Clone Legion

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Clone Legion


For each creature target player controls, create a token that's a copy of that creature.

Quicksilver2785 on Brudiclad's token Shenanigans

3 months ago

My version is a bit more artifact focused but have you tried Clone Legion, Dollhouse of Horrors, Mechanized Production, or Utvara Hellkite?

KongMing on Wizard101 | FREE Download | Play Now!

1 year ago

Great question Frostfire524. There are a couple infinite combos (and a few power combos/cards) that win you the game.

Galecaster Colossus can be enough to lock opponents (even multiple opponents) out of the game with mass bounce. If someone tries to remove it, counterspell.

Cyclonic Rift is in a similar boat, and can be retrieved from the graveyard by cards like Archaeomancer and Mystic Sanctuary. Clone Legion is another great card that can make the game one-sided.

Stormtide Leviathan is a big beater that can finish games if opponents have been swinging at each other a bit and don't have many fliers. Just yesterday I used Rite of Replication on the Stormtide the turn after casting it - six 8/8s with Islandwalk are pretty good at winning the game.

Ultimately though, the goal for the deck is to hold off the opponents until it is ready to draw/mill itself out and win. Jace, Wielder of Mysteries and Laboratory Maniac allow you to win when you deck yourself. Those are obvious, how do you get there? We have a few options.

First, the mill. This deck has a LOT of scry, but not much shuffle. That is a very intentional design decision. You want to remember what your bottom card is at all times, because the spell Tunnel Vision will let you throw all the rest of your library into your graveyard, leaving only that card on top. So you go from having 70-80 cards in library to 1.

This strategy can also target the opponent. Our spells Hinder, Spell Crumple, and Vendilion Clique all let us put cards on the bottom of an opponent's library. Now we can target them with Tunnel Vision! Much fun ensues.

Now for drawing yourself out. This is accomplished through infinite bounce triggers. The card Naru Meha, Master Wizard goes infinite with bounce spells like Ghostly Flicker, Freed from the Real, Displace, and Illusionist's Stratagem. This can let you bounce another Wizard that lets you draw cards, or use other output cards like Kindred Discovery or Sage's Row Denizen to knock out libraries. There's lot of others combos too, like being able to use Naru Meha and Ghostly Flicker with Sunscorched Desert to ping opponents to death.

TheoryCrafter on The Madness of Fractal Being Manifested

1 year ago

The biggest threat to your deck is Solemnity. I'd recommend some counterspells including, but not limited to, Decisive Denial, Quandrix Command and Voidslime.

If you can't prevent Solemnity from entering the battlefield, Fecundity and Soul Net will turn your 0/0 Fractals into a boon until cards such as Fade into Antiquity and Naturalize can be used. Your commander's static ability will also feed into it.

You may also wish to consider cards that affect or are affected by +1/+1 counters. These include, but not limited to, The Ozolith, Swarm Shambler, Bramblewood Paragon, Herald of Secret Streams, Vigean Graftmage, Experiment Kraj and Plaxcaster Frogling.

Scavenging Ooze can give your deck some much needed graveyard hate.

Have you considered Simic Ascendancy with all these cards creating creatures with +1/+1 counters on them? You can move growth counters from Simic Ascendancy to Paradox Zone by means of Nesting Grounds.

Other lands to consider for the deck are Cave of Temptation, Forge of Heroes, Littjara Mirrorlake, Llanowar Reborn, Novijen, Heart of Progress, Opal Palace, Oran-Rief, the Vastwood, Temple of Mystery and Tyrite Sanctum.

Other cards to consider for your deck are Altered Ego, Bioshift, Clone Legion, Hardened Scales, Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter, Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner, MirrorBox, Repudiate / Replicate and Slippery Bogbonder.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

Guerric on [Primer] Casting the Mythal

1 year ago

Hi everyone! I do apologize for the time away from here. Things have been busy and I've been focused on developing my Giada, Font of Hope deck as this one runs pretty flawlessly. I thought I'd respond to card suggestions with some thoughts of my own. In short, I'm holding my current deck for now. It's always tempting to swap out with each shiny new set, but in most cases I'd favor the current list. Nonetheless, let me respond individually to the suggestions.


