Hymn to Tourach

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Hymn to Tourach


Target player discards two cards at random.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Mono B control

4 days ago

I do love non-blue control :) I think Dark Ritualfoil would be a good addition, helping you power into your high cmc spells quicker. If you want to attack your opponent's hand Hymn to Tourach and Duress are very strong. No one expects Withering Boon and it can get rid of black creatures. Depending on the kind of creatures you find yourself up against Nekrataal, Crypt Rats, and Pestilence can be very good. Corrupt and Kaervek's Spite are fun finishers late on. Kaervek's Spite may be the most satisfying, all-in way to win in . I'm sure there are better cards out there, but around the kitchen table those are some of my favourites for mono black!

Gidgetimer on Modern Banlist

1 month ago

He was right 4 years ago. Punishing Jund is a Legacy deck and outside of the mana base, three Hymn to Tourach and a single Sylvan Library it is modern legal. At the time of the banning the deck was just too oppressive and consistent to exist in Modern.

DreadKhan on Rushed to die

1 month ago

I find Bonecrusher Giant (and Stomp) play pretty well in a Burn deck, the body is just big enough to be worth casting, and Stomp can remove problematic utility creatures like a Thalia, Guardian of Thraben that are ruining your day; two meh effects add up to one surprisingly playable card in my experience! Another random card that might synergize well with what you've got going on is Tourach, Dread Cantor, this guy loves discard effects, offering you a potentially useful body that scales over time, as is you don't have any payoffs for making opponents discard, just that they have no cards in hand (and if that's what you're looking for you should switch Dash Hopes for the old Hymn to Tourach for a more reliable effect, an early Hymn can single handedly win games, 2 random cards for 2 mana on turn 2 is sadistic.

This is incredibly ironic coming from me, but I feel like you probably have too many 3 mana spells in here, when I was testing I had to mulligan more for your deck specifically because I kept running into hands with too many 3 drops. For example, my 80 card Azorius Legacy deck has only 17 3 drops, and I feel like that might be too many, 19 in a 60 card deck that only has 18 lands is asking for trouble IMHO.

YMMV but I wonder if your plan would work better if you leaned harder into discard or harder into burn instead of mixing them? If you cut your weenies you could throw in Racks/Afflictions, if you trimmed some burn spells you could throw in some Lilianas, and suddenly your mana base only needs Black for a discard list. Similarly you could trim the discard stuff and make it an all Red Burn list, it's doable to win on/before turn 3 with Burn in Legacy, and that can be mono-Red, but you'd need cards like Fireblast to make that happen. You could take a look at Got a One Way Ticket to the Blues, my discard list, or Diesel Driven Burn, my Burn list, for potential ideas if you want to lean into a specific lane. Feel free to ignore my advice if you're happy with your list, you're playing your deck after all!

Blackerhawk on Teenybones steels ur tings >:)

7 months ago

How about a The Rack (but it's only one target), a Skullcage and a Nezumi Shortfang  Flip for added damage based on hand size? And a good old Hymn to Tourach to replace one of the other discard cards.

Azoth2099 on Tergrid Sac Discard Draw help please

1 year ago


Ok, so here's a few top picks (imho) for Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip.

Oppression, Liliana, Waker of the Dead, Rankle, Master of Pranks, Living Death, Delirium Skeins, Innocent Blood, Cunning Lethemancer, Bottomless Pit, Necrogen Mists, Words of Waste, Smokestack, Sword of Feast and Famine & Chains of Mephistopheles (just proxy it lol)

There's also a lot of cheaper options that are just as synergistic like Plaguecrafter, Demon's Disciple, Raven's Crime, Hymn to Tourach, Mind Twist, Mind Shatter, Mind Slash & Sadistic Hypnotist.

Outside of the synergy pieces, I'd recommend replacing some of those low-power pieces like Bad Deal & Inevitable End with value pieces like Dark Ritual & Vampiric Tutor for greater consistency.

RockIV on the book of the dead

1 year ago

hey there darklight90 , thnks for the advice , i appreciate it alot!.

I been watching an testing your deck , its awesome. I remember wondering if the deck would be better with other type of spells like dicard, but i ended up only using reanimate type spells only, to make the deck quicker. I always felt that if i start with a hand with no reanimate chance, it would be a loss. ive seen people using Hymn to Tourach as a defensive sepll. The most optimal woul be using dicard spells that can be used with me or with the oponent, like you do.

Thoughtseize is an awesome card, sadly i dont have it, thats why im using Cabal Therapy. i need to get some copies of it, but is too expensive T_T

Love how the Lotus Petal interact with the deck!.

Collective Brutality its another interesting card, so many uses!

ChocolatePuma on MBC: Classic 8-Rack

1 year ago

Icbrgr The 8-rack I had set up was for Legacy and ran almost no creatures, so having multiple copies of The Rack, Shrieking Affliction and Liliana's Caress on the board ended games QUICK. Ideally, my opening hand would have a couple of Dark Rituals, which would lead into Liliana's Caress, and then a bunch of discard cards, ending in my opponent losing close to half their life total on turn one. Hymn to Tourach is quite demoralizing to your opponent too, I would recommend it.

BotaNickill on 0Rack

1 year ago

Heya Ender. I've always had a special place in my heart for a good Rack Deck. Used to play them back in the day with Hymn to Tourach and Mind Twist. I like the concept of having the Hand disruption and making people suffer for it, lol. I also have a black modern deck that features discard and control with a lot of the same elements as you have here. i.e. Dauthi Voidwalker. I have been thinking lately that I should change it up and your deck has inspired me a bit. I'll toy around with some ideas. I have a few thought. Card draw is always an essential part of the game, so I'd add some Silent Clearings and remove the Concealed Courtyards if I could. Also, Liliana of the Veil, was and still is a bad beatch. I like the sideboard lockdown options along with Karn, that seems like a pretty solid plan. 4 Solitude seems like a bit much, you don't have a whole lot of white cards to exile here to make it free, and you also have the march which sometimes also requires a white card in hand, so maybe lean into some other form of control here, like Anguished Unmaking, Vindicate, Damn, Sheoldred's Edict. 4 Ephemerate seems awkward here too, I'm guessing that is for protecting your creatures from removal? Not sure how necessary that is, but Anyway, just some thoughts. Like I said, I like the build and I'm interested to hear how it works for you! Good Luck!

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