Fevered Visions

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fevered Visions


At the beginning of each player's end step, that player draws a card. If the player is your opponent and has four or more cards in hand, Fevered Visions deals 2 damage to him or her.

legendofa on Brew ideas for Scrawling Crawler

4 days ago

It's basically a smaller Nekusar, the Mindrazer except everyone draws at the same time. At the risk of brining EDH into a Modern discussion, that's where I would start.

Out of Windfall, Jace's Archivist, and Whispering Madness, none of them are high-tier Modern-legal cards, but they would make a nice bridge between Scrawler and the Waste Not effects. Maybe Dark Deal?

Forcefeed Prison: Blood Moon, Fevered Visions, Damping Sphere, Trinisphere, maybe Rule of Law + Ebony Owl Netsuke. That's a lot of 3-cost cards, but there might be something there.

Stormfist Crusader adds a little bit of redundancy, and is an evasive attacker, if that matters.

I see this mostly working in some combination of , , and . Since the Windfall effects aren't great, I think I would take the Forcefeed Prison approach. Stack Scrawler with Sheoldred and Bowmasters, then find ways to make people draw lots of cards without casting spells. Lots of damage, lots of control, but lots of competition for precious deck slots.

austintayshus on Wheels Wheels Wheels

6 months ago

looks like a fun list!

I might suggest a few more mana rocks. I'd recommend you have at least 10. Dimir Signet and Rakdos Signet and Izzet Signet would be good, as well as Arcane Signet and Everflowing Chalice and Mind Stone. Additionally, i'd recommend 2 cmc mana rocks over 3 cmc rocks any day.

Fevered Visions can also give you another 'everyone draws' effects.

keizerbuns on You want more cards? You can’t handle more cards!

9 months ago

Thanks for the comments nuperokaso!

Those are all great suggestions, I'll look into trying out all of them. I might not use every suggestion just because I want my deck to still somewhat resemble how it looked when I first made it back in 2015, just for the nostalgia factor, but Fevered Visions and Mikokoro, Center of the Sea are both fantastic suggestions that I will try to fit into the deck. I'll still test out the other suggestions, and I'll probably some day end up using them, but for now I'll just start with those two.

Thanks again for the suggestions, it's very much appreciated! :D

FormOverFunction on Why Are Most Hatebears so …

1 year ago

First: I love these conversations, so thanks for the post. Second: I was at first a little put off with the conversion of what used to be primarily enchantments into creatures, but it does seem more reasonable in that more decks can handle/deal with them. I would counter one of the responses, respectfully, though regarding effects that are omnidirectional vs only “all opponents.” I’m a huge advocate for the Copper Tablet style of effects, rather than the Fevered Visions style. I feel like we’ve been moving too far in the “good things for me, worse things for everyone else” direction and would really appreciate more balanced downsides. You all know my feelings about mana burn, but I really do feel like the end of that era was the beginning of the (for lack of a better term) spoiled “more is better” era.

legendofa on New hubs to be added

1 year ago

Card Draw Matters has been added.

Immortalys Dedicated Draw does have a nice alliteration, but it's not quite is as recognizable at a glance as Card Draw Matters. Hand Size Matters is too vague, since it could include anything from 8-Rack (opponent has small hand) decks to Fevered Visions (opponent has big hand) to Hellbent (you have small hand) to Meishin, the Mind Cage and Alrund, God of the Cosmos  Flip (you have big hand) like you mentioned. Each of these has a couple of established decks, and they don't have much in common aside from wanting someone to have a certain number of cards in their hand. Big Hand is a potential option, but that's going to need some research to see how much depth and variation there is.

FormOverFunction on I still don't understand why …

1 year ago

I’m on board with what both Gidgetimer and Caerwyn have said here, so I’ll try not to restate any of that. The two other issues I was going to raise were (1) they are a perfect embodiment of the “all upside” era of magic that we’re in, and (2) the “railroad plotting” era we’re also in. For (1): Asymmetrical value and gameplay is not new to magic, but it usually took multiple spells/draws to pull it off. Or, to put it more simply: it was a thing that you had to pull off. For a while now we’ve been given cards that have that baked in, such as Fevered Visions. The controller of that spell really shouldn’t be exempt from the damage. Planeswalkers have generally been the apex of asymmetrical gameplay, and that’s okay. It makes sense, I just don’t like it. When they’re relatively balanced it’s not a huge deal, but it’s easy to have them spill into a total mess of a card. For (2): when PWs were added to magic, it was very disappointing to me, because I was one of the weirdos who grew up with RPGs in the 80s and spent a significant non-zero amount of time imagining things like “what is it that the guy in Pitfall (on Atari) has in his backpack?” PWs drew the game closer and closer to a “sit down and watch the movie” feeling for me. “Play the heroic intervention that has Ajani on it to save your purple-vested 1/1 from that net spell your opponent just cast” can start to build a feeling in some (like myself) that the game is being built more and more as a re-enactment rather than a “here’s a pile of tools, build something fun” game. When magic was full of nameless Time Elementals and Goblins of the Flarg it drove people to write stories about them... less so the other way around. Having that lead to “make a story and then make cards about the story” is a totally understandable and natural progression for the game to have taken, and lord knows WotC doesn’t actually owe me anything, but it still leaves me a little sad. Luckily, there’s nothing that stops me from building my own theme decks and enjoying them... but I end up spending a lot less time interacting with rather large groups of people here who are into the lore (which also sorta makes me sad, I like all you dorks). So those are my two big reasons for disliking PWs. It’s totally personal, and honestly a little silly, but I just don’t like them. Having said all that, I don't roll my eyes and groan when someone uses one, because I still love playing magic and hope to for the next thirty years.

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