the kind words! Aurelia's Fury like Sunforger has it's uses, and they can be good in this deck style, so if it's performing for you then that's great! I'm definitely not taking this deck apart any time soon, so the updates will keep rolling. Testing MH2 cards now to see which ones stick, though Blacksmith's Skill and Captain Ripley Vance are my top picks for this set for Feather so far. Definitely others I'm testing too, but none with as high hopes as these. Thanks again for the comment!

psionictemplar on Artifact Burn

4 years ago

Artifact burn with no Pyrite Spellbomb or Shrine of Burning Rage ? Seems like an auto include on flavor alone.

RNR_Gaming on

4 years ago

So, you may want to diversify your threats. Sure, your removal can double as reach to push in that last bit of damage but your clock overall is in a horrible spot. You could cut mogis and run Lurrus of the Dream-Den as your companion and perhaps a few Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger and maybe if you're feeling extra spicy a Shrine of Burning Rage. These would all give you a different axis of attack. Additionally, some hand hate like Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek go a long way against control decks. Lastly, if you don't like any of those suggestions try out Magmatic Channeler it passes the bolt test with enough instants in the yard and provides you some nice grinding potential.

Nemesis on

4 years ago

StuPickles on M21 Shrines and other "Shrines"

4 years ago

Hi there, was looking into building a 5 color shrine deck seeing how there are technically 11 in total now. Honden of Cleansing Fire Honden of Infinite Rage, Honden of Life's Web, Honden of Night's Reach, Honden of Seeing Winds. as well as the new ones from M21 Sanctum of All Sanctum of Calm Waters Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest Sanctum of Shattered Heights Sanctum of Stone Fangs Sanctum of Tranquil Light

Now I pretty much know the answer to this question will be No, but im hopeful regardless because shenanigans. Do cards like Shrine of Boundless Growth Shrine of Piercing Vision Shrine of Limitless Power Shrine of Loyal Legions Shrine of Burning Rage count towards the number of shrines you control? Technically they are shrines and in the enchantments text, looking for "Shrines you control" doesnt specifically state whether it needs to be an enchantment or artifact, only that it is a shrine. I know this is a stretch but are there any other instances of cards that have a similar or relatable technical problem like this that it can be compared to?

Gracco on Red Kamigawa

4 years ago

Needs at least 22 land. also Curse of the Pierced Heart is an option as pseudo-additional red shrines that are not limited to 1 on board. Shrine of Burning Rage is also good and super on theme. Leyline of Punishment should be in the deck in higher numbers or not at all since you want to always open with it. As an alternative to Leyline consider Tibalt, Rakish Instigator. Quest for Pure Flame is also a card that is best at 4 because you want to see it early. Max out Lightning Bolt. It is just so good and somewhat on theme. Nice to see a Kamigawa/Ryusei type deck. Firebrand Archer could go to 4. -1 Torbran -4 Vexing Devil -2 Jaya -2 Leyline -1 Honden -2 Comet Storm -2 Chandra's Fury -4 Ember-Fist Zubera -1 Shock +1 Mountain +4 Ramunap Ruins +2 Tibalt +1 Lightning Bolt +4 Shrine of Burning Rage +4 Curse of the Pierced Heart +1 Archer +2 Quest for Pure Flame is one way to go about changing it.

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