Stubborn Denial

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stubborn Denial


Counter target noncreature spell unless its controller pays {1}.

Ferocious — If you control a creature with power 4 or greater, counter that spell instead.

MusicGoat18 on UR Aggro Modern

8 months ago

Andramalech, I extremely appreciate the feedback! :) Your suggestions are nice however most of them probably won't make the cut. Other than potential synergy with Soul-Scar Mage, Adeliz is a bit slow due to it having a cmc of 3. I have Sprite Dragon in my maybeboard which has a similar effect but cheaper AND the buffs are permanent. Also, with Ingenious Prodigy, it was a good thought but it's also slow and requires a higher "X" value in its cost for effective drawing. I have DRC's which dumps my spells into the graveyard for card advantage fueling Underworld Breach. As for Stubborn Denial and Royal Treatment, I have slightly better cards in my sideboard for their type of ability: Flusterstorm, which triggers prowess with storm, and it isn't hard to "storm" it in this deck, and Veil of Summer, which prevents my stuff from being countered on top of the hexproof effect as well as the potential card draw. However, since I currently cannot afford Flusterstorms right now (lol), I will use stubborn denials or Spell Pierces in its place in my sideboard. Scale Up is a cool idea with the prowess effect, so I might consider tinkering with it, but since my mana base lacks green and my deck is more UR focused (most of my green spells have another way of casting) it probably won't make a spot in the deck.

Andramalech on UR Aggro Modern

8 months ago

Pretty sweet list, maybe remember that Adeliz, the Cinder Wind exists and could do a lot for your structure. Also, Ingenious Prodigy also exists now. Personally, I'm infatuated with your choice of Elusive Otter and it's a breakout favorite of mine from WOE. Being that your cast gets stronk pretty reliably, I'd say that Stubborn Denial is a worthy slot, because you'll hold up a free counter late game.

Crow_Umbra on The Glass Ninja Cannon

8 months ago

To keep Goro-Goro and Satoru kicking, I think it could be helpful to get a few more counterspell and protection effects in there. Once you start connecting with those fast & evasive bodies, they tend to draw a target on their back. Stubborn Denial can be a fairly cheap option, since you should have some 5/5 dragon tokens around. Some other budget options could be Miscast, Counterspell, and Negate. From having played G-G&S, I think having some more instant speed interaction/protection will be helpful to keep your board intact, and temper the glass cannon to be a bit more durable.

On the topic of interaction and removal, I'd recommend adding in Feed the Swarm, since Grixis is pretty limited for options in terms of enchantment removal.

Death-Greeter's Champion and Berserkers' Onslaught might be worth a look. With how G-G&S are worded, if a creature that ETB'd that turn and connected with Double Strike, they will then get an additional trigger and make an additional Dragon Spirit token.

Lastly, I'd recommend checking out Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury since it has pseudo-Haste because of Dash, and can act as an antheming buff for all your creatures. She can be a finisher option if you have some dragons out there.

Forkbeard on Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm: Double Dragon

9 months ago

Hi Vlasiax! First off, yeah. TA makes more sense in the haste enabler category, changed. Second, I get what you're saying regarding the 4+ power condition, but Ganax, Astral Hunter has done some insane ramp work for me. I'm never disappointed to see Ganax show up in my hand - I've amassed Gnawbone treasure levels with multiple Ganax's on the table, it can get silly with all the token doubling etc. Lastly, great call on Stubborn Denial! I am definitely going to try to find space for that in here, thank you.

Crow_Umbra on Swift Blade, Broken Arrow

11 months ago

I've been brewing and playing Goro-Goro and Satoru recently, they're a lot of fun. Have you had a chance to play this deck irl yet, or still play testing?

I think you're pretty light on the mana department, between a low land count and not much ramp beyond Sol Ring and Ragavan. I get that a lot of your creatures are small and fast, but you could probably cut some to open up some slots for land and ramp.

Aside from that, I'd recommend checking out some of the following creatures with Dash, or "pseudo-Dash":

  • Death-Greeter's Champion - The Backup 1 will grant another creature Double Strike. Especially with the many small, fast, & evasive creatures you currently have in the list, this could be gas. With the way G-G&S is worded, combat damage from Double Strike will net you 2 Dragon Spirit tokens.

  • Shatterskull Charger - Just never pay the Kicker cost lol.

  • Archwing Dragon - Doesn't have Dash, but it's a beefier body that can get replayed.

  • Flamerush Rider - Repeatable means of making a hasty token copy of something on your board.

  • Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury - G-G&S want to crank out Dragon Spirit tokens, & Kolaghan anthems up your team based on the number of attacking dragons you control.

Some other stuff that can work in the deck:

  • Stubborn Denial - The Ferocious clause should be fairly easy to pull of in a deck that is pumping out Dragon Spirit tokens.

  • Flamewake Phoenix - Self-recurring hasty & evasive body as long as you're hitting that Ferocious clause.

  • Cursed Mirror - ETBs as a copy of any creature around the battlefield, and has Haste on top of that. Excellent mana rock for this deck.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Best of luck with your brewing.

The_Warleader on Kucklebeast Beatdown *Help Wanted*

1 year ago

Hey there! I loved Khans block. Standard and draft were so fun and dynamic :)

Anyway, I highly recommend you check out the current gruul aggro archetype in Pioneer and try and adapt your deck to match that power level: Gruul Midrange in Pioneer

I would shoot for taking this as a template and splashing blue for the fun cards like Savage Knuckleblade and maybe Temur Ascendancy. And I HIGHLY recommend you include 4 Stubborn Denial. From a competitive perspective, it's probably the only real reason to splash blue in Gruul and if you're already doing that for fun/nostalgia, you might as well include it. Plus, it's from Khans block! Anyway, I hope this helps and welcome back to Magic!

