Juniper Order Ranger

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Juniper Order Ranger

Creature — Human Knight

Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature and a +1/+1 counter on this creature.

DemonDragonJ on Kalonian Hydra or Bristly Bill?

3 months ago

FormOverFunction, I am very fond of Juniper Order Ranger, for the exact reason that you gave.

RiotRunner789, in that case, I may simply keep the hydra, as I agree that it is very powerful, but, perhaps I should wait for several more responses, before I make my final decision.

FormOverFunction on Kalonian Hydra or Bristly Bill?

3 months ago

Possibly replace Juniper Order Ranger instead..? I know that gets the proliferate-ball rolling on creatures... but a lot of them already come in with at least one counter...

IHATENAMES on Saprolings of the Steel Legion

1 year ago

Few ideas some janky. Some decent.

Rumor Gatherer card selection/draw

Beast Whisperer card draw

Ashling's Prerogative very good with Tanya and token.

Betrothed of Fire buff tanya

Scale Up over run type effect that can be used early.

Cathars' Crusade buff your board on etb.

Good-Fortune Unicorn simular to crusade a bad one. But on a creature.

Basri's Lieutenant makes tokens for rebuild after boardwipe . Also combos with cathar crusade and a sac outlet.

Grand Crescendo protection token maker.

Sublime Archangel a better version of the enchament. Angelic Exaltation Because it's on a creature

Juniper Order Ranger buff itself and etb creatures to include tokens.

Basri Ket launch the fleet effect. With protection for a commander to get in.

Second Harvest token doubler.

I would also suggest at least one Xtra combat spellResponse / Resurgenceperhaps?

Without an eldrazi to tutor I'm not a fan of the From Beyond

I'd definitely put in more ramp. A Sakura-Tribe Elder 2 each Signet or talismans. You have some fun but perhaps clunky at times cards like Tilonalli's Summoner that's wants to be an early drop but doesn't provide much before you have a boardstate. I tried it before but eventually I cut her. Mycoloth as well. Sac your board to double it in 2 turns if it survives. Seems alot to ask. Too glass cannon like.

Abres_Tenelles on Tinmonkey

2 years ago

Noice! Herd Baloth & Scurry Oak fit perfectly with Ivy Lane Denizen & Juniper Order Ranger and shouldn't cost too much. ^_^

AstroAA on Lae'Zel Master Chef +1/+1 counters

2 years ago

Adding in because it dawned on me after the fact: If you wanted to further trim your CMC, replace Juniper Order Ranger with Good-Fortune Unicorn. Not as good as Juniper Order Ranger as it doesn't place a +1/+1 counter on itself, but it does still place a counter on the ETB'ing creature for two less mana.

Managorger Hydra and Knight of Autumn are both really strong. Avenger of Zendikar can get ridiculous really quickly. You should also look at including more spot removal, like Nature's Claim, Beast Within, and Generous Gift. Tutors like Chord of Calling, Worldly Tutor, Eladamri's Call, and Green Sun's Zenith can help add in redundancy.

Also, I'd advise replacing the taplands (lands that ETB tapped) in your landbase. These slow you down a lot. Things like Brushland, Bountiful Promenade, City of Brass, Mana Confluence, and maybe even sometimes Razorverge Thicket can be helpful. Also, fetches like Windswept Heath, Arid Mesa, Misty Rainforest, and Prismatic Vista can also speed you up tremendously because they filter lands from your deck, meaning you're more likely to draw a card that you can play instead of a land - albeit playing fetches like the ones I've listed can get rather expensive $$$ wise very quickly.

flytyer97 on Big Mana Dryads

2 years ago

Might I recommend the following cards? Hamza, Guardian of Arashin, Mindless Automaton, Juniper Order Ranger, Iridescent Hornbeetle, Ridgescale Tusker, and Fertilid. Here are some cheaper rares that would make good additions if you desire! Felidar Retreat, Cathars' Crusade, and Gyre Sage

5OhmResistor on Persist Combos: Do +1/+1 counters …

3 years ago

Hey guys,

I am a new MTG player (been playing for ~5 months) and I need help understanding a concept about Persist. I've been working on my Ghave, Guru of Spores deck. It seems like one of the most prevalent and game winning combos are persist combinations. From my understanding, all you need is a sac outlet, something that gives ETB +1/+1 counters, and a persist creature. Thus, from my logic, something like Viscera Seer , Juniper Order Ranger , and Kitchen Finks could give me infinite life, infinite counters, and infinite scry.

With this being said, my pod/group tells me that an equal amount of +1/+1 counters and -1/-1 counters do not negate each other in terms of status effect. In order words, they DO cancel each other out in terms of power and toughness of a creature but they DO NOT cancel in terms of status effect. Meaning once a creature receives a -1/-1 counter, regardless of whether this counter is mathematically nullified by a +1/+1 counter, the status/presence of the -1/-1 counter is still there, meaning that Kitchen Finks would not be able to come back to the battlefield due to the -1/-1 counter regardless of how many +1/+1 counters it has. Think of the -1/-1 counter as like a label on a creature. I can clarify on this a little more if you guys like and also ask my friends more about their rationale.

Overall, I have never thought about this reasoning until I played with my friends yesterday. Half of my combo lines involve Persist and the idea that -1/-1 counters cannot be nullified if an equal amount of +1/+1 counters are given handicaps my deck from a competitive point of view. Thus, I need you guys to help me settle the debate; am I wrong on this? If not, how do I convince my group?

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