Corrupted Grafstone

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Corrupted Grafstone


Corrupted Grafstone enters the battlefield tapped.

: Choose a colour of a card in your graveyard. Add one mana of that colour.

SemjonsDad on Toxrill

2 years ago

Dimir Signet, Mind Stone, Prismatic Lens, Arcane Signet, Charcoal Diamond, Coldsteel Heart, Corrupted Grafstone, Ebony Fly, Fellwar Stone, Fractured Powerstone, Guardian Idol, Liquimetal Torque, Obsidian Obelisk, Sky Diamond, Star Compass, Talisman of Dominance, Thought Vessel - Those are the viable 2 cmc mana rocks (Everflowing Chalice could also be played for 2 mana, but also scales more into the later stages due to Multikicker) Moonsnare Prototype and Springleaf Drum are 1 cmc but require a creature/artifact which you could tap to produce 1 mana. Sol Talisman and Mox Tantalite are also relative cheap in price.

For Land ramp, there arent that many options in Dimir, but here are the ones I would consider - Lantern of Revealing: 3 cmc Rock, that can ramp later Wayfarer's Bauble: The classic Dreamscape Artist: 2 CMC creature, that turns each card in your hand into Harrow Druidic Satchel: Not guarantees a land but not completely without value Navigation Orb: Bauble but slower Myriad Landscape: Land that fetches 2 Lands

Revel in Riches as an enchantment as is Black Market but that is kinda slow and comes relatively late Those are my suggestions for Ramp. Hope you find them helpful and GL with the deck :)

tayzillamane on Oona

2 years ago


So I actually did an order the day before you commented and luckily for me a lot of your suggestions are in my order.

To help with draw I’ve added Gravestorm Rhystic Study Verity Circle Waste Not

To help with lands I’ve added Choked Estuary Creeping Tar Pit Jwar Isle Refuge Mistvault Bridge Salt Marsh Submerged Boneyard Sunken Hollow Swiftwater Cliffs Tainted Isle Temple of Epiphany

To help with mana rocks I’ve added Arcane Signet Corrupted Grafstone Dimir Signet Fellwar Stone Izzet Signet Thought Vessel

I’ve been really contemplating making Mirko Vosk my commander due to the lack of red but I really wanted Xander to work.

Jellyfisch42 on Enter the Battlefield / Graveyard

3 years ago

Thassa, Deep-Dwelling seems like a direct upgrade of Conjurer's Closet (though not a particually budget one). And sol ring is modern banned although some form of ramp wouldn't be bad because of the high cost of some cards. Maybe Corrupted Grafstone as it fits the graveyard theme and provides all three colours in case it comes to the point of casting your red cards. Other than that looks like a really solid deck.

plakjekaas on Artifact Brew

3 years ago

Will Corrupted Grafstone work in this deck? There's not many colored cards in the deck, only Fatal Push will enable it before turn 3.

ellie-is on Lathliss, Ramp Queen

4 years ago

Snickles@EDH_only: Thank you for the suggestions! Definitely some neat stuff there. I had already been thinking about a few of them, like Corrupted Grafstone, but not having a reliable way to make sure it'll generate mana kept me from adding it. Some of the others area lready in my maybeboard or were just not very budget friendly. But there are some I'm definitely gonna throw in the maybeboard for when I can afford them! And I'll be sure to post updates :)

Peoyogon: Thank you!! The Orrery seems a bit too risky for me, I think, especially if I end up playing all my lands and then it's just the opponents getting the benefit. Kyren Toy sure is a weird card! Being able to produce additional mana is definitely something I'd want out of a 3-drop mana rock. Earthquake is pretty great, but I'm struggling to find room for more interaction, plus it kills all my mana dorks. I guess that's not as much of a problem if I'm using it late game, but it's still some thing to keep in mind.

Honestly, the mana dorks do come with some annoying restrictions haha. Like not using Earthquake effects and not being able to run Marauding Raptor. I think I can see myself replacing them with 2-cost rocks in the future once I can afford to get all the pricier ones.

Snickles@EDH_only on Lathliss, Ramp Queen

4 years ago

some other dragons you might consider:

Nesting Dragon - Pricey, but gives decent return for otherwise dead draws late game

Scourge of Kher Ridges - personally love this guy - built-in Pyroclasm, plus an anti-air effect in red if needed

Steel Hellkite - colorless enchantment removal. often overlooked

Territorial Hellkite - 6/5 flying haste for 4. aim is a bit wonky, but still a solid card for its cost

odd ramp to consider: Mana Geyser, Corrupted Grafstone,Foriysian Totem, Pillar of Origins, Star Compass, Heart of Ramos, and / or Pyramid of the Pantheon.

fun deck, keep us posted with how it does!

Destroyerbirb on Budget Commander Challenge Week 1|Krav & Regna

4 years ago

VampDemigod I love the inclusion of my pet card, Corrupted Grafstone.

Here are my suggestions:

Sacrifice Outlets: Your deck is low on free sacrifice outlets. Carrion Feeder gets big fast, Viscera Seer is card advantage/selection, and Altar of Dementia is a great budget card, and can even be played in higher power games. I will go into deeper analysis below for Priest of Forgotten Gods.

Card Draw/Advantage/Selection: Another thing your deck needs is MORE card advantage. Get ready for a LONG list. Viscera Seer was mentioned above, Midnight Reaper and Dark Prophecy will draw you a heap of cards, and so will Grim Haruspex. Woe Strider is another Viscera Seer with a body. Priest of Forgotten Gods is a sac outlet, card draw, life drain and ramp in ONE CARD!

Dead Triggers: Last section! Just extra things that trigger when others die. Pawn of Ulamog should be an auto-include in all aristocrats decks. Syr Konrad, the Grim and Vindictive Vampire are all draining cards, and Ayara, First of Locthwain is drain, draw and sac.

I'll let you decide what you want to take out.

+3 from me. (Well, I'm told I can't do three, so 1 will have to do.)

(That took a long time to write, I hope you enjoy it! These were all budget cards, otherwise )

Destroyerbirb on Grenzo Doomsday Snoop - Budget CEDH

4 years ago

Queen_Lulu thanks for the suggestions! I will have a think about them, some (such as Diabolic Intent and Grim Tutor) are a little too expensive for me, and others (such as Night's Whisper) are a little hard to get my hands on, but I will put these on a list of cards I will trade for. This list is for the cards I own (and have in my deck), but I will add better cards as I get them. Corrupted Grafstone is an underrated card, potentially acting as both Charcoal Diamond and Fire Diamond in one, so I might keep it in, but I am open minded and might take it out, and I will try and get as many of these as possible.

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