Kindred Discovery

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kindred Discovery


As Kindred Discovery enters the battlefield, choose a creature type.

Whenever a creature you control of the chosen type enters the battlefield or attacks, draw a card.

Lup3rcal on Undead Monarch

2 months ago

Suggested cuts: Waste Not - enemy discard is a secondary strategy, and viable, but this is a card that is only a payoff for a secondary strategy. I think it may be dead enough that it doesn't warrant a slot.

Logic Knot - would be sweet if it was {U} less. As is, it's a strictly inferior counterspell that uses a valuable resource to be effective

Fervent Denial - 5 mana is a lot to hold up, 7 will almost never happen in a board-presence focused deck.

Dark Deal - wheels are decent here, but this Mind Rots yourself. Have 4 cards, cast this, end up with 2. The other wheels can benefit from enemy high card counts. This does disrupt opponents, but that's gonna draw some ire and you just binned half your resources. If you can withstand the ire you should be winning anyway. Something like Frantic Search would be better IMO.

Zombie Infestation - two cards plus one upfront is a steep price. I don't know that you have enough reanimation to need to dump your hand at instant speed when you already have Varina available.

Dismantling Blow - a glorified Disenchant 90% of the time. A 6 mana spell the rest of the time.

Suggestions not many at this stage. Gleaming Overseer is a consideration if you find yourself heavy into tokens. I'm a big fan of a few cards in your maybe list: Obsessive Search, and Kindred Discovery. Though the latter is slow.

Matzalantli is cute but I'd be wary of labelling it as ramp when assessing your manabase given it needs 7 mana to activate, and won't be online until at LEAST turn 5. It's defs more a Gilded Lotus than Arcane Signet

Azoth2099 on Kykar kicks ass (Suggestions needed!) (Budget)

3 months ago

Hey man! As someone who's brewed this one alot, I'm telling you right now you need waaay more mana rocks. Literally like 10+ rocks, plus a few rituals. The fact that they also generate a token is incredible in practice. Here's a list of the ones I'd include on top of what you already have: Fellwar Stone, Talisman of Progress, Izzet Signet, Boros Signet, Azorius Signet, Springleaf Drum, Jeweled Amulet, Lotus Petal, Pyretic Ritual, Desperate Ritual, Seething Song & Battle Hymn.

Also just so you know, Mystical Tutor, Personal Tutor, Enlightened Tutor & Gamble are all super cheap right now due to recent reprints! Gotta get it while the getting is good, ya know?

A great combo here is Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal, it generates infinite Spirit tokens on top of just being great individual utility pieces for the build outside of the combo!

Lots of great, cheap synergy pieces like Wild Research, Kindred Discovery, Opposition, Vicious Shadows, etc...

I'll stop rambling now, great Commander choice dude! Let me know how you feel about my mediocre suggestions lol.

Last_Laugh on Eowyn, Shieldmaiden

4 months ago

Raise the Palisade and Everything Comes to Dust are both great boardwipes here. Harsh Mercy is another option if you don't face many other tribal decks.

Kindred Discovery will keep your grip full and $6ish is pretty reasonable considering this card was 20+ bucks awhile back.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Bipedal Beastmode (Éowyn Human Tribal)

Ultigame21 on Ur-Dragon's Multiverse Onslaught | *PRIMER*

4 months ago

First of all, I love your deck choices!

But I believe that Ancient Gold Dragon would be a very good card to add even if he doesn't have haste. First of all he’s a 7/10 good blocker for the turn he comes in unlike Ancient Copper Dragon (6/5) but I understand that it’s slow if you don’t have a way to give him haste. Love Copper Dragon treasures thought <3

Imagine having Dragon Tempest /Scourge of Valkas /Terror of the Peaks out when up to 20 x blue faerie dragons enters the battlefield. The amount of damage each trigger would do.

Also very good with all attack triggers or other cool dragons you have in the deck (Dromoka, the Eternal, Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury, Old Gnawbone, Silumgar, the Drifting Death,Utvara Hellkite, Wrathful Red Dragon, Defiant Thundermaw  Flip).

You could also potentially draw up to 20 cards if Kindred Discovery or Greater Good is on the battlefield. Puts a good number of counters on Dragon's Hoard also.

