Holy Light

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Holy Light


Nonwhite creatures get -1/-1 until end of turn.

PauperPundit on Pauper EDH Wipes

1 year ago

Drown in Sorrow is my go-to wipe in my black pauper control deck!

Thanks for making this list, about to add Holy Light to my weird little white changeling deck.

AmoeboidChangeling on Glaze and Mandible Brothers

2 years ago

I like this brew, looks spicy and fun. I have a few sideboard suggestions, mostly cards which I use in my sideboards, or just know they exist. Some of them might not be perfect, I don't say that my suggestions are the best, it's just cards that came into my mind.

The first one is not really a sideboard suggestion. Since the new Bridge artifact lands have arrived to Pauper, they combo well with some destroy effects, mostly in red though. But if you'd replace Scoured Barrens with Goldmire Bridge, you could play mainboard artifact/enchantment removals that do something else too, such as Invoke the Divine. You either play them to destroy your opponents artifacts/enchantments, or if they don't have any, you can target your own Bridge land with it, your land will remain on the battlefield, and you'll gain 4 life.

You can always side them out of course, or you can just put them in the sideboard, not sure which option is better, but you have both. Then you won't get to have repeated ETBs by Orzhov Basilica, so you either replace that too with something else, or you can just leave it anyway.

Some sideboard cards that came to my mind are: Nihil Spellbomb , Leave No Trace (this can kill your own enchantments too though in some cases so might not be the best option), boardwipes like Suffocating Fumes or Shrivel or Holy Light. There's Duress against control decks. There's an expensive sideboard cards called Dust to Dust. It's not budget and I don't buy it for Pauper, but I know it exists, against Bridge lands it can be a good option. Lone Missionary is also one used by some people. And since you're in white, you can always try out the good old Circle of Protection cards, there's one against every color.

Hope some of my suggestions were useful. Good luck, and keep it up!

Grubbernaut on Aces in Exile

3 years ago

If you're willing to deviate from the Angel plan, this deck is screaming for Squadron Hawk. Stalwart is decent, but the rest of the angels here are pretty behind the curve for pauper; you could consider Guardian of the Guildpact, but even that is probably more of a sideboard card. If you're going to stick to angels, I'd strongly advise going mono white; the splash just isn't worth it for a 4-mana 2/2 flyer that you can dump extra mana into to give protection temporarily, generally.

Also: Journey to Nowhere is going to be a better card most of the time over O-ring.

Potion of Healing isn't doing a whole lot, either; it replaces itself, but the deck doesn't have a method of taking advantage of the lifegain. If you're going to stick to a high mana curve, I'd suggest something like Traveler's Amulet, Wanderer's Twig, or Renegade Map - or better yet, just up the land count. 20 is very low with the amount of 4-drops you've got.

Some other random cards that might fit the general idea: Doomed Traveler, Sunlance, Battle Screech, and Holy Light for the sideboard.

There's not really any other good real angels in pauper, but there are some changelings you could consider, like Impostor of the Sixth Pride, or Avian Changeling.


demont on Infinity On High

4 years ago

Hey man! Me again ... I've been testing out the deck and i gotta say, it works very smoothly and consistently :D

One thing i've notice throughout the games, the only thing saving my opponents from a complete lockdown were mana dorks.

With that in mind, is that how it's supose to be or, have you considered a few dork hating pieces such as Cursed Totem, Juntu Stakes or even some more untraditional ones for cEDH such as Holy Light and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite

On a side note, there are a few traditional stax pieces that i notice you don't run, such as Pithing Needle and Grafdigger's Cage. I understand that Phyrexian Revoker is much better than the needle, and Rest in Peace is also much better than the cage but i'd like to hear your thoughts on it.

Colonel_Kink on None

4 years ago

have some more

Holy Light

Confiscate cringy here

Reparations big one here

Eye for an Eye racially insensitive to muslims?

Disruptive Student ... this one i can see being banned.

SpliceIntoCantrip on Hook, Line and Sinker

5 years ago

Really like the theme of this deck.

Only criticism of the deck is maybe incorporate a strategy that can also combat strategies that can go around your Kor Hookmaster plan, such as Burn or Elves.

Against Burn I'd definitely recommend Lone Missionary , bouncing or flickering it twice or even once will probably make a Burn player scoop.

Against Elves and other Swarm decks Holy Light will help you out a lot.

Also, control or big mana decks like Tron would eat this deck alive so I'd add a way to attack their mana bases such as Spreading Seas or Reality Acid .

And you should put in Archaeomancer because of its stupid combo with Ephemerate .

I hope I have helped. Please ask any more questions if you have any. You have a great day!

Spell_Slam on Heal the Cat

5 years ago

Great deck!

I think Holy Light would be a great inclusion to the deck, as White has very few ways of dealing with masses of tokens efficiently. This card lets you do that without affecting your own smaller creatures.

You have Suture Priest twice in your list, under board control and Life Gain.

Survival Cache seems like a great card for your deck. You'll most likely be the player with the most life anyways, and this gives you two life gain triggers and will most likely draw you two cards.

I'm not sure how good something like Revitalize/Healing Hands/Renewed Faith would be, but getting a lifegain trigger and a card seems like a decent way to filter through your deck.

Children of Korlis could be a good "Fog" effect for you.

Exile seems like a good fit for removal in your deck.

Seems a shame to pass up on Martyr of Sands. It only gets you one trigger, but it's still a lot of life, which is worth something.

Seraph of Dawn is an absolute beast in this format. the big butt means it survives a lot of removal and combat, and putting equipment on it is amazing.

Along the same lines, Student of Ojutai really dishes out the lifegain for you on a great body, especially considering how few creatures you're playing.

I feel like most of your lifelink creatures are not really worth playing. They're going to be easily blocked and killed in most situations and not net you much of an advantage. I'd say only the ones that gain your some sort of card advantage are really worth playing. I could be wrong about Healer's Hawk, though.

Lastly, you have plenty of ways to protect your commander, but I would just like to suggest Angelic Renewal. You can play this before your commander and not have to hold mana up all the time for it. Same goes for Benevolent Bodyguard. This lets you play a much tighter, more efficient game plan.

mal099 on

5 years ago

I like this deck, but I feel like with only 12 creatures, you're going to run into situations where you don't draw any - not too often, but it will happen. Maybe consider Commune with the Gods or Benefaction of Rhonas , since both can also be used to get you an enchantment?

Among your enchantments, you have a lot of First Strike, but very little to avoid blockers, like Trample or Flying. Not sure if that could be a problem.

You haven't really filled up the sideboard, so for that I'd suggest Holy Light against Decks that spam you with tiny creatures and Naturalize against artifacts/enchantments.

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