BlobHobbit on Kucklebeast Beatdown *Help Wanted*

1 year ago

I think the first thing to do is simply state that Pioneer is a faster format than Standard and most decks are also much more powerful because you have a broader range of access cardwise, so there would be certain cards I would recommend taking out and replacing just so the deck can keep up. Secondly, the best themes in your deck seem to be activated creature abilities along with "Ferocious" creatures and abilities. Not all the cards in the deck necessarily suit this theme.

Cards I recommend putting in: Training Grounds - This card recently had a reprint and it works extremely well with Knucklebeast as well as other cards like Shaman of the Great Hunt.

Ghor-Clan Rampager - Essentially an improvement on Boon Satyr with better stats and a better keyword as a creture with the ability to effectively buff a creature by addinng it's keyword and stats to it. The ability is also 3 mana cheaper.

Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip - It's an expensive card moneywise but worth it. For an explanation read the card XD.

Ilysian Caryatid - A newer version of Rattleclaw Mystic that improves when you have a "Ferocious" creature on field.

Lovestruck Beast - Fits the power 4 or greater theme perfectly and the one drop effect can help you curve out better. Good replacement for Heir of the Wilds

Migloz, Maze Crusher - 4/4 with lots of extra utility.

The Akroan War - An improvement on Yasova Dragonclaw in my opinion as it can also help thin or even wipe your opponents board.

Honorable Mention: Llanowar Elves - Could play four more one drop mana dorks but this deck might not want to given it's playing 2 other colours.

There are probably more possible options but these are ones that stick in my mind

Cards I would definitely take out: Ashcloud Phoenix - this is too expensive mana-wise for what it is and there a more useful cards you can play in the slots it's taking up.

Boon Satyr - Just to expensive generally for this format and there is an obvious better option.

Polukranos, World Eater - It's a four drop that outside of what is effectively a sacrifice ability has no function but being a 5/5, a role than can be filled by Lovestruck Beast

Crater's Claws and Icy Blast - X cost interaction of this kind has it's uses but generally never is played in Pioneer because it's normally worse than useless against Control decks with counterspells. Playing Stubborn Denial in your main deck feels so much better as it goes from a slightly worse spell pierce to a one drop Counterspell just by you playing the deck.

Rattleclaw Mystic - Tri-colour mana dorks are outdated nowadays really and the Morph ability doesn't make up for this, there are just better cards.

Another thing is that the mana base really would need some improvement because the speed of Pioneer is not very favourable towards anything more than two colours without playing some combination of shock, fast or pain lands along with a few basics.

I hope this is helpful for you and wish you the best of luck in any games you play

DreadKhan on

1 year ago

I have a Chaos deck, maybe a few of the cards would work here too? I'm a huge fan of Exquisite Blood, even if you play it without the combo, the effect has big synergy with your Commander's ability, and it helps keep you alive when you're ahead. Another enchantment that works with Esquisite Blood (and your Commander) is Rite of the Raging Storm, this is often good for damage and it makes everyone else play way more cautiously (because anyone but you can be stuck taking 15 damage in a cycle if they can't handle the tokens). Rite itself likes a number of other cards that might work here too, one really sneaky one is Mask of Griselbrand, Lifelink is useful (and stacks with Blood), Flying is useful, and the card draw can be very powerful, obviously this is hilarious with Rite since you can equip the token with the Mask, at which point it's probably getting in for damage and when it dies inevitably you can draw 5 cards. It seems like a good piece of gear for your Commander especially. Berserkers' Onslaught is a funny card sometimes, you do need some kind of board, but even your Commander is openly terrifying with Double Strike. Another card that Rite and your Commander both would love is Dauthi Embrace, Shadow is really good evasion (you might look into Dauthi Voidwalker as well, very useful dual purpose card). Scavenged Brawler is a creature I'm testing in that deck atm, it seems good, offering a useful body that can be 'scavenged' when a wipe happens. If your deck doesn't run combos and is in Black Protection Racket can be a source of life loss for your Commander, your average MV is probably high enough to matter, it can also give cards. It will never give you any lands or 0 MV cards, so it's not a perfect card. Make an Example is a generically good card in my experience, you always get (at minimum) each opponent's most problematic creature. Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep and Shizo, Death's Storehouse are two cards that might help your Commander out, and they're untapped lands, very few drawbacks to those!

Cultural Exchange is a Blue Chaos feeling card I love, I can't decide if you've got enough tokens/creatures you don't care about to make it work, but if you can trade off some small stuff for the best stuff on board then you're doing good I think. I guess it doesn't say anything about untapping, so you can use it to open someone up to attack by trading away all their blockers for already tapped creatures in a pinch. Mass Diminish seems worse than stuff like Sudden Spoiling and Polymorphist's Jest (both great cards though!), but the ability to cast it twice is big, and the effect weirdly lasts a turn cycle, this can help eliminate 2 players sometimes.

Since you probably want your Commander out most of the time, have you considered Stubborn Denial? It's not Fierce Guardianship, but I find Guardianship to be obnoxious.

My final ideas are War Tax and War Cadence, Cadence can easily make your stuff unblockable if people are tapped out, Tax can make it very hard for people to attack in draw out games, but Cadence is probably the better fit.

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