Evasive Action

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Evasive Action


Counter target spell unless its controller pays (1) for each basic land type among lands you control.

eliakimras on B.F.D.

1 year ago

Glancing through your cards, your deck's problem might be because you're building it based on best-case scenario, with tons of clones and blink synergies. (In my playgroup, Miirym always gets removed before her untap step, so the Miirym player does not rely on her sticking to the board.)

I'll suggest some upgrades for your deck based on making it more consistent and less dependant on Miirym:

1st. Ramp

Explosive turns with lots of cost reducers sound nice... if people don't blow up your dorks before you get any value from them.

2nd. You need more lands (36 lands + 13 ramp cards is a good starting point)

3rd. Better counterspells

4th. Better removal

5th. Better boardwipes

6th. More card draw

7th. Better win conditions

Polaris on Urban Utopia compared to Nylea's …

4 years ago

To clarify one thing first: Nylea's Presence gives all basic land types but does not make the card a basic land. Similar to how Ketria Triome is an Forest Island Mountain, a land enchanted by Nylea's Presence will be a Forest Island Mountain Plains Swamp in addition to its other types.

To answer your main question: most of the time this won't matter, but if you have cards that care about having certain land types (such as Evasive Action or Corrupt, it will count for those. If neither player has cards that care about basic land types, though, Nylea's Presence and Urban Utopia will function almost identically.

ZedruuIsBAE on Najeelia Bladelia

5 years ago

Klaive Evasive Action sees all the land types of duals as well. Which means turn 2 with only 1 dual in play it's usually a bad Mana Leak (but I won't typically have up the Mana to cast it anyway), then turn 3 on I usually have another dual and it becomes better Mana leak. Spell Snare is hugely impactful in the current meta, hitting everyone's favorite wincons of Flash and Thassa's Oracle. It also hits a huge amount of Counterspells and a large number of common draw engines, as well as several tutors as well. I have continued to be impressed by it. We are on a fast enough combo that I feel I benefit from having caverns in my opener where it functions as a better Mox Diamond. It doesn't feel great to draw midgame though (though sometimes mox diamond is even more dead midgame) and that is something to consider.

Klaive on Najeelia Bladelia

5 years ago

I think your running a land or two short and Evasive Action is a bad card in this list, if you are only running 1 basic; Spell Snare why, why, why. Gemstone Caverns is also a dead draw in this deck, I'd only run it if you are on a Flash + Protean Hulk combo plan.

greyninja on [Primer] Green Mana Stinks [Tymna//Kraum EDH]

7 years ago

YES! I almost never see tymna/kraum decks. +1 from me

Mine is more aggro based, where yours is clearly control heavy. I'd suggest Evasive Action since it can be a better Mana Leak when combined with shocks/four basic land types

I hope you'll take a minute to check out my deck and tell me what you think! Cheers

greyninja on [Primer] Green Mana Stinks [Tymna//Kraum EDH]

7 years ago

YES! I almost never see tymna/kraum decks. +1 from me

Mine is more aggro based, where yours is clearly control heavy. I'd suggest Evasive Action since it can be a better Mana Leak when combined with shocks/four basic land types

I hope you'll take a minute to check out my deck and tell me what you think! Cheers

greyninja on [Primer] Green Mana Stinks [Tymna//Kraum EDH]

7 years ago

YES! I almost never see tymna/kraum decks. +1 from me

Mine is more aggro based, where yours is clearly control heavy. I'd suggest Evasive Action since it can be a better Mana Leak when combined with shocks/four basic land types

I hope you'll take a minute to check out my deck and tell me what you think! Cheers

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