Gerrard's Verdict

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gerrard's Verdict


Target player discards two cards. You gain 3 life for each land card discarded this way.

DemonDragonJ on Double Masters 2022 Predictions and …

2 years ago

Render Silent, Gerrard's Verdict, Perplex, and Twisted Justice are some more cards that I would like to see reprinted.

Last_Laugh, Masters sets are only reprints, which I like, but I also hope to see the remaining two "swords of X and Y" at some point, as well, and I also would like to see the Nimbus Maze, Horizon Canopy, and Canopy Vista cycles of dual lands finished, as well.

TheVectornaut on Black and White - please help!

3 years ago

To stay more in black, I would consider some sort of vampire sacrifice, counters, and/or lifedrain strategy. Your black cards that could work well in such a deck would be Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim , Embodiment of Agonies , Kambal, Consul of Allocation , Knight of the Ebon Legion , Mortician Beetle , Souls of the Faultless , Castigate , Disentomb , Gerrard's Verdict , Revival / Revenge , Despark , and Grim Return . Most of the other black cards are at least playable as well. The only two I'd cut in most circumstances are Underworld Dreams and In Garruk's Wake . The former needs more build-around while the latter just costs too much to be a consistent boardwipe.

Cards I'd look at adding for such a build might be Gatekeeper of Malakir , Anowon, the Ruin Sage , Sangromancer , Dictate of Erebos , Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet , Victim of Night , Indulgent Aristocrat , Pawn of Ulamog , Grim Haruspex , Silversmote Ghoul , Yahenni, Undying Partisan , Vampire Nighthawk , Vampire of the Dire Moon , Malakir Cullblade , Blood Artist , Urge to Feed , Feast of Blood , Heliod, Sun-Crowned , Archangel of Thune , Cruel Celebrant , Drana's Emissary , Indulging Patrician , Malakir Bloodwitch , Marauding Blight-Priest , Sanctum Seeker , Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose , and Pious Evangel  Flip.

As a side note, to go infinite with Sanguine Bond , Vizkopa Guildmage , or Vito, the card you need is actually Exquisite Blood which is unfortunately quite expensive.

libraryjoy on Black and White - please help!

3 years ago

For starters, do you want your deck to be Modern legal? If so, then you need to drop Gerrard's Verdict . If you don't care, then change your deck-type to casual. That will help me decide what cards to add. Do you have an idea of what you want your deck to do, or is there a specific card you really love? That will help me know what direction to take the deck.

SynergyBuild on Daveslab2022

4 years ago

Blue is the key interaction color, black is good too, but green is effectively a mandated color. Loam is the best grindy value engine, and effectively says "permanents" instead of lands in this format. On it's own that is op, dredge makes it beyond busted. Scapeshift is a strong wincon too, but manlands, Field of the Dead, and Dark Depths/Thespian Stage all work.

Remember unlike legacy where that's a 1 hit win, in this format it does take two hits. I enjoy Awakening of Vitu-Ghazi, but I enjoy it because it can hit hard on end-steps and just has the haste value. Against Field of Ruin you can toss it on a basic, but putting it on a Lumbering Falls or Raging Ravine, maybe even a Celestial Colonnade, so if you activate them they get really buff.

Secure the Wastes, Sylvan Awakening, Finale of Glory, etc. Can win as well, trust that a lot of decks have numerous wincons they can run, and while when entering the game without creatures it seems hard, its certainly not impossible. The goal is to build around the card advantage of the game.

Life from the Loam is overpowered because of this, and the fact countering it doesn't stop the engine. There aren't a ton of these type of card advantage engines without most permanent types, and that's why the few we have are valuable, and while Ponder, Brainstorm, Preordain give card selection, advantage is hugely in need, so when looking through what you want, here are the following pieces of card advantage:

Hymn to Tourach and Gerrard's Verdict both are cheap ways to grind out value by 2 for 1ing an opponent from cards, it's no engine, but it functions well to disrupt whatever your opponent has going on. Be scared of Misdirection or Divert as they can blowout this style of card advantage, and are highly valuable pieces of "anti-interaction", but even a Veil of Summer can be a seriously bad turn for this card.

Castle Locthwain, Castle Vantress, Castle Ardenvale, Kjeldoran Outpost, Westvale Abbey  Flip, Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree, etc.