I like Wizards of Thay for Lore since I am a longtime DnD player, but I don't think it really goes here. We aren't running a ton of sorceries, and this isn't a deck that benefits too much from discounting that spell type. I also kind of feel like Red Wizards should be red, even though philosophically they fit with blue, but that's just a flavor point. Vesuvan Duplimancy could help us go infinite with Naru Meha, Master Wizard and Rite of Replication, and there would probably be some other shenanigans we could do with it with Venser. I don't know that it would be terrible, but I don't think it would do what we want it to do often enough to justify cutting another piece for it though. Cool card and interesting suggestion nonetheless!


I'm glad you are enjoying the deck! It does have a cool feel and stays a tribal deck which is nonetheless incredibly powerful and combo-y, which is unique. Omniscience is always a fun card and I very much use it as a central piece of my Tuvasa the Sunlit deck. With its high cmc I think it will just get in our way much of the time here. I used to run Clone Legion which is a similar cmc and does synergize, and it did make some memorable games but it was just too far off to make a difference. If you like it play it by all means, it's an amazing card and certainly won't be bad. For me it just would contribute to variance without helping the decks key synergies, but I am picky with that.


Aether Channeler is definitely good and absolutely the type of card that goes in here. It's the right cmc and like AEther Adept can effectively bounce itself back (via the token copy). But it has added utility in that it can draw cards and bounce other permanent types. It definitely replaces either Merchant of Secrets or Cloudkin Seer in that it is strictly better than the former and practically better than the latter. Barrin is good because of his second ability, which I've found to be relevant. And having an extra bounce option is very good without losing the card draw piece. I'm not so sure about Ertai Resurrected though. The abilities are certainly good, but the 4cmc *five to copy) is pushing it for me. I think he's a good option, I'm just not sold yet, particularly over something with a lower cmc.

Thanks for the comments and suggestions as always! I have so many decks and primers now it is easy to miss some suggestions, and as this is my original and favorite deck I do like to keep it up to snuff. Aether Channeler will probably go in soon.

KongMing on Kumena's Fishes

1 year ago

Some clone and bounce effects might give you some versatility. I'm thinking stuff like Clone Legion, Baral's Expertise, Supplant Form, and Rite of Replication.

Sigil Tracer is a maybe - you have 14 other Wizards in the deck and a few spells worth cloning, but it's really handy counterspell protection at times because you can copy someone else's counterspell and counter it with the copy.

lcarl3035 on Volo's Sack of Monsters

1 year ago

Clone Legion and Croaking Counterpart might be good duplicators, while Esika's Chariot can copy your copies.

Reynan on blue thievery

1 year ago

Hello fellow blue planeswaker. There a list of monoblue combos right here. I suppose you'll use Thada right? For stealing, there's cards like Willbreaker, Blatant Thievery, you can have a help copying stuff like Clone Legion, more stuff you will find here here.

Inniaz, the Gale Force is a good commander for steal and also gives acess to white color.

I hope have helped a bit.

ImNora on Just Use Your Opponent's Creatures Instead

1 year ago


Okay, I moved Pendant of Prosperity, Memory Plunder, Thada Adel, Acquisitor, and Switcheroo to the Sideboard. Put in Military Intelligence, Nyx Lotus, Everflowing Chalice, Clone Legion. This makes it focus more on creature copying and stealing, with better mana/card draw and less focused on trading creatures, stealing sorcery/instants, and stealing via "damage opponent".

I'm not a big fan of affects that only occur when you go unblocked because it's just a bit inconsistent and it can potentially never end up going off. Although, that could just be indicating a flaw in my decks/playing lol.

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