Ashling's Prerogative

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ashling's Prerogative


As Ashling's Prerogative enters the battlefield, choose odd or even. (Zero is even.)

Each creature with converted mana cost of the chosen value has haste.

Each creature without converted mana cost of the chosen value enters the battlefield tapped.

RinceRaven on krenko

2 years ago

Alright alright so I got asked to give a bunch of suggestions so here we go. Hoo boy. Gonna try to keep most suggestions low on budget but will include the best slightly expensive cards. Should also mention I got a lot of things I know from this primer, cheers.

First the draw pieces you missed: Rundvelt Hordemaster, Dark-Dweller Oracle, Skullclamp, Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner, Reforge the Soul, Conspicuous Snoop, You Find Some Prisoners. The only actual good ones you got in this draft are Idol of Oblivion and Wheel of Misfortune imo, though most are servicable.

Tutors: these beauties can find your best wincons or draw pieces or whatever else you might need most of the time. Goblin Engineer, Goblin Matron, Goblin Recruiter. And are surprisingly affordable.

Next up ramp: Mana doublers are too slow for a deck as fast as Krenko, and you don't have the card draw to support such cards in mono-red. Not really. Also with the 4 mana commander having 2 mana ramp becomes much, much more valued. Cheering Fanatic, Liquimetal Torque, Generator Servant, Wily Goblin, Infernal Plunge, Fire Diamond (Yes I know, I think it's fine here).

Haste: Giving Krenko (and his tokens) haste literally puts you a turn ahead over not having it. Crashing Drawbridge, Ashling's Prerogative (Even gives tokens haste too), Generator Servant (multipurpose? Whoa), Goblin Chieftain, Goblin Motivator, Lightning Greaves, Mass Hysteria, Thousand-Year Elixir (tad pricey but repeatable Krenko seems good) Bloodlust Inciter.

Wincons: gotta end the game somehow. Combo's are good: Breath of Fury, Staff of Domination, Thornbite Staff, Umbral Mantle are the best combo lines for Krenko afaik. If not/next to combo, we have good old damage: Coat of Arms, Eldrazi Monument, Impact Tremors, Obelisk of Urd, Skirk Fire Marshal, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Shared Animosity, Devilish Valet, Quest for the Goblin Lord, Throne of the God-Pharaoh.

If we let our opponents do whatever they want we'll have trouble winning, even with our speed. Luckily red has quite some options. Don't forget Liquimetal Torque can turn things into artifacts so we can shoot them easier. Abrade, Chaos Warp, Gempalm Incinerator (great removal spell, terrible creature), Goblin Assassin (wipes the floor with creature decks), Goblin Bombardment, Goblin Cratermaker, Goblin Sharpshooter, Goblin Trashmaster, Goblin Welder (hits opponents too), Mogg Salvage, Pashalik Mons, Skirk Fire Marshal (your board survives this with Coat of Arms or Eldrazi Monument), Furystoke Giant, Shattering Spree, better than Vandalblast, Wild Magic Surge.

Best Utility Lands: Great Furnace, Buried Ruin, Path of Ancestry, Castle Embereth.

I'm tired and my brain is dying so here's a dump of things I forgot or for didn't have a place to mentioned yet :)

Heirloom Blade, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Blood Moon, Brash Taunter, Impulsive Pilferer, Jeska's Will, Goblin Chirurgeon, Goblin Sledder, Mogg Raider, Pyroblast, Red Elemental Blast, Tibalt's Trickery, Mogg War Marshal, Legion Loyalist, Legion Warboss, Brash Taunter, Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip, Hobgoblin Bandit Lord, Muxus, Goblin Grandee (idk at what math this is good I'm sure someone did it already somewhere on the internet), Siege-Gang Commander, Zo-Zu the Punisher, Goblin Ringleader, Goblin Piledriver, Arms Dealer, Grotag Night-Runner, Goblin King (get 5th or 6th edition art btw).

Good luck on figuring things out. I'm off to bed

IHATENAMES on Saprolings of the Steel Legion

2 years ago

Few ideas some janky. Some decent.

Rumor Gatherer card selection/draw

Beast Whisperer card draw

Ashling's Prerogative very good with Tanya and token.

Betrothed of Fire buff tanya

Scale Up over run type effect that can be used early.

Cathars' Crusade buff your board on etb.

Good-Fortune Unicorn simular to crusade a bad one. But on a creature.

Basri's Lieutenant makes tokens for rebuild after boardwipe . Also combos with cathar crusade and a sac outlet.

Grand Crescendo protection token maker.

Sublime Archangel a better version of the enchament. Angelic Exaltation Because it's on a creature

Juniper Order Ranger buff itself and etb creatures to include tokens.

Basri Ket launch the fleet effect. With protection for a commander to get in.

Second Harvest token doubler.

I would also suggest at least one Xtra combat spellResponse / Resurgenceperhaps?

