Goblin Assassin

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goblin Assassin

Creature — Goblin Assassin

Whenever Goblin Assassin or another Goblin enters the battlefield, each player flips a coin. Each player whose coin comes up tails sacrifices a creature.

mtgApprentice21 on https://www.madhouse.dek/troll

1 year ago

Sigh... Sumradagnoth, you were right. Squee and Goblin Assassin are actually kind of amusing. I didn't see it right away 'cause I'm just dumb like that, I guess? I also put in two basic lands and took out Scrambleverse and Thieves' Auction. The former was a headache that couldn't be resolved in less than 30 minutes (trust me, I've tried) and the latter was just a 15 minute minigame that does essentially nothing for the most part. I kept Warp World in the list, though.

RinceRaven on krenko

1 year ago

Alright alright so I got asked to give a bunch of suggestions so here we go. Hoo boy. Gonna try to keep most suggestions low on budget but will include the best slightly expensive cards. Should also mention I got a lot of things I know from this primer, cheers. https://deckstats.net/decks/82803/752805-competitive-krenko/en

First the draw pieces you missed: Rundvelt Hordemaster, Dark-Dweller Oracle, Skullclamp, Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner, Reforge the Soul, Conspicuous Snoop, You Find Some Prisoners. The only actual good ones you got in this draft are Idol of Oblivion and Wheel of Misfortune imo, though most are servicable.

Tutors: these beauties can find your best wincons or draw pieces or whatever else you might need most of the time. Goblin Engineer, Goblin Matron, Goblin Recruiter. And are surprisingly affordable.

Next up ramp: Mana doublers are too slow for a deck as fast as Krenko, and you don't have the card draw to support such cards in mono-red. Not really. Also with the 4 mana commander having 2 mana ramp becomes much, much more valued. Cheering Fanatic, Liquimetal Torque, Generator Servant, Wily Goblin, Infernal Plunge, Fire Diamond (Yes I know, I think it's fine here).

Haste: Giving Krenko (and his tokens) haste literally puts you a turn ahead over not having it. Crashing Drawbridge, Ashling's Prerogative (Even gives tokens haste too), Generator Servant (multipurpose? Whoa), Goblin Chieftain, Goblin Motivator, Lightning Greaves, Mass Hysteria, Thousand-Year Elixir (tad pricey but repeatable Krenko seems good) Bloodlust Inciter.

Wincons: gotta end the game somehow. Combo's are good: Breath of Fury, Staff of Domination, Thornbite Staff, Umbral Mantle are the best combo lines for Krenko afaik. If not/next to combo, we have good old damage: Coat of Arms, Eldrazi Monument, Impact Tremors, Obelisk of Urd, Skirk Fire Marshal, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Shared Animosity, Devilish Valet, Quest for the Goblin Lord, Throne of the God-Pharaoh.

If we let our opponents do whatever they want we'll have trouble winning, even with our speed. Luckily red has quite some options. Don't forget Liquimetal Torque can turn things into artifacts so we can shoot them easier. Abrade, Chaos Warp, Gempalm Incinerator (great removal spell, terrible creature), Goblin Assassin (wipes the floor with creature decks), Goblin Bombardment, Goblin Cratermaker, Goblin Sharpshooter, Goblin Trashmaster, Goblin Welder (hits opponents too), Mogg Salvage, Pashalik Mons, Skirk Fire Marshal (your board survives this with Coat of Arms or Eldrazi Monument), Furystoke Giant, Shattering Spree, better than Vandalblast, Wild Magic Surge.

Best Utility Lands: Great Furnace, Buried Ruin, Path of Ancestry, Castle Embereth.

I'm tired and my brain is dying so here's a dump of things I forgot or for didn't have a place to mentioned yet :)

Heirloom Blade, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Blood Moon, Brash Taunter, Impulsive Pilferer, Jeska's Will, Goblin Chirurgeon, Goblin Sledder, Mogg Raider, Pyroblast, Red Elemental Blast, Tibalt's Trickery, Mogg War Marshal, Legion Loyalist, Legion Warboss, Brash Taunter, Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip, Hobgoblin Bandit Lord, Muxus, Goblin Grandee (idk at what math this is good I'm sure someone did it already somewhere on the internet), Siege-Gang Commander, Zo-Zu the Punisher, Goblin Ringleader, Goblin Piledriver, Arms Dealer, Grotag Night-Runner, Goblin King (get 5th or 6th edition art btw).

Good luck on figuring things out. I'm off to bed

metalflame on Krenko, This Is Just a Tribute

2 years ago

Goblin Assassin is great, and a staple in krenko

NTakamura on Sacrifice card effect in red …

2 years ago

I am fine tuning my Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge deck to be a sacrifice deck where I sacrifice my own creatures to get treasures. I also have some sweeping burn spell to get more creatures like Fault Line and Breath of Darigaaz. So then it got me thinking are there cards in red or colorless that makes other player sacrifice creature/ Permanents? Some example I have so far are Goblin Assassin and Crack the Earth. If want to see the decklist to better see what I have going on here is the list.

Greedy Dragon

BrassLord on Basic Goblin Deck

3 years ago

Hail, Goblin Brother! Krenko is a great introduction to playing commander goblins!

With Krenko, haste enablers are at a premium so you can start churning out gobbos as fast as possible, so things like Crystal Slipper , Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded Lightning Greaves Goblin Motivator Torch Courier Goblin Chieftain Goblin Warchief Hellraiser Goblin are all decent ways to get the goblin train rolling!

Not sure how you feel about infinite combos, but Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker , Goblin Recruiter , and Conspicuous Snoop gives you infinite hasty tapped goblins that you can convert to infinite mana with Skirk Prospector or infinite damage with Mogg Fanatic . Moreover, your commander goes infinite with Thornbite Staff and either Goblin Sharpshooter or Ashnod's Altar .

Once your deck gets going, Goblin Assassin is a great way to keep your opponents creature count low

Goblin Chirurgeon has a weird name and is also useful in keeping Krenko around.

Over everything, I'd recommend Skullclamp . Mono red is notoriously known for it's difficulties in generating card draw. With the clamp, you're able to turn your board into pay one draw 2s. Bonkers value!

Nutmeg23 on [cEDH] Krenko Combo [[Primer]]

3 years ago

I am trying to build my own version of this how de you feel about these in the deck:

Conspicuous Snoop, Muxus, Goblin Grandee, Goblin Assassin, Warren Instigator, and Goblin Lackey

ClockworkSwordfish on Mono Red / Goblin / EDH Commander

3 years ago

I'll assume the two goblin motivators are a typo!

Some other critters I've found to be useful in a Krenko deck include Arms Dealer, Gempalm Incinerator, Goblin Cratermaker and Goblin Assassin as removal - you never know when you'll need to take out some enemy creature with an ability you just can't ignore!

It would also probably be worthwhile to swap out a Mountain for a Goblin Burrows... you never know when that boost could help a token trade with a larger creature or finish an opponent off!

Sumradagnoth on https://www.madhouse.dek/troll

4 years ago

mtgApprentice21 I LOVE this, and I may retire my Jodah chaos deck and build this one.

Couple of comments... Have you seen Goblin Bomb?
Goblin Assassin has good synergy with Squee.
Is boilerworks necessary? - Maybe sub for a fetch land?
Also a fan of Wildfire Devils

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