Oath of Kaya

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Oath of Kaya

Legendary Enchantment

When Oath of Kaya enters the battlefield, it deals 3 damage to target creature, player or planeswalker and you gain 3 life.

Whenever an opponent attacks a planeswalker you control with one or more creatures, Oath of Kaya deals 2 damage to that player and you gain 2 life.

Swing4Lethal on Esper Control 3.0

4 months ago

I am very excited to hear you have been playing my list and enjoying it! I still believe the deck is very powerful and consistently better than straight Azorius Control.

I'll address Oath of Kaya first - It is way too slow. You can't afford to be tapping out for a single target sorcery speed removal effect. Especially not with Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord + Vein Ripper dominating like it is. You need to have 2-3 mana available for counter spells the turn they can drop Sorin. Temporary Lockdown is good enough in the 3 mana removal slot and clears most of the things you care about early.

Second, Get Lost is a great catch all option that bridges the small gaps in utility amongst Fatal Push, Vanishing Verse, and Void Rend. The map tokens the opponent gets are mostly irrelevant with only the Amalia Combo decks caring about them. Theoretically you should be able to control the board enough that they never get to use them. With that said, Vein Ripper presents a threat with a protection ability this deck has not had to deal with before, so you could get away with a second copy of Void Rend over Get Lost you just lose an effect that can hit land creatures.

Third, I agree whether you like the card or not, Reckoner Bankbuster is a great card. It gives the deck extra reach that it desperately needs. Deduce is fine, if you absolutely do not want to play Bankbuster but you lose the imminent body and damage threat that Bankbuster gives. The token would give you revolt, but you'd need to run 4 copies for that to be consistent and casting a 3 mana Fatal Push feels not great. Mazemind Tome is far too little impact to make it in the list. Your life gain is handled by The Wandering Emperor and Shambling Vent. Search for Azcanta  Flip is too slow and is really bad in Pioneer due to all of the graveyard exile effects being used.

Fourth, If you personally prefer to run 1 basic and 1 Otawara, Soaring City that's fine too. It's really just personal preference and relevant to your area's meta. I find that Dovin's Veto and Void Rend are good enough in the control match up that Otawara is not necessary. The biggest drawback is that Otawara always costs 4 mana game 1 and has a small chance to cost less in games 2/3. The very first iteration of the deck had both Otawara and Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire but I found I was being wastelanded by Field of Ruin too often and utilizing the channel abilities so rarely that I just cut them in favor of basics.

Finally, yes The End made it into the deck. It is the best possible removal option against so many creatures that decks rely on to win. Greasefang, Okiba Boss, Arclight Phoenix, Mayhem Devil, Vein Ripper (if you can pay the ward), and Amalia Benavides Aguirre are all game winning targets for it. Honestly I have even been considering cutting the Rest in Peace for a second copy of the end. I also swapped Make Disappear out for No More Lies. It is just a far better card in every way.

mememan3310 on Drawing is for everyone!

1 year ago

I would like to suggest Fate Unraveler.

Some possible throw ins would be Master of the Feast and Oath of Kaya.

Max_Hammer on Mathas, King of Politics

1 year ago

I had nothing to do this morning in class, so here you go, too many card suggestions.

This section is for giving your best friend a reward for being awesome. While, y’know, giving yourself something too.

-Incarnation Technique, Creative Technique, and Excavation Technique all give you and a buddy a powerful effect. Of course, you’re getting the better end of the deal, but they can have cool stuff too.

-Benevolent Offering kind of goes along with that, too.

-Tempting Contract and Master of Ceremonies both give everyone good loot, but give you more.

-Flumph is great. It’ll trigger some of the effects in the section below when people attack you for a card, and it’ll make everyone your friend.

-Tenuous Truce is Flumph for two.

-Smuggler's Share is nice, since you’ll get just a little more out of giving everyone extra card draw.

-Jailbreak is excellent for only two mana and basically no money.

This section is for discouraging opponents from messing with your effects.

-Revenge of Ravens and Oath of Kaya both do the same thing, more or less. You can see why they’d be nice, especially with goad.

-Cunning Rhetoric and Mangara, the Diplomat both give you extra card draw for your opponents’ hubris.

-Sivriss, Nightmare Speaker gives you extra draw every turn. Like, three cards worth. That, or it’ll be a lightning bolt to the face for someone, so you win either way.

-Sword-Point Diplomacy is kind of the vibe I’m going for here.

-Emberwilde Captain is more goad and works with your pre-existing Monarch card.