Without an eldrazi to tutor I'm not a fan of the From Beyond

I'd definitely put in more ramp. A Sakura-Tribe Elder 2 each Signet or talismans. You have some fun but perhaps clunky at times cards like Tilonalli's Summoner that's wants to be an early drop but doesn't provide much before you have a boardstate. I tried it before but eventually I cut her. Mycoloth as well. Sac your board to double it in 2 turns if it survives. Seems alot to ask. Too glass cannon like.

TheOneKiko1337 on [cEDH] Krenko, Mob Boss [[PRIMER]]

2 years ago

Hey EvilG, the Prismatic Vista is another reshuffle and deck thinning effect. It's not necessity of course to use the fetches. By the way I just updated the list adding Karn, and some more removal and protection pieces.

Hey Profet93, Ashling's Prerogative got removed in my newest version of my list due to the creature/stax heavy meta right now. I felt that it gives my opponents to much. I swapped it for Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei and added several other cards for protection/interaction

SteelSentry on Weakest Mono Color

3 years ago

TypicalTimmy the win was, as far as I remember, I wheeled into Seize the Day, Flame Rift, Ashling's Prerogative, and I had previously looted away Recoup. Casted commander, Prerogative on 'odd', and then rifted. After combat, casted the extra combat, used the flashback on the wheel, and managed to get enough mana with big beaters and extra combats to dig for an X burn spell for lethal.

TheOneKiko1337 on [cEDH] Krenko, Mob Boss [[PRIMER]]

3 years ago

ganchy Thank you! I really like Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei I saw the card when it was spoilered and thought this must fit. It's a goblin so we are able to tutor it without using Gamble Maybe I'm going to remove Ashling's Prerogative or Mass Hysteria despite both are being cheaper in casting.

Last_Laugh on Narset Combo

3 years ago

Since you aren't running a single creature, Proteus Staff will quite literally let you stack your entire deck in the order you choose.

Replace Fervor with Need for Speed and/or Mass Hysteria. Ashling's Prerogative is another option (I ran all 3 and Hall of the Bandit Lord)

Aqueous Form/Spirit Mantle are great to make Narset evasive and in the case of Aqueous, lets you dig 5 deep with Narset.

Long-Term Plans, Mystical Tutor, Scroll Rack, and Brainstorm are all worth it for the ability to manipulate your topdeck for Narset.

I'd also suggest replacing Thran Dynamo, Gilded Lotus, and Chromatic Lantern. A good rule of thumb in Narset is 2 drop or less mana rocks (3 drop is ok if it adds more than 1 mana like Basalt Monolith, Coalition Relic, or Worn Powerstone). I'd personally recommend Talisman of Creativity, Talisman of Conviction, and Talisman of Progress.

Feel free to check out my list for inspiration. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Narset, American Beauty

Niko9 on NaRsEt TuRnTaKeR

3 years ago

Narset always has a soft spot in my heart. There are a lot of fighty things in mtg, but there are few martial artists, and she's the best one by far. And the deck looks good, really really good. The only things that come to mind are:

Cavern of Souls Grand Abolisher or similar "don't counter my stuff" effects. You have silence and a lot of counters, which is great, but I don't know if you can have too many of these effects. Everyone knows that you want to cast Narset and usually the best way to deal with her is before she resolves.

Ways to give Narset haste Hall of the Bandit Lord or even something like Crimson Wisps or Mass Hysteria Ashling's Prerogativemight be good just to get Narset in there in one turn.

And this is just me, but I'd probably throw in a few haymakers like Eldrazi Conscription just in case the turns plan fizzles. Two attacks with eldrazi narset knocks a player out, and it can shorten up the amount of turns (and chances to wiff) that it takes. Plus the buff can help with blocks if you don't have another way to get her around defenders.

Oh, one thing, but does Clone and Clone Legion copy Narset or do they go to the legendary rule? Helm of the Host would work, but I'm not sure about clones. I could be wrong on that.

Also there is a lot of card draw here, and I'm not sure if that's the best for Narset. If you want to hit a lot of your big spells off the top then drawing them might not be as effective. I'm sure you have a better handle on this than I do. Just something I was thinking when looking at the deck that it might be better to push ramp and push turns/attacks spells rather than draw. If it works good though, then awesome :)

Last_Laugh on CEDH Narset

3 years ago

Nicely built but I do have a few suggestions.

Ramp: Pentad Prism is the only 2 drop rock that'll net +2 different colored mana (albeit once). Copy Artifact doubles as any mana rock (or Strionic Resonator #2).

Haste Enablers: Need for Speed, and/or Ashling's Prerogative (especially since all your creatures are even cmc) deserve a spot over Fervor.

Topdeck Manipulation: Brainstorm (had to do a double take... how is this not already in the deck?) and Ancestral Knowledge (before Narset it finds mana rocks and after Narset it sets up absurd turns).

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Narset, American Beauty

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