Sorry, started writing this I need to follow up later, hope this gives a brief intro!

DemonDragonJ on New commander products

4 years ago

I would like reprints of both Castigate and Gerrard's Verdict , since those cards have been reprinted as promo cards, but not as "regular" cards.

Steeb on Black/White

5 years ago

Yo breh, I looked through what you have and here are some suggestions

Cards to switch out

Leyline of Sanctity for Polluted Bonds

It's pretty rare that you'll be hit with a target player effect at our table, so this won't see much use. Good for a sideboard though in case you're up against a burn or mill deck.

Riot Control for Epicure of Blood

Dawn Charm is enough for a deck with as much protection from attacking as this deck, so you can drop Riot Control. Epicure of Blood is the second half of your instantly kill everyone in the game combo.

Cry of Contrition for Karlov of the Ghost Council

Cry of Contrition doesn't do much since it doesn't target a specific card. Karlov is just one mana cheaper, and with as much life gain as you will be getting, it's basically an endless source of exile effects and can double as a super strong attacker or blocker because it'll be gaining 6+ counters per round at a 3 person table.

Mindcrank for Orzhov Signet or Orzhov Cluestone or Thought Vessel

Mill won't be a win condition for this deck, and by the time you deal enough damage to effectively mill someone, you probably will have already killed them. Also you could use some more mana rocks in this deck in general.

Gerrard's Verdict for Karmic Justice

Angelic Accord for Luminarch Ascension

More reliable than Angelic Accord and can generate as many angels as you can pay for.

Obzedat, Ghost Council for Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts

Obzedat does what 90% of your deck does, only he comes with the drawback of not being able to block if you actually use his ability. Teysa shuts down creature swamp completely and gives you tokens to block with.

Land of your choice for Reliquary Tower

Lands of your choice for Terramorphic Expanse, Evolving Wilds, and Myriad Landscape

These don't seem great at first but it lets you get the lands that you want, while simultaneously reducing your land base and deck size after playing them which raises the probability of drawing the cards you want.


Grey Merchant of Asphodel

Rhox Faithmender

Soul's Attendant

Phyrexian Reclamation

Approach of the Second Sun (because it's an aesthetic win con)

Overwhelming Splendor if you want to be a real cunt

Crypt Ghast

The reason this isn't listed as a necessity is because I'm pretty sure you already are adding it. Seriously tho add it

Crypt Incursion

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite

This straight up just prevents people from playing anything with toughness 2 or less and puts a gap of 4 between the power/toughness of your creatures and theirs, making all of your creatures viable attackers and blockers. Seriously this wins games

Boon Reflection

Sheoldred, the Whispering One

Kaya, Ghost Assassin

Maze of Ith

PsuedoIntellectual on White-Black Life-steal

6 years ago

Some suggestions:1. Cut Gerrard's Verdict for something like Exsanguinate and Debt to the Deathless.

  1. Cut Swift Justice entirely, you have only four creatures. Add Serra Ascendant and Dismember, Go for the Throat, or Path to Exile.

  2. Add a control package to stall the board a bit. Crawlspace, Stony Silence, Rest in Peace, and Ghostly Prison in varying amounts can be helpful here.

  3. Add a finisher, like Blood Baron of Vizkopa, Karlov of the Ghost Council, or Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts.

  4. Remember to change your format.

kdurron on A Tale of Ale

6 years ago

I played BW Deathblade/Ale in legacy for years but when Deathrite Shaman (great with/against Wasteland and against Daze at the time) and Abrupt Decay (Miracles, Delver, etc.) were spoiled I immediately went green and haven't looked back. This allowed for Krosan Grip to make it into the sideboard as well as Maelstrom Pulse if I wanted them.

As far as the Ale/Pox/Deathblade archetype is concerned, one of the best cards to run is, in my opinion, Hymn to Tourach. The deck is good against Blue tempo/control, but the almost always 2 for 1 is rarely bad (opponents Brainstorm to hide the good stuff but what do you do? It's also a consummate Force target, so Liliana, Confidant, etc. have a better chance of resolving (even better with Shaman ;) )

Another card I like in the side is Gerrard's Verdict. One resolution against Burn is gg (if you're concerned about burn) and more 2 for 1s in control matches are always welcome.

Just my 2 cents

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