Carapace Forger

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Carapace Forger

Creature — Elf Artificer

Metalcraft — Carapace Forger gets +2/+2 as long as you control three or more artifacts.

pangolinwrangler on GW Modular

3 years ago

I've had some fun playtesting this deck. I added Gingerbrute and two cards that help ensure we trigger modular more regularly: 1. Angelic Purge to wipe away anything, and 2. Nature's Claim for a bit of life gain for low investment.

I also toyed with Carapace Forger and Arcbound Stinger over the vanilla 2cmc white modular creature to balance the curve. Travel Preparations is a wonderful inclusion with flashback, too!

LittleL33CH on Affinity

3 years ago

I see what your saying but I just got ride of Carapace Forger because first it isn't a artifact and second it wont get hit by Ancient Stirrings . I kept Myr Enforcer because it counts for the artifact count and i has the chance to be free where Carapace Forger will always be 2 mana. Seek the Wilds is a good card but i can hit so much more with Ancient Stirrings like my other artifacts.

Nicklaffy2302 on Affinity

3 years ago

Nice decklist. Only thing I would consider changing out is Myr Enforcer for 3 Carapace Forger if you're looking for more aggro. High chance that you would be able to play Forger on turn two and have it as a 4/4, and Enforcer would most likely come out turn 3 with reduced cost. If it's too much colour when digging with Ancient Stirrings , maybe try out Seek the Wilds . I like the versatility of Sojourner's Companion .

Boza on Pauper Grixis Affinity

5 years ago

I do not think that Arcbound worker is necessary - swap the 4 Darksteel citadels for 4 Tree of Tales and add 4 Carapace Forger. If you feel the need for more artifacts, swap 1 battle rage for Ichor Wellspring.

Grubbernaut on Affinatog

6 years ago

Disciple is a cool idea, but Carapace Forger is just so strong. It's the better 4-of, IMO. Disciple doesn't do anything unless you trigger it, whereas Forger can win the game by itself if it has to

TheHelvault on Pauper

7 years ago

Wurmlover, welcome to pauper!

I run affinity and WUBRG, which is a tron variant. WUBRG is usually a good match for Affinity, seeing as its main focus is to cast Fangren Marauder and sac a ton of artifacts. The marauder also triggers for affinity's artifacts, which negates damage dealt by Atog. With WUBRG, I run 4 Chromatic Star, 4 Chromatic Sphere, and 4 Prophetic Prism, to name a few, which help me build up Mana for my 3 mainboarded Rolling Thunder. The marauders also provide nice blocking fodder against Myr Enforcer and Carapace Forger

landofMordor on First deck you Built

7 years ago

I built a terrible UG Metalcraft deck with Carapace Forger, Copper Carapace, Scrapdiver Serpent, and so first cards were built from a blind box with Magmaw as the only rare and 50 copies of Sky-Eel School. (After that, I built a UW Auras deck when Sphere of Safety came out.)

But I guess it did inspire a love of the Scars block for me, so I owe that humble little UG deck one.

TheMart22 on UG Gearseeker

7 years ago

BerylLasko Thanks for the tips. From what you said, I went ahead and updated the land base to 20 and added the additional Prophetic Prism and two Springleaf Drum. I also added the creature cards to the main you mentioned and the deck feels more dynamic now. I especially like Carapace Forger as a 2 drop.

I feel there's still a way to go to call this strong but I think the base here is reasonable to start.

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