Crosis's Charm

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Crosis's Charm


Choose one — Return target permanent to its owner's hand; or destroy target nonblack creature, and it can't be regenerated; or destroy target artifact.

Balaam__ on Balaam__

2 months ago

Found some more for your FPP deck legendofa.


Uphill Battle

Seal of Doom

Troll-Horn Cameo

Manacles of Decay


Buried Alive

Last Rites

Skeletal Scrying


Arrest view might not be from the spearholder’s perspective. Tough call.

Magistrate's Scepter hands coming from off screen, but separate perspective.

Shoving Match might be from the viewpoint of the falling man; maybe not.

Mind Swords definitely first person, but the hands aren’t coming in from out of frame.

Seal of Cleansing, Seal of Fire, Seal of Removal and Seal of Strength all are a bit too far off center to be first person I think, but they’re all very similar to Seal of Doom which does feel FPP. Not sure if you want to add them for consistency’s sake.

Angel of Mercy unsure if it’s the perspective of whatever’s getting killed or not.

Urborg Emissary not sure if it’s the lizard’s perspective or not.

Harsh Judgment I think this qualifies due to the sword in the bottom right clearly not belonging to the soldier with the shield on the same side. I think we’re seeing this from the viewpoint of whoever is holding that sword closest to the camera.

Tigereye Cameo same deal as the seals mentioned above. The angle is off, but some of the other cameos do qualify.

Magma Burst we might be seeing things from the point of view of that poor unfortunate dinosaur.

Darigaaz's Charm, Crosis's Charm, Dromar's Charm, Rith's Charm and Treva's Charm are all ‘maybe but not quite’ perspectives.

Grind on Cormela’s Glamour Stash

2 years ago

cool deck!
any thoughts about Crosis's Charm or maybe Maestros Charm?
also, some cool enchantments allow your commander to die and return - dodge removal and generate value from her deat trigger, it's a win win! these cards are like Kaya's Ghostform, Minion's Return, Shade's Form, Unholy Indenture.
and where is your Sol Ring?
just some thoughts, cheers and have fun!!

tylorlilley on Parnesse Politics

2 years ago

I think Spelltwine doesn't work with your commander, because you are copying the cards and casting them instead of copying the spell. If that's right than Mizzix's Mastery and Arcane Bombardment also wouldn't work, sadly. Maybe they are good enough to keep anyway? Not sure. Cards with the Cipher mechanic are also so close to working but I don't think they do. This is actually kind of hard to brew around! Ugh, God-Eternal Kefnet wouldn't work either, ew.

Immolating Gyre and Volcanic Vision are really good boardwipes in a spells-y deck... as is Cyclonic Rift, which you definitely should still run. In fact, all the overload spells are pretty sweet here, since they only target things you don't control, so if you copy them opponent's can't even pay the 4 life to hit one of your things. Makes Vandalblast and friends possibly worth it.

Radiate is such a fun card that could do some real crazy things here! Shoutout to Radiant Performer as well.

Sublime Epiphany and Volcanic Offering Might not be good enough here.

I really like Narset's Reversal, Split Decision, and the demonstrate cards in this deck! Obviously Twinning Staff is fun here too.

It will be interesting to see if Lithoform Engine or Pyromancer's Goggles will be good enough here (I like Primal Amulet  Flip). Maybe more spells that copy spells are better than these chunkier repeatable ones? Things like Galvanic Iteration or Reiterate if you like the buyback better. Or Increasing Vengeance for the beefier flashback. Hell, if its politics Bonus Round could be really fun. Chef's Kiss is a newer one that I forgot about

Maybe this is the kind of deck where Thrilling Encore shines?

Is Stunning Reversal here to try and copy and save other people with?? Seems like it may not be good enough when you have access to blue for card draw/protection anyway.

I've found the expertise cycle (Baral's Expertise, Yahenni's Expertise, maybe not Kari Zev's Expertise) to be really fun with spell copying, since they in turn let you cast more spells themselves.