-Leyline of Combustion is always pretty fun, along with all of the leylines. Just super annoying, is all.

This section is for cards that benefit you solely, but using the other two sections for leverage, you can get the most out of them.

-Magma Hellion and Lava-Field Overlord give you a big bad creature. That’s all, really. Not super scary, but they’re here.

-Bring Down, Gang Up, Deadly Designs, and Play of the Game are all good removal that other people can pay for and when there’s some big Emrakul threat on the board, people are usually pretty willing to spend to get rid of it.

-Mogg Assassin and Council's Judgment are both more removal, but less shaky ones. Just remember that Judgment can exile more than just one thing.

-Wake to Slaughter and Dredge the Mire are both resurrection spells and both very nice. Only problem is that an opponent has to pick for you. Just make sure that anyone willing to help will be given a high five and a 5/5 angel or something.

NTakamura on Commanders you have built in …

2 years ago

I would like to use this thread to share my deck called, Hit Me where I use Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts to lure attack at myself. Since there is no way to make the attack Directly at me i thought i would make it beneficial to attack me. It is a mix of Monarch, curses on myself, Maddening Imp,Magnetic Web and the Coveted Jewel to make attacking me more appealing or just force attacks. But catch is I would use cards like my commander, Entrapment Maneuver, Oath of Kaya, Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker to Punish the attacks. So it creates this little game of do I attack him.

So let's here how you built your commander in a unconventional way. And what are your thoughts on my deck?

multimedia on Subjective Reality Upgrade

3 years ago

Hey, nice upgrades of the precon and keeping the overall deck price under $100 is impressive.

Arcane Signet is a budget staple of Commander that you should strongly consider adding in place of Sphere of the Suns . The deathtouch theme looks out of place/used as filler from the all the other cards that show me that you do have good card sense on a budget. The deathtouch theme isn't needed here as it's not giving bonus interaction with Aminatou's blink or draw/put card on top of library.

Some creatures with deathtouch are good such as Baleful Strix and Gonti, Lord of Luxury , but these cards are good not because they have deathtouch instead because they do something when they enter the battlefield (ETB) which blinking them gives you more value. The deathtouch is a nice bonus, but it's not needed.

The card spots that are being used by Mardu Hateblade , Alchemist's Gift , Coat with Venom , High Priest of Penance , Tidehollow Strix and Gifted Aetherborn could be replaced with more permanents that have interaction with Aminatou, blink or cards with miracle.

Felidar Guardian + Aminatou is a combo to infinite blink Guardian and Aminatou since when you blink Aminatou with Guardian a new object of Aminatou ETB which lets you use it's -1 loyalty ability again to blink Guardian who then again blinks Aminatou and repeat. If you add Oath of Teferi then each time you -1 loyalty Aminatou you can do it again thus you can blink two permanents with each Aminatou. The first being any other permanent you control which can be a win condition and the second is Guardian and repeat.

Other good interactions with Aminatou + Felidar Guardian + Oath of Teferi :

If interested I offer more advice including some budget land upgrades. Would you like more help? Good luck with your deck.

rdean14 on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

In my Aminatou Superfriends deck, I made a point to have all the Oaths. and are the only color combination missing it among the colors.

Oath of Dakkon

Legendary Enchantment

When Oath of Dakkon enters the battlefield, return target permanent to its owner's hand and destroy up to one target planeswalker.

At the beginning of your end step, you may exile X target permanents where X is the number of planeswalkers you control.

"I will keep watch for Dihada."

I'd like to see another planeswalker-enchantment. It can be another Oath or anything else!

TriusMalarky on

3 years ago

Lotus Ramp Example List:

Example curve:

  • t1 land, Elvish Reclaimer

  • t2 land, sylvan scrying

  • t3 land, Kiora

  • t4 use Reclaimer to jam Lotus, untap lotus with Kiora, Pore over the pages and Vizer to sift through your deck a bunch of times until you can jam Pelakka wurm.

That is, of course, a rough draft.

Wishclaw Blink exmaple deck:

Plus some stuff, get to 80 cards, add Yorion in SB as companion, eventually win with token flood.

I want you to look at those too first-draft fairly optimized decks. Take a really good look. I want you to count the number of cards that are in both decks.

Now, I want you to do this exercise: guess how many cards in the lotus ramp deck can go in the wishclaw deck, and how many cards from the wishclaw deck can go in the lotus ramp deck.

Tell me your answer, and we'll see if you're right.

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