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Silkbind Faerie
Creature — Faerie Rogue
{{1,W/U}}, Untap: Tap target creature.
thijmnesoy on How to kill a resolved …
1 year ago
Silkbind Faerie might be a spicy one, Storm God's Oracle can take care of 2 Guardians potentially, Snakeform makes it blockable by any of your creatures and it replaces itself. Fire at Will is a bit hard to cast at 3 red but does the job and is flexible.
zachz on Tap 'em Out!
2 years ago
Really enjoy the concept of the deck. I think you have, if you pardon the terrible pun, an untapped potential that can be added to your deck.
Untap mechanics can accelerate your own card tap abilities, and give you the rare opportunity to tap an opponent creature multiple times per turn. There's several that I found worth suggesting:
- Kelpie Guide
- Innocence Kami: More expensive Ballynock Trapper
- Teller of Tales: Faster Innocence Kami in Blue
- Captain of the Mists: You have 13 other humans to utilize
- Deceiver Exarch
- Puppeteer
- Silkbind Faerie
- Stinging Lionfish
- Tideforce Elemental
- Vizier of Tumbling Sands
- Instants:
- Psychic Puppetry
- Dream's Grip
- Reality Spasm
- Toils of Night and Day
- Unwind: More expensive but reimbursed form of Negate
- Enchantments:
- Retreat to Coralhelm
- Curse of Inertia
- Turnabout $
- Hidden Strings is a Sorcery but deserves to be included
- Artifacts:
- Unbender Tine
- Puppet Strings
- Magewright's Stone$
- Maze of Ith $ a Land but gives untap for both your creatures and opponents.
Nicklaffy2302 on Ether Steel
2 years ago
Looks like a fun and casual deck to play. Some cool ideas here with the Silkbind Faerie and Swift Response. To improve the deck, I would personally take out Revitalize because of your lifegain with Steel of the Godhead, and replace with more protection or interaction like Hindering Light or Dramatic Rescue. Also maybe more card draw/digging would be good like Ponder, Preordain, or Brainstorm.
Feel free to check out my W/U Control deck if you's aight.
Corrosive_Cat on Ether Steel
2 years ago
Did some playtesting - with the right start this is really strong! Couple of things I'd say, is that Silkbind Faerie really didn't add anything - I'd reckon Somnomancer would likely make a better include, or maybe even Plumes of Peace. While Ethercaste Knight was nice, it wasn't all that impressive - Bant Sureblade might be a better inclusion. A couple of Deputy of Acquittals would be handy, too, and Galina's Knight would make a neat sideboard card. I also reckon you'd benefit from one or two Secluded Steppes.
Neat deck!
hungry000 on Faerie Rogue Tribal
4 years ago
Sure thing! I'm going to be looking at this from the perspective of someone who wants to make the deck as "competitive" as possible; I won't talk about stuff like flavor and such because then all of my opinions would clash and you'd be confused. >.<
In the main deck:
I like Quickling, but I would change those Silkbind Faeries back to Pestermite, because even though Silkbind is reusable, it uses up mana and takes a turn to get the effect. Pestermite, while only a single-use creature, gives you an immediate effect and has a more flexible ability that can tap opposing lands, untap one of your own lands to play another creature or leave up counterspell mana, untap one of your creatures to block, etc. whereas Silkbind can only tap creatures. I can't tell you how many times I've saved myself from a turn 4 sweeper or other removal spell by flashing in Pestermite on an opponent's upkeep and tapping down one of their splash colors. Also, the difference between a spell that does something on turn 3 and a spell that sits around on turn 3 then takes mana to do something on turn 4 is huge in Modern (I realize your daughter will be playing against Standard Challengers, but there's still a big difference there).
Faerie Trickery: As an aggressive deck, you want to deal with threats for as little mana as possible, even if the effect is only temporary; that way, you can play your offensive spells on top of the removal and continue to push pressure onto your opponent. This is somewhat less of a deal when you have flash creatures (makes threat evaluation a bit easier), but I've found that it still works far better to keep the cmc of removal spells low. So, I suggest you replace Faerie Trickery with Mana Leak. Exile effects won't matter as much when the deck is as proactive as this one is, so it's better to take the lower cmc and easier-to-cast colors of Mana Leak.
