Retreat to Valakut

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Retreat to Valakut


Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, choose one —

  • Target creature gets +2/+0 until end of turn.
  • Target creature can't block this turn.

wallisface on Red Black ingest (all bfz) V2

11 months ago

With only 16 lands in your deck, you won’t have the mana to cast Desolation Twin until you’ve drawn around 38 cards… there is no way a game is going that long regardless of format/playstyle.

If I were making changes, I would ditch all of Hedron Blade (too weak, too niche), Slab Hammer (really bad card), Desolation Twin (the game’s never going long enough to cast it), and both Retreat to Hagra and Retreat to Valakut (neither really do anything).

In their place I would add 6 more lands, 4x Lightning Bolt, and 4x Flame Slash

Slashdance on Land of the Lost

2 years ago


Land Removed: Bojuka Bog, Forge of Heroes, Khalni Garden, Mountain

Land Added: Forest, Vivid Crag, Vivid Grove, Vivid Marsh

Creatures Removed: Borderland Explorer, Emissary of Grudges

Creatures Added: The Gitrog Monster, Elvish Rejuvenator

Enchantment Removed: Retreat to Valakut

Sorcery Removed: Worm Harvest

Sorcery Added: Pirate's Pillage, Regrowth

Instant Removed: Fury Storm

Instant Added: Unleash the Inferno

Snake_Oil on Ashling Burns Everyone - Mono R - Voltron/Artifact

4 years ago

If you want to run Rimescale Dragon you'll need to run Snow-Covered Mountain rather than your basic Mountains. I'd say something like Embermaw Hellion instead, as it helps with your "damage addition effects".

Magebane Armor is an absolute must, as are Loxodon Warhammer and Lightning Greaves to go along with Basilisk Collar and Swiftfoot Boots -- Magebane keeps Ashling alive, while the warhammer is another source of lifelink.

The Shunt and Reverberate style effects are the best way of protecting your resources, so good job on putting them in. Same with all the draw spells, I'd think about Perpetual Timepiece and Elixir of Immortality as a means of getting things back, but it's not like this is a graveyard deck and you need to protect that space as a resource, as I say, just in case.

Right now is, I think, the cheapest Blood Moon has ever been, so strike while the iron is hot there if you can! Same (again, I think) with Braid of Fire.

I'd think about something to slot in over Retreat to Valakut and Claws of Valakut -- Might just be me, but they're two of the less synergistic choices. You could use those spots for Magebane and Warhammer, for example.

Otherwise I'd say just keep tweaking it and playing around. Use the Prof's vid to work out what synergies you want to pursue aside from damage amplification which is a good start.

nordic_shadow on Angry Omnath

6 years ago


Borderland Explorer (unless you have a reason to discard)

Domesticated Hydra (just a big body, you can do better)

Both Embodiments (put your lands at risk for removal spells and dont add too much power overall unless you have a full awakening synergy)

Tunneling Geopede (too small of an effect unless you have a way to truly abuse it)

Hammer of Purphoros (what aspect are you trying to abuse with it?)

Ground Assault (Try to find instant speed removal)

Lay of the Land (in two color deck, not really needed)

Font of Fertility (not great ramp, if you want something that could be played for 1 or 3, look for search for tomorrow)

Retreat to Kazandu (again, a very small effect, unless you want to run more fertilid effects [that is a cool synergy if you want to go that way])

Retreat to Valakut (just too small, need more widespread effects, especially at 3 mana)

Searing Blaze (doesnt hit too much and better to try unconditional kills)

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