Port Razer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Port Razer

Creature — Orc Pirate

Whenever Port Razer deals combat damage to a player, untap each creature you control. After this combat phase, there is an additional combat phase.

Port Razer can't attack a player it has already attacked this turn.

Crow_Umbra on Swift Blade, Broken Arrow

11 months ago

Unfortunately, Aurelia, the Warleader isn't a legal card for this deck since she has White in her color identity. Port Razer & Bloodthirster are both additional extra combat options that could be alternatives.

Gidgetimer on Stacking additional combat steps?

1 year ago

You aren't missing anything, I just didn't explicitly explain how to get maximum useful combat phases. Holding back Port Razer on the first combat that Aurelia, the Warleader attacks on is the way to maximize combat phases. Assuming no blocks on any combat phase you could get a number of combats equal to two plus the number of landfall triggers plus the number of opponents you have. One from the rules of the game, one from Aurelia, combats equal to opponents from Razer, combats equal to landfalls from Moraug.

NV_1980 on One Bad Barbarian Pirate!

1 year ago

Hi, nice deck! Not sure how crazy you're willing to go when it comes to additional attack shenanigansx, but you can expand even further in that direction by adding Aggravated Assault, Bloodthirster, Combat Celebrant, Fury of the Horde, Moraug, Fury of Akoum, Port Razer, Savage Beating, Scourge of the Throne, to name but a few.

Worrad75 on Attack-harmonicon

1 year ago

Reposting but with proper hyperlinks


Mardu Ascendancy

As previously mentioned, this card is nuts.

Mother of Runes

double wammy of helping us get in for damage or protecting our key pieces from removal

Swift Reconfiguration

1 mana ultra flexible spell. Protect your piece from a creature removal or board wipe. Blank a single attacker by removing it from combat. If you haven't tried it already, try this card. It will save your ass.

Audacious Thief

Need card draw, its as simple as that.

Azra Oddsmaker

There's usually a card in my hand that I dont mind discarding to draw 2. This deck naturally wants to get through for damage, but if this underperforms I could see it getting cut.

Blessed Hippogriff

Rare example of an innocuous card that impresssed me in draft that I want to try in constructed play. 1 mana protection for a key piece, which then gives you a solid flying body that helps smaller threats stay relevant in the mid- to late-game. 2-for-1 that fits the theme.

Aggravated Assault

This is the best extra combat spell available, and its not close. There's a handful of attack-based treasure token creators in the deck, so this can go infinite/semi infinite with relative ease.

Dowsing Dagger  Flip

I've always thought this card looked sick, so I'm testing it. Not super psyched about giving my opponents blockers, but here we are.


This deck draws a LOT of ire at the table once it gets going. I have found that the lifegain on Mishra, Claimed by Gix  Meld has been an allstar if I'm racing other aggressive decks, so I want to add another effect that can help. Shadowspear also adds utility as this deck is a bit low on trample, and the hexproof/indestructible silver bullet is bound to come up.


Moraug, Fury of Akoum, Port Razer, and Response / Resurgence

I am an extra combats enjoyer. That being said, these particular effects seem clunky after testing. Port Razer needs haste enabling and evasion in order to unlock its full potential, which is a high bar to clear for a 5 drop (and if I have those things ready, I'm probably already in a good position). Moroug is a tougher cut, but this deck just simply isn't built to take full advantage of repeated land ETB. Response//Resurgence was the hardest cut, and might be coming back in the future; the flexibility has been excellent in testing.

Pitiless Plunderer

This was by far my worst card in terms of ceiling-to-floor ratio. High end was having this plus a sac outlet and a ton of tokens. Low end was 4 mana for a 1/4. It feels too reliant on me drawing other specific pieces.

Company Commander + Myrel, Shield of Argive

The soldier tribal dream will live on, just not here. Both of these (in particular Myrel) are 4 drops that feel too slow without external setup


I have moved 3 cards to sideboard because I don't have the physical cards yet, and therefore haven't gotten to play test them yet:

-> Anger

-> Laelia, the Blade Reforged

-> Cursed Mirror

jarncards on destroy build destroy

1 year ago

Im really not a fan of the battle cry mechanic. It could work really well with Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, Mardu Ascendancy, or the other many token makers, but I would rather just run Fervent Charge. It takes a single card for +4/+4 and your creatures are more likely to survive combat. you could always stack more though

Vengeful Ancestor, Parasitic Impetus, Shiny Impetus, and maybe Martial Impetus could all be fun tools to mess with your opponents while keeping yourself safe from larger threats. You get double rewards with Isshin

Guild Artisan, Curse of Opulence, and Sword of the Animist are options for ramp.

Fighter Class is nice for the tutor and later on can force blocks and can be used to kill off weak targets.

Shadowspear exists. you should use it in every deck Helm of the Host lets you double commanders, and lets you go infinite with Godo, Bandit Warlord. Who also should just automatically be your automatic first pick for a 6 drop. Tutor, double combats...

Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder doublestrike AND lifelink. costs one more but can replace your enchantment.

Ilharg, the Raze-Boar Wanna play two cards for free?

Breena, the Demagogue does so much. buffs you like crazy. Can net you two cards per combat phase... which you will hopefully get multiple of with more things like: Aggravated Assault and Waves of Aggression can go infinite Port Razer, Raiyuu, Storm's Edge, Response / Resurgence are also nice

Agent of the Shadow Thieves and Fey Steed protect your commander or other attackers, and the steed may also come out even against removal.

