Leyline of Sanctity

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Leyline of Sanctity


If Leyline of Sanctity is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield.

You have hexproof. (You can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)

wallisface on Ways to STOP T0 GRIEF/FURY …

8 months ago

Scam can’t realistically T1 Fury if you’re playing an interactive deck (cause you’ll just kill it before it gets too oppressive).

Leyline of Sanctity is imo a great Grief counter. Leyline of the Void prevents them doing any recursion with either Grief or Fury.

^ but I think outside of those 2 cards, anything you’re doing where the Scam deck is on the play, is likely going to be suboptimal. There are loads of strong options once you have 1-2 mana, and a bunch of decks that just naturally play well against Scam even after being Grief’d/Fury’d. But I think most of the other turn-0 options fall increasingly into the “jank-desperation” bucket.

sergiodelrio on Ways to STOP T0 GRIEF/FURY …

8 months ago

Good day fine people of Tappedout.

Today, without going into a rant because it has all been whispered into the wind 1000 times, I would like to Brainstorm with all of you ways to defend against the aggression in-game, for I believe in an MTG universe where the Johnnies/Jennies can handle any oppressive strategy that chose to infest their meta.

In case your memory is rusted, the SCAM deck uses Grief and Fury alongside multiple Not Dead After All effects for extra value to pick your hand quickly and/or killing your small creatures and PWs but they get to keep their evoked creatures anyway.

What I ask for in this thread are either specific cards and/or combos that can negate their 2for1 lines of play, preferably on our own T0 or T1. Another option could be describing a shell that could have the potential to entirely nullify their strat for one reason or another and does itself need not be reliant on quick execution (T0/T1) by default.

I'll start:

  • The reason I even included T1 and not just T0 is Gemstone Caverns. This card, however inconvenient to work with, opens up 1 mana of any color in case they go first so for example Mana Tithe, Spell Pierce et al could counter their Not Dead After All (and yes, I see how that is absoluely not optimal, we're just putting any idea on the table) or maybe a Stern Scolding can counter at least a Grief.

  • Chancellor of the Annex is like a conditional one-shot leyline Mana Tithe but comes with obvious drawbacks.

  • Leyline of Sanctity prevents them from targeting you alltogether, which is nice, but that card is a really bad topdeck.

  • I guess there are multiple ways to exile their GY with the undying trigger on the stack, but that also just solves half the problem. Leyline of the Void stops the reanimation part.

  • Then there are cards like Loxodon Smiter that just GOTCHA discard strats, but what would the rest of the deck look like? Kinda meh?

  • Disrupting Shoal is pretty interesting imho and has always been a secret weapon of mine. Sure, it is still 2for2 but we're not losing tempo? Hard to judge.


So I'd like to hear your thoughts and ideas on this, please!

If you want, in addition to mentioning cards and shells, it might be interesting to also discuss what the rest of the deck would look like, or a general strat of that deck, since obviously a pile of removal spells and hate cards still need a way to close the game.

DMFF on MBC: "Look Mom, No Hands!"

10 months ago

I sideboard Leyline of Sanctity in my Jeskai Isochron Scepter deck and it will be going into the sideboard of my newest deck I'll be building in paper, Kellan's Delirium-Blade (WOE). It's definitely relevant against Rakdos Scam and burn decks.

Icbrgr on MBC: "Look Mom, No Hands!"

10 months ago

oh that's sick! I always disregarded Funeral Charm thinking it was sorcery speed jank... that certainly makes it a lot more interesting now that I look closer at it (I blame the retro boarder lol)... I am coming around to the idea that if not mainboard I will NEED to have some number/combination of Waste Not/Liliana's Caress in the sideboard to bring in for either the opponents artifact hate or Leyline of Sanctity (does anyone run that anymore?).

