Lay of the Land

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lay of the Land


Search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.

IHATENAMES on Pushing Poison

1 year ago


Tear Asunder better removal

Drown in Ichor cool removal idea

Viridian Betrayers is bad outside of draft I think. Could be any infect creature

Lay of the Land is Strictly worse Dig Up or Thirsting Roots

I think there are a few new cool creatures that improve your plan like Bloated Contaminator or other creatures with toxic.

Happy brewing.

aladinnsane on POV: You're God

1 year ago

Could do with some more Mana rocks and ramp, Farseek, Lay of the Land and Rampant Growth are always a good choice for any sort of green deck. Might be worth checking out the likes of Fellwar Stone, Gilded Lotus or some of the talismans like Talisman of Unity. Great looking deck, hope it gets its wins in!

Mechanon on Xenagos' Revenge

3 years ago

Hey there! I would swap out Vorstclaw for something more useful. Reclaim the Wastes might be a better substitute for Lay of the Land and Vastwood Surge for Strength of the Pack . Cultivate is also a nice card. Check out my Zilortha deck Strength Incarnate for more cards that might be useful.

snackelwolf on Forest of Equilibrium

3 years ago

Greetings MapPsycho I've worked on this deck tonight. I'm unsure about keeping the Elephant Grass + Scuttlemutt combination of abilities to protect me from an attacker designated as black. It is fairly situational and those two slots take away from the land gain, large creature theme.

These are the cards I have added thus far:

Dryad Greenseeker Bonders' Enclave Nylea's Intervention Ulvenwald Tracker Thaumatic Compass  Flip Evolution Charm Nissa's Triumph Lay of the Land Primal Might and Spore Frog

The cards I removed tentatively are: Buried Ruin, Blighted Woodland, Consign to Dust, Scattershot Archer, Crystal Chimes and Crashing Drawbridge. this last card I was reluctant to take out -- granting haste is such a fun surprise and option with big monsters entering the battlefield. Regardless, The cards I still am curious to add are: Yavimaya Elder, Traverse the Ulvenwald and Ram Through but I am uncertain what to remove. Should perhaps the above mentioned combo depart from the picture?

Thanks in advance if you have any time to evaluate.

MapPsycho on Forest of Equilibrium

3 years ago

Abundance was a smart choice with Azusa as the commander. You may want more cards that get lands into your hands such as Adventurous Impulse or Thaumatic Compass  Flip. Yavimaya Elder can nab lands to your hand upon leaving the battlefield. Other good land grabbers in green are Caravan Vigil, Lay of the Land, Evolution Charm, Realms Uncharted, and Traverse the Ulvenwald. Also I always recommend Colossal Majesty in mono green for more card draw. Blighted Woodland, Fertilid, Far Wanderings and Veteran Explorer can all nab lands as well. Although instead putting them onto the battlefield, which would at least still trigger your landfall effects.

Overall this build is pretty good! Just bouncing some ideas.

rdean14 on Card creation challenge

4 years ago

Underworld Swamp

Land - Swamp

Underworld Swamp enters the battlefield tapped

, Discard a card from your hand: Return Underworld Swamp from your graveyard to the battlefield.

To me, the greatest downside to Smallpox in my opinion is the sacrificing a land, while the discard can easily be included into the theme of the deck, and these decks tend to not run creatures. Also life loss isn't terribly important. I mean T1 Thoughtseize into T2 Smallpox is a great opening in an 8-Rack deck.

I'd like a better Lay of the Land, like Caravan Vigil, Traverse the Ulvenwald, Attune with Aether, Safewright Quest, etc.

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on Kamahl, Fist of Krosa EDH

4 years ago

I'd probably drop Traverse the Ulvenwald for Nylea's Intervention. Not only is multi-land tutoring great, the flying boardwipe mode is a very nice secondary option. I dropped Traverse ages ago because in an exile-heavy removal meta and graveyard hate, I never have delirium whenever I drew that card, and it was always a Lay of the Land for me. Worldly Tutor is consistent, even if it doesn't have a foil printing.

Streamside on R/W/G Dinosaur EDH

5 years ago

Specific Recommendations:



Ancient Brontodon



Knotvine Mystic

Krosan Drover

Llanowar Elves

Needletooth Raptor

Ravenous Daggertooth

Territorial Hammerskull

Thrash of Raptors

We want to make room for some cards to help you get more dinosaurs onto the battlefield faster, and to interact with your opponents threats and spells. If you increase your card draw, you'll still draw into enough creatures to overwhelm your opponent.


Forerunner of the Empire

This tutors for a dinosaur and can trigger your engrage abilities. Sick combo with Polyraptor.

Colossal Majesty

This is going to serve as persistent card draw for keeping creatures on board, which you aim to do anyway.

Guardian Project and/or Elemental Bond

Both of these cards allow you to draw a card when a creature enters play.

Unbreakable Formation and/or Make a Stand

These can have two uses: the first use is on attack, but it also can be cast to safeguard your board from effects like Wrath of God .

Eerie Interlude

Like above, this protects your creatures from board wipes, but also works against exile and -x/-x effects like Toxic Deluge .

Resurrection and/or Breath of Life and/or Brought Back

Losing an expensive creature feels bad. Bringing it back to the battlefield for less than its casting cost helps take the sting away.


Cut Naturalize , add Krosan Grip

Cut Fires of Yavimaya , add Rhythm of the Wild

Cut Worn Powerstone , add Sol Ring


Adding Board Wipes:

Star of Extinction and Starstorm are flavorful possibilities.

Adding a tutor or two:

Finale of Devastation is flavorful and rewards you for going big on mana.

Upgrading the mana base: I would start by replacing the "gain 1 life" lands with the "scry" lands in Core 2020, which can be had for about $2 each. From there I might look at getting a Krosan Verge and Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip, and gradually upgrading over time.

What else to cut / Replace

I might nix Explore and Lay of the Land , and replace them with Domri, Chaos Bringer or Domri, Anarch of Bolas (which can provide mana and either card draw or removal), or Zacama, Primal Calamity , which you essentially cast for free (or gain mana from, if you're using Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun )), since it untaps your lands if you cast it from your hand.

I hope you find these suggestions helpful. I tried to stay on the lower end of prices on this stuff.


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