Knacksaw Clique

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Knacksaw Clique

Creature — Faerie Rogue


(1)(Blue), Untap: Target opponent removes the top card of his or her library from the game. Until end of turn, you may play that card.

Elhoggerino on Card suggeations

2 years ago

Here are a bunch of cards with that type of effect:

Gonti, Lord of Luxury

Rogue Class

Brainstealer Dragon

Breeches, Brazen Plunderer although specific to pirates so maybe not

Cunning Rhetoric

Grinning Totem

Guile a bit situational but you might like it

Knacksaw Clique

Mezzio Mugger

Muse Vessel

Opposition Agent

Ornate Kanzashi

Thada Adel, Acquisitor

You Find Some Prisoners

Hope that helps, you can find more of these at, it's just a big card database where you can search for specific rules texts, names etc.

carpecanum on Anowan Rogues

3 years ago

Thada Adel, Acquisitor is an amazing Rogue. Fan Favorite and Knacksaw Clique could work.

Endless Scream , Howl from Beyond or a few more cards to increase Rogue damage might help.

If you traded out rogues until you had almost all fliers you would open up a lot or fly/anti-non-fly cards. Gravitational Shift is great defense and offense

QuirkyQU33FER on

4 years ago

Incubation Druid + Freed from the Real (if druid is adapted) = infintie blue and/or green mana

once you have that here are some of the crazy possibilities you can do with it:

Experiment Kraj + Presence of Gond + Gilder Bairn = infinitely big infinite tokens lol

Experiment Kraj + Knacksaw Clique = exile everyones library

Experiment Kraj + Cytoplast Manipulator + Horseshoe Crab or any untapper = steal everyones shit among other things

Rasaru on

5 years ago

alechodgin23 I think I agree with your comment about Oona, Queen of the Fae and I didn't catch that on the Endbringer . However, I wanted to push back on Avatar of Woe . With what my deck should be able to do, I should be able to play it 99% of the time for only . So, it may be worth the shot. (maybe?) I like the idea of adding more removal. I think I need to look into that some more.. No comments on the The Haunt of Hightower or Knacksaw Clique ? :)

Rasaru on

5 years ago

Valius & alechodgin23 - How about a The Haunt of Hightower or Knacksaw Clique to replace Sire of Stagnation ? I had also considered Avatar of Woe , Oona, Queen of the Fae and Endbringer , but feel like those first two would synergize a bit better with the rest of the deck.

*I just ordered a few replacements and will update my list once I receive them! You're suggestions are appreciated! Please don't forget to upvote my deck!

Hikarumei on Faeries Tribal

5 years ago

so the way I see it you're actually quite close (33 basic lands means 25 basic lands brings you up to 82)

Sooooo creatures

  • Zephyr Sprite (basic 1 drop flyer, but a 1 drop flyer is good on its own)
  • Wydwen, the Biting Gale (3/3 flyer with an ability that gives you bounce to save itself or add faerie casts)
  • Wasp Lancer (3 mana faerie flyer, that's it)
  • Vendilion Clique (ok, pricey but a good way to say no to an incoming problem)
  • Thieving Sprite (another way to say no to an incoming threat)
  • Silkbind Faerie (untap effects are very exploitable, although often rare)
  • Silkbind Faerie (easy to be a 3/3 flying vigilance for 3)
  • Ringskipper (this one is kinda mostly filler but could be obnoxious to get rid of)
  • Quickling (ok I think this is a diamond in the rough, 2 mana, get a body AND save a faerie from impending doom)
  • Oona's Gatewarden (i know defender BUT WITHER IS SUCH A GOOD MECHANIC)
  • Nightveil Sprite (2 mana 1/2 flyer that lets you look at the top card of your library, with the option to toss)
  • Mistbind Clique (forcing your opponent into an all out play can create quite the opening, timing it before the end of a phase limits their options on what they can do with all that mana)
  • Metropolis Sprite (With anthems that ability could be nasty, especially since early game flyers are often going unblocked)
  • Knacksaw Clique (I hate myself for suggesting this monster of a card but even if you aren't stealing their cards, your permanently removing them and that's just nasty)
  • Faerie Vandal (drawing 2 cards in a turn isnt hard in blue, so in many cases it will get +1/+1 every turn)
  • Faerie Mechanist (counts as an artifact AND sifts for more)
  • Fae of Wishes (that adventure lets you pull solutions out of thin air)
  • Eye Collector (1/1 with a decent ability)
  • Brazen Borrower (again not budget but another great adventure)
  • Faerie Guidemother (1 drop white with an ok adventure option)
  • Phyrexian Metamorph (clone that can hit artifacts always good, especially in EDH)

Other Stuff

My sanity is lasping soooooo…. Also might want to think of artifact / enchantment recovery cards and good ol’ Elixir of Immortality

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