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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
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Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Familiar's Ruse
As an additional cost to play Familiar's Ruse, return a creature you control to its owner's hand.
Counter target spell.

Crow_Umbra on
Neon Light Speed [Primer]
1 year ago
Thanks for checking out the deck Squidcod. Overall, the priciest cards in the deck are Terror of the Peaks, Goldspan Dragon, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Mana Drain, Cyclonic Rift, Jeska's Will, and the various Shocks and Fetches. The real "meat" of the deck isn't as expensive
You could definitely swap Cyc Rift with Evacuation or Wash Out. Mana Drain could probably get swapped with Familiar's Ruse for some additional utility of taking a creature back to hand. Alternatively, you could also change some of those pricier creature slots into creatures with Ninjutsu, if you wanted a bit of that.
Azoth2099 on
Chun - li countless tokens
1 year ago
Ohh yeah man, Crystal Shard is great here for sure. As many economically feasible ways to reset Chun-Li as possible is a must here, certainly. Unsummon, Vapor Snag, Fading Hope, Rescue, Curfew, Chain of Vapor, Alchemist's Retrieval, Unsubstantiate, Familiar's Ruse, Geistwave, Call to Heel, Snapback & of course Capsize (so much utility here) are all worth a thought here imo, seeing as how they are also instants that can easily be recurred via the Commander's ability.
Other less synergistic synergies like Vedalken Mastermind, Waterfront Bouncer, Trusted advisors, Shrieking Drake, Faerie Impostor, Seal of Removal, Turbulent Dreams, Aether Spellbomb, Otawara, Soaring City & Sanctum of Eternity could potentially help the deck push through to victory as well!
And then there's Intuition, which is obviously just insane lol.
Crow_Umbra on
Neon Light Speed [Primer]
1 year ago
Thanks for the suggestions Profet93, I appreciate them. My thoughts on the suggestions and some of your questions:
Rhystic Study - Definitely a great card. I don't play it because I don't currently own a copy, but have played against it numerous times in my local metas. It's not the most fun for me to experience, so I'd rather spare others the "Do you pay the ?". I think Mystic Remora puts in plenty of work in this regard. My primary play group tends to pay the more often than not, so I do acknowledge its usefulness as a tax piece.
Berserkers' Onslaught - Pretty understandable to feel that way at first glance. I've liked it as a means of getting extra tokens on those haste-y combat damage connections. I haven't really had any moments where I regretted playing it.
Tragic Slip - Great removal piece. I didn't initially consider it for this deck, but have used it in the past in more aristocrats focused builds. Lots of stuff dies, so it's not that hard to get the Morbid clause. I'll consider it as a potential swap.
Reality Shift - I frequently play against graveyard utilizing strats, so I like to utilize exile removal whenever I can manage it. So far, I haven't really had any issue with a significant threat under the Manifest. More often than not it's been a land or non-creature spell.
Miscast - I've had some past success with this counter in other decks. I think in those situations, my opponents either were already tapped out, or couldn't pay the for whatever reason. I added this after some of the earliest games with the deck, where I felt I needed a couple of more cheap counterspell options. Some other stuff I've considered for this slot: Familiar's Ruse, Mizzium Skin, Lazotep Plating, Change of Plans, or Seize the Spotlight
1 year ago
My experience is just too shallow to give an honest opinion... kinda a "wild west" experience...I was playing with Tamiyo, the Moon Sage with Familiar's Ruse for my signature spell in a ninjutsu themed deck... basically just a thrown together decklist that i had from building several variations of Mono Blue ninja decks I had...
I thought it was fun but I have heard/read nightmare stories from others.... just like any other format there are people who wanna have fun and then there are people who wanna "have fun."
Here are some gameplay videos:
Icbrgr on
Modern Ninja Control
2 years ago
I would try cutting 1x Counterspell and adding 1x Familiar's Ruse to see how that feels... Ornithopter is kinda tricky due to the tribal benefits for faerie/ninja typings as well as maintaining cards in hand to keep Force of Negation live (currently 26-28 so your plenty fine there)... for playtest purposes try to going down 2x Changeling Outcast and 2x Faerie Seer and trying combinations of thopter and Faerie Miscreant to see what you like/performs best.
Jfostb on
Modern Ninja Control
2 years ago
Icbrgr I've been thinking a lot about adding two of Ornithopter or Faerie Miscreant. I also really like Familiar's Ruse maybe as a two of. My question to you is what do you recommend taking out/ putting on the sideboard.
Icbrgr on
Modern Ninja Control
2 years ago
I feel your pain... I've spent a lot of time brewing ninjutsu decks... I have never been able to find success with the deck but i can share some synergies that DID WORK WELL but not exactly anything that put the deck over-the-top....closing out games is just tough.
Signal Pest/Ornithopter: These have always been my favorite ninjutsu enablers.... the pest is great for getting more damage through and the 0/2 flyer should never be underestimated as a blocker or enabler... also being colorless really helps with mana management.
Familiar's Ruse: It works really well as a one of... nowadays we have access to Counterspell but it can still recycle ETB effects/Ninjutsu.
Higure, the Still Wind: Tutoring additional ninjas in hand is strong and has a mana dump ability to just get more damage through if needed.
Thieving Sprite/Okiba-Gang Shinobi.... discard can be brutal with bounce effects and or The Rack/Shrieking Affliction.
Master of Cruelties: This isn't exactly a "competitive" option but splashing for access to this with ninjutsu is a very funny way to cheese a win. Haste enabler/cantrips like Spark Elemental/Expedite or burn/removal like Lightning Bolt fit the strategy well.
I wish you the best of luck and hope you can find the secret sauce to make ninjas work!
Icbrgr on
Ferngully (Help Wanted!)
2 years ago
What are your thoughts about Familiar's Ruse as a one-of? I haven't played faeries in forever and it was long before Modern horizons tech... but being able to get more value out of your faeries seems like it could be good still.