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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Skittering Cicada
Creature — Insect
You may cast colourless spells as though they had flash.
Whenever you cast a colourless spell, until end of turn, Skittering Cicada gains trample and gets +X/+X, where X is that spell's converted mana cost/mana value.
Slurpz on Crouching Kadena, Hidden Phage [MH3]
2 months ago
I started running Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir as a means to protect my combo turns in addition to the flash but yeah his cost is pretty steep. Leyline of Anticipation is nice when in your opening hand and that's about it so I think it might be time for a replacement. I like Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter but what do you think about Skittering Cicada instead? The body isn't as good without flying and the permanent counters but the upside is it dodges a stray Vandalblast or other artifact removal. One downside to these though is they don't let me flash in Yedora, Grave Gardener before I combo off.
Profet93 on Hold your colour
7 months ago
Buried Ruin - Recursion
Sanctum of Ugin - Tutor
Basalt Monolith + Forsaken monument =
Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant + Emrakul = Good synergy. Hourglass helps with recursion from a vandablast.
Maybe a Vedalken Orrery/Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter/Skittering Cicada for flash so you don't overextend as easily? Colorless decks almost always have high cmc and lots of artifacts so any opponent worth their salt after a few games should recognize this and adjust their plan. This helps keep them guessing. Not necessary but nice to have.
Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt Monolith + 2 mana = + top = Cast your entire deck
Rings + Voltaic Key (swap out manifold) + everflowing chalice (4 counters) =
Metalworker + Rings + Voltaic key =
Card Draw - Colorless doesn't have too much, you already run both kozileks which is great. Commander is a value engine which is nice. You could add a Staff of Nin for more but IMO it's not needed. How do you feel your card situation is?
Removal - Colorless has expensive removal options, you have all the good ones. Everything seems solid.
Mana Curve - A bit high but understandable for a colorless deck, especially with your commander. You could add more ramp should you feel you need. I usually recommend the most ramp in Kozilek commander decks because your commander is a draw source but here I'm unsure. Your ramp seems sufficient, how do you feel?
Profet93 on Liberator of Cinnamon Rings
7 months ago
Sanctum of Ugin - Tutor
Eye of Ugin - Tutor + Ramp
Buried Ruin - Recursion
Mystic forge + Sensei's Divining Top + artifact cost reducer = draw your whole deck
Basalt Monolith + forsaken monument =
Rings of Brighthearth + basalt + 2 mana = + top = draw + cast your entire deck
Rings + voltaic key + Everflowing Chalice (4 counters) =
Metal worker + voltaic key + rings =
Scorched Ruins + Rings + Deserted Temple = . Temple has the added benefit of politics or ramp with urza land.
Emrakul, the Promised End + Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant = Strong synergy, each piece is good on it's like (like many of the combos I've listed)
Karn, the Great Creator + lattice = Hard lock
To synergize with darksteel monolith, you could add some flash (which also has the added benefit of limiting your overextension into a boardwipe) such as Vedalken Orrery/Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter/Skittering Cicada
Blinkmoth Well + Blinkmoth Urn = One sided ramp. Well can deal with opposing artifacts and urn always makes you ahead. Should you feel inclined, Winter Orb might be worth it (if you don't like friends) as you can break parity with it. Even if you can't, you use primarily artifact ramp anyways. It can help slow down the faster pace decks.
Profet93 on Annihilate with Rocks
1 year ago
Very detailed response, thank you!
Top > Mazemind Tome - Tome is okay but best cast you get it out early game and pay 4 mana to replace the maze or 6 mana to draw an extra card. Scrying is eh IMO whereas digging 3 more cards works with Kozilek quite well.
Controversial: Voltaic Key > Karn Liberated - This one is a bit controversial given you need removal in the deck. Its expensive removal, a better version of Scour from Existence. How often do you find yourself using it? Maybe voltiac key is overkill, but whether you add Key or not, Karn is high CMC should be cut to reduce the avg cmc of the deck.
Blinkmoth Well > Arch of Orazca - Costs way too much and war room is better redundancy. Ask yourself, how often do you even use it? I know you need draw but its weak
Reviewing your list further, I actually believe Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter is not needed anymore. I didn't realize you had Skittering Cicada as your redundancy. Could swap out skittering for Liberator but thats personal choice should you wish.
Controversial: You could take out doubling cube because it's winmore, not sure how your experience with it has been. This could make room for Oblivion Sower as it's "Ramp" so to speak, is less artifact based so you don't put all your eggs into a basket of Vandablast/artifact removal.
Ulamog Ceaseless Hunger > Rogue's Passage - I usually hate cutting lands but in a deck like this with lots of artifact ramp, I think you could cut 1-2 and still be perfectly fine, definitely worth experimenting with. I understand a potential consideration could be not drawing enough lands given your land of draw. The way I see Kozilek is sort of a glass cannon. You either ramp yourself into your commander for card draw, or die trying. Having more lands which you need more interaction or ramp is not ideal. Rogue's passage costs a lot and your commander has evasion anyways.
Metalworker - Is this in your maybeboard due to $? I see no mention of budget in the deck and I see some expensive cards so I'm unsure. Land of your choice could be potential cut.
Sanctum of Eternity > Drownyard Temple. Perhaps I'm missing something but I don't see the value in drownyard aside from scorched ruins. Sanctum allows you to refill your hand with your commander and respond to removal (on ur turn) should they attempt to removal it in response to equipping greaves/boots.
Controversial: Rise of the Eldrazi > Artisan of Kozilek. Artisan seems good on paper but isn't ideal under certain scenarios ..... A) Your creatures are mostly cast triggers, not ETB. Yes, powerful creature to return is nice, but paying 9 mana? I want something more. B) GY hate/Eldrazi Shuffle triggers. Very often in my meta people respond to GY recursion by destroying Kozilek or making me sac Ulamog to shuffle grave. Rise of Eldrazi provides you with A) Draw which you need B) Removal C) Extra turn/"haste"
Let me know what you think :)
Have (1) | JordanSanFran |
Want (1) | Hak86 |