As for Faerie Tauntings, I just don't think it's a very good card. Three mana is a lot for a card that doesn't do much the turn it comes into play. In my opinion, it would be better to just play a couple Vapor Snag in its spot, since this deck needs a few creature removal spells to keep up with other aggressive decks. A 4:2 or 3:3 split of Vapor Snag:Mana Leak would be preferable, actually.
In the sideboard:
Peppersmoke: Generally, when building sideboards you want every card to have as much of an affect on a specific matchup as possible. Peppersmoke is just not that type of card, haha. Fun fact: against Jund specifically, Peppersmoke is pretty bad since it counts as two card types in the graveyard for Tarmogoyf, which means the creature is literally unkillable (even if it's a 0/1) and gets a +2/+2 buff if you try to do so! If you want more creature removal, I suggest playing something more powerful, like Echoing Truth (deals with tokens well), Fatal Push if you can spare the money, Victim of Night, Dismember.
Hypnotic Sprite: This is, once again, not a great sideboard card. You do not want to counter Burn spells with a 3 mana counter (3 mana spent vs 1 mana spent = mana lost and a whole turn spent on your part), and the combo decks I know of will either kill before turn 3 (Neoform combo) or have a >3 cmc spell as their most important combo piece (Past in Flames in Storm, Ad Nauseam). These 3 card slots are much better used by Duress, Spell Pierce, Negate, or Dispel since they cover the same matchups and more for a lower cmc.
Thieving Sprite: They're okay, but I wouldn't play more than 2 of them. This is another example of a card whose function can be covered by a lower cmc card (Duress). Also, Earwig Squad is a really good card in the control matchups since you can search their deck to preemptively take out removal or win conditions, and it can't be hit by Fatal Push.
Notorious Throng: To answer your question, no, the card can definitely be worth it in single player formats. Especially if you're pitting this deck up against a Standard deck. In fact, I would totally play three of them in the main if I knew I was playing against a Standard deck. But putting that aside, the card is very good in midrange matchups, like Jund and them. It's very difficult for black-based midrange to deal with tokens because of their reliance on one-for-one removal; a card that makes a bunch of tokens that fly and occasionally force discards is crazy good against them. Not to mention the Prowl ability on it. shiver
As for the other cards in your list, I think Thieves' Fortune, Latchkey Faerie, and Faerie Macabre are the best of the bunch (that's why they're in the original deck, haha). Macabre is a great graveyard hate card, and Latchkey is very good if you want to take the deck along a more aggressive path; creatures that cantrip, like Silvergill Adept and Elvish Visionary, have always been a staple of their respective tribe archetypes. The only thing that makes me particularly hesitant about playing Faerie Seer, Thornwind Faeries, Sower of Temptation, or Faerie Formation is the fact that they don't have the Rogue creature type. Putting them in the deck can lead to inconsistencies, and when two of the three lords only work with Rogues, I would rather not risk it. Of those, I think Sower has the best chance of being a decent sideboard card (because it is one). Don't play Faerie Formation. Its cmc is too high and its ability uses too much mana.
But honestly, if you think any of those cards would be good includes for their competitive value or flavor or whatnot and you think your daughter might think so too, I say just buy them (if possible) so you and your daughter can play around with numbers yourselves. That's what I did when I bought the deck (I have a set of Latchkey and a set of Cloak and Dagger that have fallen to the wayside lol). When you're trying to decide how best to build a deck, a question which has no definitive answer imo, buying cards like that saves a lot of time; the process of optimizing/customizing a deck to be your own is also a fun activity in itself. But if you want to take my opinion one more time, I believe the best way to navigate the details is to ask your daughter which cards she wants to play with herself, since at the end of the day she's the one whose opinion really matters!
Anyways, I'm really glad your daughter's happy! Have fun with the deck!!!
ma_rukh on Faerie Rogue Tribal
4 years ago
Hi, I modified the list a bit (not because I think there's anything wrong with it but simply because the deck is for my 10y.o. daughter to bash my son ^_^ I'm not gonna spend 80/90 bucks for that!) Can I ask you what do you think of it?
