Lone Missionary

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lone Missionary

Creature — Kor Monk

When Lone Missionary enters the battlefield, you gain 4 life.

AmoeboidChangeling on Glaze and Mandible Brothers

2 years ago

I like this brew, looks spicy and fun. I have a few sideboard suggestions, mostly cards which I use in my sideboards, or just know they exist. Some of them might not be perfect, I don't say that my suggestions are the best, it's just cards that came into my mind.

The first one is not really a sideboard suggestion. Since the new Bridge artifact lands have arrived to Pauper, they combo well with some destroy effects, mostly in red though. But if you'd replace Scoured Barrens with Goldmire Bridge, you could play mainboard artifact/enchantment removals that do something else too, such as Invoke the Divine. You either play them to destroy your opponents artifacts/enchantments, or if they don't have any, you can target your own Bridge land with it, your land will remain on the battlefield, and you'll gain 4 life.

You can always side them out of course, or you can just put them in the sideboard, not sure which option is better, but you have both. Then you won't get to have repeated ETBs by Orzhov Basilica, so you either replace that too with something else, or you can just leave it anyway.

Some sideboard cards that came to my mind are: Nihil Spellbomb , Leave No Trace (this can kill your own enchantments too though in some cases so might not be the best option), boardwipes like Suffocating Fumes or Shrivel or Holy Light. There's Duress against control decks. There's an expensive sideboard cards called Dust to Dust. It's not budget and I don't buy it for Pauper, but I know it exists, against Bridge lands it can be a good option. Lone Missionary is also one used by some people. And since you're in white, you can always try out the good old Circle of Protection cards, there's one against every color.

Hope some of my suggestions were useful. Good luck, and keep it up!

ClockworkSwordfish on Jurassicycle Park

3 years ago

I always did wonder how to build a deck around getting the 4+ cycles on Yidaro... this looks like a pretty good way to go about it, though!

A couple thoughts come to mind when looking at your build, though. Shefet Monitor being able to put a land right into play is lovely, but paying four mana for the privilege is awfully steep... I can't help but wonder if he (and Beneath the Sands?) wouldn't be better off as Krosan Tusker! Three mana to draw two cards is arguably as good and not quite as slow.

The other thing I'm left wondering about is your early-game survivability. Dedicating several turns to cycling a card creates one heck of an opening, and I'm skeptical that you have enough defenses to throw off a dedicated foe! For instance, Drannith Healer could serve as a better deterrent than the Stinger - since it can only nail your opponent directly, how often will it deal enough damage to make a difference when you're planning to end up swinging with an 8/8 trampler? Maybe you've had some good results with it, but just from looking at the list I was curious!

Another route you could take things is to lean more heavily on Astral Drift. If you run a handful of creatures with helpful comes-into-play abilities, such as Lone Missionary, Wall of Blossoms or perhaps best of all, Stonehorn Dignitary, then you can easily bolster your position every time you cycle!

qanazoga on Paige's Emeria Midrange

3 years ago

More changes!

of course, now I need to plan a new sideboard

TriusMalarky on What, Exactly, is Wrong with …

3 years ago

Intervention Pact has the text box " : pay on your next upkeep or lose."

Lone Missionary is a far better card in Modern and Legacy, where it and aggro decks exist, and Arashin Cleric isn't too bad in Pioneer.

"But it's good in commander!!!!1!" Nope. It's probably hitting one token, or one of the creatures Hoofie buffed, or their commander one time. Let's see what does much, much better: Fog , Holy Day , Clinging Mists , Blinding Fog , Arachnogenesis and Teferi's Protection , most of which are unplayable and the best are, well, Teferi's Protection is pretty good because white doesn't get much else.

Compared to Pact of the Titan, which is Bonebreaker Giant except it has flash and you don't have to pay for it immediately.

It's like comparing a Frito to draft chaff. One shouldn't be in your deck, and other's life purpose is to be destroyed.

GnuofDeath on Mono White Ephemerate Prison

4 years ago

Nice build. May you should include Lone Missionary or Arashin Cleric in the sideboard against burn.

TriusMalarky on Lifegain cards

4 years ago

On the note of lifegain, life is far and away one of the least important resources in the game. It's only relevant against aggro or if you are actively using it as a resource with, for example, Ad Nauseam or Sign in Blood.

There are two main reasons to include lifegain: either you get advantages with cards like Ajani's Pridemate, Griffin Aerie, Resplendent Angel, etc., in which case you mostly want creatures with lifegain or Fountain of Renewal. Otherwise, you're looking at effects like Lone Missionary, Arashin Cleric or Life Goes On/Chaplain's Blessing as sideboard cards against aggro.

TriusMalarky on Which Colors are Secondary and …

4 years ago

I'd say green is, in 60-card, the best for huge bursts of life.

White has lifegain tacked to creatures, so it's also pretty good in 60-card.

Both of those, however, are limited to Sideboard tech as Lone Missionary and Life Goes On and Kitchen Finks and such.

If you want lots of real life gain that works MD, you want Black. In 60-card you get Sovereign's Bite, Collective Brutality and Alms of the Vein. In EDH and 60-card Aristocrats builds, you get Blood Artist effects.

But did you know that artifacts are pretty darned good at gaining life? A lot of the best lifegain engines are artifacts.

Zackary on B/W Pauper Soul Sisters Lifegain

4 years ago

i would take out Lone Missionary for Veteran Armorer or Lumithread Field to protect your creatures form Electrickery . Cut a Mourning Thrull , a Soul Warden OR a Soul's Attendant and a Plains for 3x Night's Whisper , you are going to need the card draw. Replace the Castigate with Harsh Sustenance or Unmake.


Take out Shadowfeed and put in Beckon Apparition , i think it will synergies with with the soul sisters and Edge of the Divinity by giving you a white/black creature token. take out Nihil Spellbomb for Relic of Progenitus , trade out the Swamp in the sideboard for a Bojuka Bog or 2x by taking out 1x Bonesplitter . Replace the Castigate and Disenchant with 3x Standard Bearer.


Crimson Acolyte , Obsidian Acolyte , Prismatic Strands , Battle Screech , Rune of Protection: Red , Rune of Protection: Green , Epicure of Blood , Oblivion Ring

sorry about the last post with no hyperlinks to the card names. i am new

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