Crypt Incursion

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Crypt Incursion


Exile all creature cards from target player's graveyard. You gain 3 life for each card exiled this way.

TheForsakenOne on K'rrik, Manipulator of Life (Totals)

4 months ago

This deck seems very .... confused. On one hand you have swamp synergies, on the other sacrifice synergies, and then you have weird cards like Elder Brain that don't fit into either. I'd suggest picking one of the two theme's and sticking to it.

Cards I would suggest cutting:

Withercrown (just not a good card)

Crypt Incursion (Too situational, its going to be dead a lot of the time)

Xathrid Gorgon (Too slow)

Visara the Dreadful (Removal magnet + too slow)

Consume Spirit (There are better mana sinks than this)

Corrupt (Needs too many swamps to be worth the mana)

Liliana's Shade (Also just not a good card)

Elder Brain (just a weird card in general and too inconsistent)

Cards I would suggest adding:

Abhorrent Overlord (Makes a buch of creatures for your sacrifice triggers)

Pontiff of Blight, Thrull Parasite, Basilica Screecher (More extort cards that synergize very well with K'rrik)

Exsanguinate (Better mana sink than consume spirit)

Nirkana Revenant (Another mana doubler for swamps)

Vein Ripper (Very good for this kind of deck, but it just came out and is currently pricey so I'd wait to buy this one)

Bitterblossom, Dreadhorde Invasion (make a creature every turn for your sacrifice outlets)

Viscera Seer the classic free sacrifice outlet. Also see Woe Strider

Ayara, First of Locthwain (Free creature with K'rrik out and pings opponents every time a black creature enters which usually happens a lot with sac decks)

jgc10 on Tourach and the Rats

4 months ago

Raven_of_Arella great suggestions, thank you. I really like the Crypt Incursion and Indulgent Tormentor suggestions. Also a big fan of Dash Hopes and should have included it initially now that you mention it but I have found that people usually pay the 5 life. I suppose my win-con is letting my enchantments do the damage while I continue to force discards and then swinging big with Tourach but I don't have a ton of EDH experience so I'm shooting at the hip with what typically works best to seal the deal.

Raven_of_Arella on Tourach and the Rats

4 months ago

This looks like a really cool discard deck! I am curious what your win condition is? It seems like you can pump your commander up pretty quickly so maybe commander damage for the win? I might consider adding a few more land and/or a couple pieces of ramp so you can keep the pressure up and not worry about missing your land drops. If your goal is to win with commander damage Fake Your Own Death and Undying Malice are some cheap cards for keeping him on the battlefield. I would also look at Victimize for some reanimation and Dash Hopes for a last ditch counter attempt. Some cards I think will help you dig into your deck and capitalize off opponent discards are Waste Not and Liliana's Spoils. I might also look at some cards like Invoke Despair, Indulgent Tormentor, and Seizan, Perverter of Truth to keep the pressure on your opponents and add to the ping effect. Lastly I would recommend Crypt Incursion for some massive life gain and as a piece of graveyard hate. All of these cards should be in that <$2 category. Happy building and playing!

wallisface on Mill deck

9 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • mill decks never want to run any creatures other than Hedron Crab and Ruin Crab. All these other creatures you’re running do nothing to help you mill, and end up being anti-synergies in your deck (you’re unlikely to win through combat damage, and by having these cards you’re just ruining your chances to win by milling either).

  • some of your mill cards are super sub-optimal. For instance Tome Scour is the equivalent of running Shock in a burn deck - both cards too to little to get the job done and just end up leaving you empty-handed while your opponent is still alive. Same goes for Mind Funeral… it does too little for its investment. Better options include Fractured Sanity, Maddening Cacophony, and Tasha's Hideous Laughter.

  • You currently have no form of interaction, which means you’re just going to get stomped on… even the fastest mill decks can’t outpace typical aggro/combo decks, and need to buy themselves time. I would expect to see cards like Fatal Push, Extirpate/Surgical Extraction, Drown in the Loch, and Crypt Incursion here.

wallisface on Grinding like a pepper mill

10 months ago

Cool, for a pure mill $50 list I'd be doing something like this (all prices from Card Kingdom):

Comes to $49.95 total.

Hunson_Abadeer on Dude, Where's My Deck?

1 year ago

Love mill decks baby boy, not sure your budget on this but I’ve got some suggestions!

Oboro, Palace in the Clouds is great for the crab. Ruin Crab is another crab. Jaces phantasm is great and I’ve actually won a hand full of games with it but overall I think it should be a sideboard card. Scheming Symmetry is a great trigger for the trap. Prismatic Vista is just another trigger for the crabs. Darkness and Crypt Incursion are a must have against aggro decks.

I’ve got plenty more suggestions, I love mill and I love you. Sleep tight bb boi <3

wallisface on Mono Blue Modern MILL

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • even if you’re just playing mono-blue, you’re still going to want to be running at least 8 fetchlands to make the most of the crabs.

  • in addition to the fetchlands, the main reason to play Field of Ruin is to play Archive Trap, and i’d heavily suggest playing playsets of both.

  • imo Merfolk Secretkeeper isn’t worth it. Milling 4 cards is the same as a burn deck having a spell that deals ~1.6 damage. It’s just not helpful enough to be worthwhile.

  • I would also say that Fraying Sanity isn’t worth it - and you should restrict the number of copies you run to 1x at the most. The problem is that it often does nothing on the turn you play it, and drawing additional copies are always useless. By the time you can cast it your opponent should be down to a fairly small library anyway, so it almost never does more work than a single mill spell would have anyway. Imo it’s more of a liability than anything.

  • Visions of Beyond > Thought Scour

  • i’m super skeptical of Founding the Third Path here.

  • Its worth noting that by not playing black you’re missing out on any kind of survivability. That’s an issue because there are dexks faster than mill which you won’t be able to race. Cards like Fatal Push, Drown in the Loch, and Crypt Incursion buy you a LOT of needed time.

jbump75 on

1 year ago

wallisface I tested the Maddening Cacophony; I LOVE IT! Not requiring the black mana cost like Glimpse the Unthinkable helps and it works almost as well, plus the added kicker (not that you get to use it much but it's an added benefit). I increased the lands to 22 by adding a few Misty Rainforest and took out the Shipwreck Marsh. I decreased Surgical Extraction to 3 copies (I may consider going back to 4 and removing a Baleful Mastery (could even replace this with Damnation). I'm still not loving Tasha's Hideous Laughter. I know it's a good card, but between THL and Fractured Sanity, I like Fractured Sanity. I know most people run at least one Crypt Incursion but I feel like in the people I've been playing against I would rather have the extra creature/planeswalker removal of Baleful Mastery. For now, I think this is how the deck is going to look. Thanks for all your help!

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