I wish, as I always do, that Cloven Casting wasn't soooo bad. Or like, any of the cards with Replicate. Those would be so perfect. Maybe Shattering Spree is good enough but I think it isn't. Ugh, that makes me think about how you're definitely supposed to play storm cards in this deck. Are there any storm cards that aren't miserable? Mind's Desire maybe...

Is Charmbreaker Devils good enough?

Wild Ricochet is an oldie but maybe enough of a goodie here with the copying theme?

Harmonic Prodigy since your commander is a wizard isn't a terrible idea...

Humble Defector might be too cute.

Gotta have Rakdos Charm! Honestly there might be other charms that are worth it to like Crosis's Charm, but definitely Rakdos Charm.

Cruel Ultimatum is the ultimate chunky spell and you're even in the right colors for it!

Also Chaos Warp is still good enough as universal instant speed removal and kind of fun/politics-y as well

Johnny14xxx on 5C Tribally Tribal

3 years ago

I love the idea of the Changeling-Ally theme and it can easily be misjudged for a weak synergy. I would add some interaction and a couple more single target removal. I would suggest you to consider the various charms (both two and three colors. Ex. Crosis's Charm , Naya Charm , Sultai Charm , etc...) and also Crib Swap just for flavor's sake.

golgarigirl on

4 years ago

As we mentioned, I think the best thing for Thrax himself is to get him on the field a turn or two early. Mana rocks are going to be the thing, since we can't make extra land drops with green. Hopefully we can get Thrax down turn 5 or so, so rocks costing 4 or less are where it's at. My favorites are Chromatic Lantern, signets such as Izzet Signet, and others that make your off-colors since we're focusing black with our mana. Altars such as Ashnod's Altar and Phyrexian Altar might be the end goal here, given the sacrifice subtheme with the Pact effects.

Some extra card draw might help get us the mana and rocks we need on-curve. God-Eternal Bontu pairs with pact effects for a blowout, Cryptbreaker turns your bodies into cards and your useless cards into bodies, and Midnight Reaper/ Undead Augur are less dangerous to you with your sacrifice outlets to make sure they don't hurt you too much. Corpse Harvester plays triple duty as ramp, tutor, and sac outlet.

I'm going to further push the sacrifice subtheme and see if we can shore up one of the weaknesses Thrax shares with Savra...large creature armies. Archfiend of Depravity and Vona's Hunger will stop a billion saprolings from getting you down, and Butcher of Malakir seems like a good redundancy piece. And it might not be the best, but I really like Syphon Flesh in here.

Also, if you're going for stealth Liliana tribal, you're missing OG Liliana Vess :P I also like Angrath, Captain of Chaos in here (I wouldn't even make a token with him...just leave him up as a harder-to-kill enchantment)...probably better than most of your Lili options if you're not married to the 'tribe'. Last Hope and Heretical Healer would be my picks for the weak links of the planeswalkers you do play.

THERE ARE NO INSTANTS IN THIS DECK?! Let's grab some versatile ones, so I don't start thinking I can free-roll on your turn. Crosis's Charm, Soul Manipulation, Grixis Charm, Silumgar's Command, and Lazotep Plating are some of my picks for cards that can always find a use.

Other cards I'm unimpressed with: Cruel Reality, Army of the Damned, Skull Storm, Nightmare Lash, Mayhem Devil, Nekusar, the Mindrazer

Joe_Ken_ on A rose by any other name

4 years ago

Nightscape Familiar would be a great addition since it will make your red and blue spells cost less.

Some zombie lords like Undead Warchief, Lord of the Accursed , Diregraf Captain , Cemetery Reaper, and Death Baron would be good for making your entire board stronger. Liliana's Mastery also has a similar effect.

Diregraf Colossus is good for making a small army of tokens as the game goes on.

Some cheap removal like Terminate , Crosis's Charm , Murder , and Dreadbore would be good to add.

A cheap tutor or two would also be good like Diabolic Tutor.

Crumbling Necropolis Command Tower are some good lands to add and some budget dual color lands like Dimir Guildgate , Rakdos Guildgate , and Izzet Guildgate would be good as well as Izzet Boilerworks , Dimir Aqueduct , and Rakdos Carnarium would be good additions.

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