Crow_Umbra on Isshin Your Pants

1 year ago

Nice to see another Myriad Isshin list. I think yours is probably the 2nd or 3rd I've seen. Have you had a chance to play the deck irl at all? Also wondering if you have any specific total budget, or budget per card in mind? In looking at your list, I have a few suggestions:

  • Your land and ramp count both seem kinda low. I think you could probably bump up to 35-36 lands, and add a couple more mana rocks like Boros Signet and the others on color, Talisman of Hierarchy and the others in Mardu colors. Yes, I recognize that Sword of the Animist & Bitterthorn can grab you lands, but that's typically not until turn 4 at the earliest.

  • I get that they might be meta-dependent choices, but Leyline of Sanctity & Aegis of the Gods can likely be swapped out for more synergistic effects.

  • I see you already have it in your Maybeboard, but Fervor can likely be swapped in over Hammer of Purphoros, mostly because it's a bit easier to cast and slightly more resistant to removal.

  • If you're looking to make any expensive upgrades, I'd recommend Dolmen Gate and/or Reconnaissance as upgrades over Rune-Tail. If you're not familiar with Reconnaissance, it can give your creatures pseudo-Vigilance, and save them from unfavorable blocks. This article can explain the timing rules in a bit more detail.

  • Corpse Knight could be a helpful addition to round out your suite of ETB damage you already have with Impact Tremors & Witty Roastmaster.

  • Adriana, Captain of the Guard and Professional Face-Breaker can both be gas with your go-wide strategy. I love Professional Face-Breaker in my Isshin deck, as she can be used for either mana acceleration, or impulse draws. Adriana's Melee will stack with Skyhunter Strike Force, & both get doubled by Isshin on top of all that. Gets gross fast.

  • Lastly, I'd say that Plumb the Forbidden, Breena, the Demagogue, Tocasia's Welcome, and Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant can all be gas for drawing in Isshin. I'm currently using all of them, except for Tocasia's Welcome, but have found all to be super helpful. Breena tends to stick around in my meta, and has gotten big enough to finish players off in my last couple games played.

Hope these suggestions are helpful. Best of luck with your deck and piloting it; Isshin is a blast to play.

Darth_Savage on Esper Reanimator

1 year ago

So you need a sideboard, as a starting point something like this:

2x Path of Peril - Small creatures humans/merfolk/prowess

3x Prismatic Ending - Good generic answer

2x Teferi, Time Raveler - Cascade/control

3x Leyline of Sanctity - Discard

3x Stony Silence - Shuts down most artifact grave hate

1x Emrakul, the Aeons Torn - Mill

1x Orvar, the All-Form - Creativity

meinzel on Abzan Blasting Solemnity

1 year ago

Thanks for the insight jdogz32!

I actually even have a version of the deck with Thran Vigil where I replaced Young Wolf with Putrid Goblin to utilize Thran Vigil's effect. However it massively alters the mana-curve from from a 1-drop, two 2-drops and two 3-drops to literally zero 1-drop but four 2-drops. Taking into account the Profane Tutor you have way to many options for turn 2 while completely giving up the chance to do something significant on turn one. With Thran Vigil you eventually even give up on the chance of a natural turn-3-win.

I like the idea to add either Zulaport Cutthroat or Blood Artist at least to the sideboard to circumvent hexproof/shroud. When checking for reasonable or expectable hexproof effects in modern, only Leyline of Sanctity came to mind, which I can get rid of rather easily with maindeck Boseiju, Who Endures or Prismatic Ending. I can ignore Veil of Summer since both win conditions are artifacts.

In the mentioned alternative version I actually considered Kitchen Finks. However it doesn't constitute a win condition in itself and therefore will still falter to e.g. mill or decks with other unconventional win conditions. It might be interesting against burn-type, but even then I rather win the game directly.

wallisface on

1 year ago

jbump75 you’re currently running both so i’m not sure what we’re comparing them against. Both are strong but Sanity can get around Leyline of Sanctity which can otherwise be a big pain for mill decks (i’d rate Maddening Cacophony over Glimpse for this reason).

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