I’d love to hear your opinion on why you didn’t include him in your list with all the good synergies!

I think I would probably have to switch Balefire Dragon for Ancient Gold Dragon. Most big problematic creatures have more than 6 toughness so Balefire doesn’t get rid of them it’s only good against Tokens stacking strategies early on. I’d rather get many blockers each turn recurring and like explained you only need 1 of those 3 pieces (Dragon Tempest/Scourge of Valkas/Terror of the Peaks) to do almost the same effect as Balefire but targeting anything.

Last_Laugh on Ghidorah, King of the Beasts (Beast Tribal)

6 months ago

Kindred Discovery feels like low hanging fruit, but it's as budget friendly as it'll ever be and it's worth picking up a copy before it inevitably climbs in price again.

I'm not sure how wide you go with beasts, but Shared Animosity is a good tribal card.

Doombeard1984 on Slivers Everywhere

6 months ago

Hello julsjuj,

Thanks for the response. Just to clear up, in point 5 when I said Brood, meant a general term for your Hive of Slivers, not the card Brood Sliver specifically lol. General comment was would be helpful knowing what your overall win con is going to be in the deck? How you are looking to play the deck out. Are you Aggro, combo, Voltron? Goof thing with Slivers is there ability to shift lanes, as Sliver Overlord gives you access to a toolbox of abilities etc to deal with most things.

I think concerning Patriarch's Bidding we may have to agree to disagree lol. If you have had your board wrecked a couple times, you could feasibly have a combo win in the graveyard that you can win at instant speed, for just . Any haste enabler, Mana Enabler, and a piece of tech on board (an intruder alarm for example) and you just win lol. I udnerstand the concern that someone will benefit more, but I think it is highly likely that in playing such a high synergy deck, you are likely to come out on top.

I do still think that you are maybe missing on some draw effects. Other than the Synapse Sliver you have, you could look at Kindred Discovery, Guardian Project, The Great Henge (this one will likely only cost you with its cost reduction), Sylvan Library, just so you can keep you hand filled with gas.

I look forward to your response :)

NV_1980 on The First Sliver

7 months ago

It's missing some tribal staple cards that will really make a difference in a pinch. Most notably I'd reference Herald's Horn, Kindred Dominance, Mana Echoes (can go infinite with Sliver Queen), Patriarch's Bidding and Kindred Discovery. Maybe Reflections of Littjara as well. Heroic Intervention would be a nice wipe-prevention spell (next to Teferi's Protection).

lhetrick13 on Shinron's Dragon Hoard

8 months ago

ted1 - I like the decklist and the concept! Looks like you are running a decent amount of ramp and flicker with the hope of generating lots of dragon copies/tokens via effects from Miirym, Sentinel Worm, Panharmonicon, etc...

If I may ask some questions and/or provide some thoughts...I am surprised things like Dragon Tempest, Terror of the Peaks, and Ancient Silver Dragon were omitted. Dragon Tempest and Terror of the Peaks are just like Scourge of Valkas and fill a similar roll. If you can get out lots of dragons, Dragon Tempest and Scourge of Valkas are superior but Terror of the Peaks is basically targeted removal when you only can get out a few dragons before another board wipe.

Ancient Silver Dragon I feel like you would need in this deck as it allows no maximum hand size. Given the amount of draw this deck has with things like Elemental Bond and Kindred Discovery, having some stuff like that would be crucial...

I am a little surprised to see Goldspan Dragon. You are only running three dragons with treasure synergy with Ganax, Astral Hunter and Ancient Copper Dragon obviously having some serious treasure production ability in this deck. Just feels like this inclusion with the hope of getting it out with one of those two is low and you could do better by adding a dragon with a different role.

Personally, whenever I run a creature heavy deck, I always include two things: 1. protection for my boardstate and 2. something to bring back my creatures after a boardwipe. Nothing is worse than having your deck explode onto the field and then a Wrath of God get dropped and you blew your load early and have no way to really recover. I would encourage you to try to find some form of both of these and include it such as Deflecting Swat, plus it has a dragon for flair!!!

Lastly, Gratuitous Violence outclassed by Fiery it has some dragon flair with the fire :)

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