Nine Lives

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nine Lives



If a source would deal damage to you, prevent that damage to you, prevent that damage and put an incarnation counter on Nine Lives.

When there are nine or more incarnation counters on Nine Lives, exile it.

When Nine Lives leaves the battlefield, you lose the game.

kamarupa on Time is Always Fateful When You're a Dragon

17 hours ago

Courageous Resolve seems like a perfect fit here, as would Angel's Grace.

Solemnity+Nine Lives or Phyrexian Unlife might be useful as an insurance policy as well.

Taida on Revamping Enduring Ideal

5 months ago

Love the concept of the deck. You could maybe add some other ways to search Enduring Ideal, I personally like Solve the Equation.

Regarding the enchantments, I quite like the interaction with Phyrexian Unlife or Nine Lives with Solemnity, as if the opponent does not have interaction for it, you essentially block them from winning. It might not be as good as Dovescape in stopping your opponent, but it has the advantage of being cheap enough mana-wise to be cast in case it got stuck in your hand.

WilldelaRoche on Sharing is caring

6 months ago

This deck only have Delaying Shield, Illusions of Grandeur, Nine Lives and Statecraft that need to be donated to work, so I think that both Donate and Harmless Offering are too expensive to have in the deck for only those cases.

To donate those and other permanents I already have Coveted Falcon, Bazaar Trader + Starfield of Nyx (so the goblin can also donate enchantments), Puca's Mischieffoil and Shifting Grift.

9-lives on Super Cute Kitty Cats

7 months ago

Love the Nine Lives + Solemnity combo! Not only is it really good, but it has Oketra and a cat as its art!

legendofa on Why Have There Been So …

8 months ago

It's not just you. WotC has been emphasizing active game progression recently, and defensive permanents, especially damage prevention, tend to lead to game stagnation. Generally, people want to be doing useful things instead of not doing useful things, and permanents that prevent them from doing useful things gives the game a perception of being less fun.

They haven't completely gone away. Blessed Sanctuary, Reidane, God of the Worthy  Flip, and Nine Lives are reasonably recent, and stun counters are probably going to fill out this space in the future.

Rhadamanthus on If a Enchantment with counters …

8 months ago

danielgonmar: You need to use double square brackets around the card's name to make the link work - Nine Lives, Resourceful Defense

To answer your question, since Resourceful Defense only moves counters between things you control, the same player has to control both Nine Lives and the Defense in order to use the Defense to move counters off of Nine Lives. If they're controlled by different players, which might be the situation in the original question where things are being moved around with Harmless Offering, then it won't work.

Also, it's much better to post a new question as its own topic rather than respond to a very old one. With the way this site works, adding a new post to a Rules Q&A discussion doesn't move the topic to the top of the list. This topic is about 4 years old, so the only reason I was aware of your comment is because the site auto-subscribed me for notifications on this topic after I originally posted in it. If you had happened to post in a topic where the only people involved in the discussion were no longer active users then no one would have seen your question.

casual_competitive on Go Too Jail

11 months ago


  1. Karmic Justice and Protector of the Crown are two cards I will be buying to replace Nine Lives and Bottled Cloister

  2. I stopped caring for budget and just focus on making sure it’s at the right power score I want it at, if I need a card that’s expensive I’ll pr0xy it

  3. Power level 8

  4. There’s like 20 prison cards in the deck so it’s on theme. Got my sleeves dripped out with the backs being the monopoly “go too jail” cards and the deck box being a 3d printed prison cage with its own lock

Pabs4444 on RDW: Enchantment Removal?

1 year ago

Icbrgr Bonecrusher Giant using the adventure half (stomp) stops damage from being prevented which gets around the Nine Lives part of the combo

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