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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Flame Slash
Flame Slash deals 4 damage to target creature.
vic on How does priority work with …
1 month ago
Rhadamanthus Sorry, I just had a really busy period there.
So my main point is just the A or B question and I don't think that was answered. If it was, I missed it. Though some other neat stuff did come out of it.
Let's throw out Prey Upon or any fight-type cards. Let's just say it's Flame Slash.
A. Do all of my creatures get for 4 damage and THEN all of my opponent's creatures get hit for four?
B. Or it is one of mine, then one of his, then one of mine, then one of his, etc.?
Something in one of the responses lead me to believe it's A. But I'm not certain.
wallisface on Jurassic Park deck
2 months ago
Some general thoughts:
Your mana curve is very high. I would suggest either work towards lowering the mana curve a bunch, or adding in a bunch of ramp effects to allow you to play those bigger cards quicker. Ideally you'd do a bit of both. If your intention is to keep playing Ravenous Tyrannosaurus then it probably makes sense to run a bunch of mana-dorks so you actually have something weak to have it devour (i'm sure Llanowar Elves and its kind tastes delicious).
The other option to the above, is to not run ramp, but instead run a bunch of interaction to slow your opponent down. Basically tons of Flame Slash and Lightning Bolt to keep the board clean and give your Hunting Velociraptors Prowl ability an actual chance of being useful.
currently with the amount of high-mana cards in the deck, you're almost never gaining any benefit from Amped Raptors enter-the-battlefield trigger. I would suggest either lowering your curve enough to be able to profit-from this card at least 2/3rds of the time, or else remove it from the deck.
Life Finds a Way is an entirely pointless card to run when the only card you have that makes tokens is the second activation of Welcome to ... Flip
I don't think Rhythm of the Wild is useful enough to do anything here, even for a super-casual environment. I feel like Welcome to ... Flip is pretty similar to this (it is more useful, but just sooo slow).
I would remove Savage Order, you have very few dinosaurs with 4 power, and if any of these are out then you're already in a good spot (and swapping one for another seems largely pointless considering its costing you a card)
wallisface on Red Black ingest (all bfz) V2
4 months ago
With only 16 lands in your deck, you won’t have the mana to cast Desolation Twin until you’ve drawn around 38 cards… there is no way a game is going that long regardless of format/playstyle.
If I were making changes, I would ditch all of Hedron Blade (too weak, too niche), Slab Hammer (really bad card), Desolation Twin (the game’s never going long enough to cast it), and both Retreat to Hagra and Retreat to Valakut (neither really do anything).
In their place I would add 6 more lands, 4x Lightning Bolt, and 4x Flame Slash
wallisface on
5 months ago
AxonsReplete what kind if budget are you wanting? Good 1-mana options could include some interaction which you’re sorely lacking - stuff like Lightning Bolt, Flame Slash, Fatal Push. With the various sacrificing going on Stalactite Stalker might be a good option too, just for being a 1-mana creature that gets big
nuperokaso on Demons
1 year ago
Flame Slash is a good cheap removal.
Infernal Grasp only fast decks can afford to pay life. Consider another removal, such as Power Word Kill.
Maskwood Nexus is horribly slow card. You don't have any good reason to play it.
Brutal Hordechief this card is best in a token deck, which is not your case.
wallisface on Deadly big bulls!
1 year ago
Your 1-drops don't have to be creatures. Your deck would benefit a LOT from a bunch of cards like Lightning Bolt, Fatal Push, and Flame Slash. Interaction is always good, and by running a lot of these effects you give yourself much better odds of the game going long and you being able to make use of your cow-army.
I would say to cut down your creature count to about 18-20, so that you're just running the most board-impactful minotaurs, and then playing a lot more of these killspell effects. That will probably lead to the best outcome for this brew imo.
nuperokaso on Jupiiii
1 year ago
Cards to think about: Zalto, Fire Giant Duke, Marauding Raptor, Into the Maw of Hell, Mana Tithe, Flame Slash, Sin Prodder, Pyrohemia, Solphim, Mayhem Dominus, Golden Guardian Flip, Goblin Matron
Bad cards to remove: Wild Magic Surge, Intimidation Bolt, Guardian Idol, Prismatic Lens, Everflowing Chalice, Thought Vessel, Worn Powerstone, Maskwood Nexus, Angelfire Ignition
DreadKhan on Rocks Monored burn
1 year ago
I have a Legacy Mono-Red Burn deck, but it only runs 1 card that's not in Modern. Mine can win early, but it's got an ungodly number of 3 drops instead of just running all 1 drops. I think some of the cards I run that might be worth a look for you include: Dragon's Rage Channeler is great if you've got too many lands or not enough, I don't worry too much about it's ceiling, just getting to Surveil over and over can be very good value in some situations. That said, I do run Seal of Fire, which is sneakily useful, it sits but if they try to 'deal' with it you just use it, and it's an Enchantment for DRC. I also run Vexing Devil, it's a so-so card later game, but it's a huge effect turn 1, 3 toughness is high enough that it doesn't trade with most 1 and even 2 drops, meaning most decks are either wasting cards on it or taking 4 damage for R. In rare matches it's terrible obviously. Risk Factor is another Browbeat, it's instant which is huge, and it can be cast from the graveyard once, which is actually pretty huge in practice. Cards like Browbeat and Risk Factor are amazing with stuff like Fury, but that's a pricey card! I've rarely been too unhappy with Ball Lightning, it's very sensitive to First Strike blockers, but getting 6 damage for RRR feels incredible. I use Flame Slash as dedicated 'creature burn', though I only use x2, not sure if you run into a lot of 4-7 toughness bodies that need burning though.
I like Grim Lavamancer more than Hellspark Elemental, the two 3/1 Elementals are both good cards but 3 power is low enough that it ends up walled evenutally and they become dead cards, as Burn is very bad at removing bigger blockers, I find if you can get a flying Dragon's Rage Channeler it's a much, much better card. Lavamancer is almost certainly better than the Viashino, but I think DRC does even more work. That said, DRC and Lavamancer work together EXTREMELY well obviously, even if Lavamancer might turn it 'off' eventually, just the Surveil is a lot of value if you're feeding your Lavamancer/clearing situationally bad cards (that said I run 10 3 drops and have more lands, so I have more 'bad' cards).
In my experience, I don't love Eidolon as much as other people, it's small so it's easily outclassed (and sucks if you can't swing in each turn), and it hits you as well if you need to remove something that can kill it. I use Flame Rift as an alternative that always shaves 4 off everyone, it's better vs some decks fwiw. I also find Guide can cost you a surprisingly large number of games when you help your opponent dig through multiple lands for a solution. I run Vexing Devil over it, but enough people run Guide that it's obviously not a bad card. There is also Soul-Scar Mage, which feels pretty nice with Lavamancer and synergizes with Swiftspear, and technically Young Pyromancer still exists. If you ever get two out it feels pretty good, but 3 is like stubbing a toe, they limit how many other creatures you can run. Young Pyromancer might be a valid sideboard card, along with something like Goblin Chainwhirler maybe, if people 'go wide' in your area it's a nice card to switch in.
Have (2) | reikitavi , gildan_bladeborn |
Want (1) | concorde |