You dont need to go all out on making one guy and instakill, Sublime Archangel with many tokens or Pact Weapon with combats can do it by themselves situationally. And the pact weapon is just way too cool.

Selfless Samurai is free lifelink and protection you can save for your commander. Cathedral of War is just going to be free power every once in a while

Hopeful Initiate is repeatable removal with extra steps I'd honestly ditch the sunforger.

Sephyrias on Best Commanders in EDH [Tier List] Part 1

2 years ago

Nonary27 There are a lot of competitive/fringe competitive commanders in both sets.

New Capenna

Lagrella, the Magpie serves as Fiend Hunter in the command zone, letting you do sacrifice combos with Karmic Guide. She'll probably end up somewhere close to Saffi Eriksdotter.

Cormela, Glamour Thief combos with reanimator spells like Footsteps of the Goryo as long as you have cost reduction cards like Goblin Electromancer or a sac outlet that generates mana. I think she's pretty strong. Anhelo, the Painter is a grixis version of Kalamax, the Stormsire. Probably the best of the new Grixis commanders. Evelyn, the Covetous is weaker than it looks. I don't think there is an infinite blink/flicker/cloning combo piece that's also a vampire. Probably not better than Vela the Night-Clad, even with the extra color. Lord Xander, the Collector has a big impact on casual tables, but is nowhere near as relevant in competitive play. Would put him somewhere close to Evelyn.

Falco Spara, Pactweaver is an okay value engine, but you have to jump through extra hoops to go infinite with it compared to Elsha of the Infinite, so it will be a few tiers lower than Elsha. Rigo, Streetwise Mentor has to compete with Edric, Spymaster of Trest, they want to do more or less the same thing. I'm not sure if Rigo is better or worse.

Ognis, the Dragon's Lash does the same as Grand Warlord Radha. You get an extra color, but have the restriction regarding haste in exchange. Henzie "Toolbox" Torre is just a bad Grim Haruspex that can serve as pseudo-haste-enabler. Not weak, but also not very strong. Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer is a Wargate for creatures in the command zone. Might be the strongest Naya legend to date, although Marath, Will of the Wild is no joke either. Jolene, the Plunder Queen enables untap combos with Black Market Tycoon, but it just ends up being a much worse version of the Freed from the Real combos that other commanders can do.

None of the others are worth mentioning imo.

Commander Legends 2

Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward is similar to Lagrella, all about Fiend Hunter-type flicker/sacrifice combos. Candlekeep Sage is probably the best background for it. Alaundo the Seer is a simic version of Jhoira of the Ghitu, except that it's slower, but also draws cards. Bhaal, Lord of Murder is more or less an Odric's Outrider in the command zone, but that it only counts for nontoken creatures means you can't combo with Scurry Oak, so it's probably not that great. I think Duke Ulder Ravengard combos with Port Razer?

Gale, Waterdeep Prodigy sort of gives all your instants & sorceries flashback, which is usually very powerful. Not sure how good it ends up being in practice however. Ganax, Astral Hunter is basically just Galazeth Prismari. Kagha, Shadow Archdruid is yet another Golgari recursion commander, which are usually at least decent. Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter goes infinite with Clock of Omens and Liquimetal Coating.

Baba Lysaga, Night Witch, Bane, Lord of Darkness, Dynaheir, Invoker Adept, Gorion, Wise Mentor and Jaheira, Friend of the Forest have a lot of combo potential, but I'm not sure how to break them yet.

NTakamura on Need help refining Rionya spellslinger …

2 years ago

I would like some feedback on a spellslinger deck/extra combat deck with Rionya, Fire Dancer I want to keep the average cmc low so I can make mutiple copies with her ability. I use creatures like Combat Celebrant Port Razer Lightning Runnerand Scourge of the Throne for extra combat since most of the instant and Sorcery can't be activated before combat, to my knowledge. So if you see any area that can be improved with the deck please comment on the list. Thanks in advance.

Rionya Spellslinger

multimedia on Olivia's Wedding Ceremony

2 years ago

Hey, nice version with Vamp flavor and good overall gameplay plan.

Seize the Spoils and Unexpected Windfall are nice loot effects because they also make treasure ramp for Olivia. Viscera Seer and Falkenrath Aristocrat can be helpful Vamps as a sac outlets that can protect your Vamps from being exiled when you longer control a legendary Vamp. Falkenrath with flying is Vamp to reanimate with Olivia. In response to your last legendary Vamp being removed sac all your Vamps putting them into your graveyard to avoid being exiled to then be reanimated by Olivia. A Vamp sac outlet also combos with Olivia + Port Razer for infinite attacks.

A sac outlet with Butcher of Malakir can wreck your opponents creatures since she triggers whenever she dies or any other creature you control dies. To keep reanimating her with Olivia and Butcher is an excellent Vamp to want to reanimate having flying and 5/4 p/t.

Chaos Warp and Feed the Swarm are important removal spells in Rakdos because they can removal an enchantment especially Ghostly Prison/Propaganda effects that will bring your game plan to a halt. I know you're going for Vamp flavor, but you might want some support creatures for repeatable effects since Olivia can reanimate them. Meteor Golem can destroy any nonland permanent. Vile Entomber can be a repeatable Entomb since Olivia can reanimate it.

If interested in any of these suggestions then here's some cards to consider cutting: Pillar of Origins, Profane Command, Sengir, the Dark Baron, Vein Drinker, Arterial Alchemy, Henrika Domnathi  Flip, Markov Enforcer, Sinister Waltz.

Good luck with your deck.

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