- Mainboard
- 4*Changeling Outcast
- 4*Faerie Miscreant
- 4*Nightshade Stinger
- 4*Oona's Blackguard
- 4*Quickling (to recover other creatures with interesting ETB effects)
- 4*Spellstutter Sprite
- 4*Scion of Oona
- 3*Silkbind Faerie (like Pestermite but permanently on the battlefield)
- 4*Stinkdrinker Bandit
- 2*Faerie Tauntings (to go with all those Flash creatures and instants)
- 4*Faerie Trickery
- 2*Faerie Conclave
- 7*Island
- 2*Secluded Glen
- 6*Swamp
- 4*Unclaimed Territory
- Sideboard
- 3*Peppersmoke (against Swarm/Jund/etc.)
- 3*Hypnotic Sprite
- // Mesmeric Glare (protection from Combo or Burn)
- 4*Thieving Sprite (for Control)
- 3*Morsel Theft (to recover from Aggro)
- 2*Notorious Throng (is this worth only in multiplayers?)
Also, what do you think of any of the following? Would they be worth including?
- Faerie Seer or Thieves' Fortune (to manipulate my draw)
- Thornwind Faeries (nice utility ability)
- Latchkey Faerie (I don't know why but I like it, with the cantrip and whatnot)
- Faerie Macabre
- Sower of Temptation (seems interesting with big beasts decks)
- Faerie Formation (to help growing the field) My problem is that I wouldn't know what to sub them for -.-
Anyway, she's so happy to finally have her Faeries that you shouldn't be surprised to receive a parchment starting you received a vote to become the next Arch-Chancellor of the Unseen University ^_~
Hikarumei on Faeries Tribal
5 years ago
so the way I see it you're actually quite close (33 basic lands means 25 basic lands brings you up to 82)
Sooooo creatures
- Zephyr Sprite (basic 1 drop flyer, but a 1 drop flyer is good on its own)
- Wydwen, the Biting Gale (3/3 flyer with an ability that gives you bounce to save itself or add faerie casts)
- Wasp Lancer (3 mana faerie flyer, that's it)
- Vendilion Clique (ok, pricey but a good way to say no to an incoming problem)
- Thieving Sprite (another way to say no to an incoming threat)
- Silkbind Faerie (untap effects are very exploitable, although often rare)
- Silkbind Faerie (easy to be a 3/3 flying vigilance for 3)
- Ringskipper (this one is kinda mostly filler but could be obnoxious to get rid of)
- Quickling (ok I think this is a diamond in the rough, 2 mana, get a body AND save a faerie from impending doom)
- Oona's Gatewarden (i know defender BUT WITHER IS SUCH A GOOD MECHANIC)
- Nightveil Sprite (2 mana 1/2 flyer that lets you look at the top card of your library, with the option to toss)
- Mistbind Clique (forcing your opponent into an all out play can create quite the opening, timing it before the end of a phase limits their options on what they can do with all that mana)
- Metropolis Sprite (With anthems that ability could be nasty, especially since early game flyers are often going unblocked)
- Knacksaw Clique (I hate myself for suggesting this monster of a card but even if you aren't stealing their cards, your permanently removing them and that's just nasty)
- Faerie Vandal (drawing 2 cards in a turn isnt hard in blue, so in many cases it will get +1/+1 every turn)
- Faerie Mechanist (counts as an artifact AND sifts for more)
- Fae of Wishes (that adventure lets you pull solutions out of thin air)
- Eye Collector (1/1 with a decent ability)
- Brazen Borrower (again not budget but another great adventure)
- Faerie Guidemother (1 drop white with an ok adventure option)
- Phyrexian Metamorph (clone that can hit artifacts always good, especially in EDH)
- Glorious Anthem (aka the namesake for all anthems)
- Dictate of Heliod (double anthem with flash)
- Marshal's Anthem (but pricey mana wise but potent)
- Kindred Boon (not an anthem's a bit slow but indestructible is nasty)
- Kindred Discovery (also not an anthem but CAAAAAARRRRD DRAW)
Other Stuff
- All That Glitters (potent aura in your deck, slap it on Alela for quick win)
- Mirrormade (MORE CLOOOOOONESSS but for artifact or enchantment)
- Bident of Thassa (caaaaaaaarrrrddd draaaaawwww)
- Skullclamp (mooooorrreeeee caaaard draaaaawwww)
- Smothering Tithe (this guy is broken in EDH)
- Coastal Piracy ( heavy breathing CAAAAAAAAAAARRRRDD DRAAAW)
- Blind Obedience (good control enchantment)
- insert every flavor of mana rocks here
- Mortify (reeeemoval)
- Path to Exile (more removal)
- Swords to Plowshares (did I mention removal is important)
- Generous Gift (echo echo echo)
- Vindicate (I remember when this was like a 20$ card)
- Ghostly Prison (the best defense is actually having defense)
- Utter End (hits anything but land and its gone for good)
- Disenchant (technically the OG naturalize)
- Diabolic Tutor (like demonic tutor only not 25$)
- Open the Vaults (wow that was a nasty Nevinyrral's Disk wouldn't it be a shame if it didn't stick)
- Propaganda (Ghostly Prison but blue)
- Sphere of Safety (ghostly prison but gets really out of hand fast)
- Darksteel Mutation (this card is evil)
- Imprisoned in the Moon (that’s a nice land ya got there)
- Phyrexian Arena (card draw, but black)
- Aura of Silence (because only you can have artifacts and enchantments)
- Dispeller's Capsule (disenchant on a stick)
- Norn's Annex (phyrexian ghostly prison)
- Wrath of God (NUKE UM NUKE UM)
- Fumigate (Moooore NUUUKES)
- Oblivion Ring (say no, now with enchantments)
- Detention Sphere (kill all of one type of token, or remove all the sol rings, you know for shits and giggles)
- Karmic Justice (blow up my stuff i blow you up)
- Land Tax (ok not budget but reeeeaaaallly nice for lands outside of green)
- Grasp of Fate (o ring but for each opponent)
- Attrition (you should have tons of minions so sacking some for removal is value)
- True Conviction (one of my favorite big nasty enchantments)
- Akroma's Memorial (most of the times this hits the field it's over)
- Jace Beleren (og jace is nice)
Samuel-Frederick on $10 Rogues
8 years ago
Hey legendofa. A few ideas for your Rogue deck. Personally I'd love to add another colour to it, but I'll make suggestions for mono-black as well. For me, I think what you want from a rogue themed deck is something that have that feeling of being mischievous, like you really are leading a pack of rogues. Give that feeling to your players, here are a few ideas on how I'd do it.
Adding Blue! I think adding blue is totally worth it, you get some awesome rogues, and more than that, you add a real roguish element for the players as well. Faerie Miscreant may not seem all that exciting as a 1/1 for one, but it has flying which is awesome when it's equipped with something (such as the Cloak and Dagger!). The Cloak and Dagger doesn't add toughness, so you want your rogues to have evation, and flying on a one mana creature is awesome. Plus, it can draw you a card as well. With nice little enters the battlefield creatures I'd also throw in Faerie Impostor, and Quicklings . Cheap flyers that let you reuse your ETB effects, and they're rogues of course. Another nice one mana guy is Triton Shorestalker, unblockable, one mana, give him a boost and he's ready to go! And remember that all these guys are even more awesome with Oona's Blackguard!
Then, the new rogue boss! Contraband Kingpin! Yeah you aren't running all that many artifacts, but even if you only play a few it's good, and he's a 1/4 with lifelink, for two mana... Give him a counter from Oona's Guard, give him a cloak and this guy is such awesome value. Or perhaps you want to help your non unblockable rogues get through, or let one block, then Coral Trickster is fun, adds a different element, and is super cheap of course. Then how about we take advantage of all this unblockable and increased damage? Well, say hi to Sygg, River Cutthroat. Unfortunately he is expensive, but look at him, he's awesome and for those who want to spend a bit more, he's an awesome addition.
Up to three mana, how about the awesome draw power of the Cold-Eyed Selkie. A dagger in the hand of this selkie and she'll be drawing you all the cards you could possibly want! Using the Trickster, or a Pestermite, or even Silkbind Faerie to help clear a path. Or simply draw a card and get a big flyer on the field with Latchkey Faerie. Plus, with blue, you get access to Thieves' Fortune which is awesome thematically and a super powerful one mana draw spell. For that mischievous element you also have Knowledge Exploitation, and Notorious Throng but they are a little more expensive unfortunately, but worth a shout for those who want to spend a little more as it's great fun.
Just a couple of black rogues that I like, Night Market Lookout. Not the most exciting, but a better version of Pulse Tracker, and you'll be surprised how effective that drain is. Also, with a couple pieces of equipment in the deck, Dhund Operative is amazing! A two mana 3/2 deathtoucher, what more could you want! I know, unblockable, well, you can't be too greedy!